Those classic NES series games are always marked high when I see them, so any time I see them $5 or less I grab them. Place wanted $25 for fucking Super Mario. Crazy shit.
That's ridiculous. I wouldn't doubt it at all, because I went to a retro game store (that also sells electronics & e-cigs) and the guy was saying that the Super Game Boy was $100.Those classic NES series games are always marked high when I see them, so any time I see them $5 or less I grab them. Place wanted $25 for fucking Super Mario. Crazy shit.
Really happy to get Rockman 1-5 out of the way. For some reason I was expecting Pocket Bomberman to actually be a Bomberman game, but that's what Wario Blast is for, I guess--supposedly that has multitap support on SGB which I'll probably test out at some point.
Today's pickups:
Nothing major, but a good handful again. No idea what the two OG Game Boy games are, but they had cool labels and were $2 each. Place I went to had the most GBA games I've ever seen, got pretty excited. But, there wasn't that much good stuff in there.
That's ridiculous. I wouldn't doubt it at all, because I went to a retro game store (that also sells electronics & e-cigs) and the guy was saying that the Super Game Boy was $100.
It went for $10-15 at the time.
Hey, any chance that you would you be interested in trading me that Shining Soul for a copy of Advance Wars?
I have always wanted a copy.
It helps to have a phone with data at times like this.I forgot to mention, the place also had a Metroid that looked like this:
I assumed it was fake as I'd never seen a label that looks like that. I told the guy that and he took it out of the case and put it aside, but he wouldn't let me open it to be sure without paying him for it first. Fuck that.
I forgot to mention, the place also had a Metroid that looked like this:
I assumed it was fake as I'd never seen a label that looks like that. I told the guy that and he took it out of the case and put it aside, but he wouldn't let me open it to be sure without paying him for it first. Fuck that.
I forgot to mention, the place also had a Metroid that looked like this:
I assumed it was fake as I'd never seen a label that looks like that. I told the guy that and he took it out of the case and put it aside, but he wouldn't let me open it to be sure without paying him for it first. Fuck that.
Okay here goes!
Where did you get your fake VI?
I want one for giggles
Do the majority of GBA carts use battery saves? I read a decent amount of later titles started using flash/EEPROM. I'm particularly interested in this regarding Yoshi's Island Advance (because of my hard earned perfect file) and SMB 3 (saved eReader levels). Also, is there a list somewhere that breaks down which carts have batteries and which used EEPROM?
The first game is entirely new. The third game is mostly new, and is worth getting. The second... its story is just a straight copy of the SNES game, and the levels are based on the SNES levels, too. They have made changes, but it probably is the least interesting of the three as a result. They're okay games, but not quite as good as the SNES originals... still, decent platformers for sure.Is there any reason to get the Donkey Kong Land games if you already have all the Country games? How much of the Land games is recycled content?
So the gameboy everdrive won't actually fit in a gameboy case.
What the fuck
Do you mean in an original GB case? I guess that's why everyone is putting them in the GBC shells?
If so, pretty lame.
^ahaha @ that shamelessly fake VI
Peagles/anyone else with an EZ Flash IV, help me out here!
so i'm using this guide, right? and i got my 2GB mini SD card so i should be golden, but...i format said card in FAT32, i dump the ezfla_up.bin file onto the root dir, toss it into the IV & boot that up holding R and...nothing, it just goes into the OS like there's nothing there. i tried on my GBA & gunsmithx's, so of course i can't play my patched files until this is done. any ideas what i'm doing wrong here?
I'm so jealous, where do you guys find all those awesome games?
well...i tried the one at that link that says it's official, then i tried one for another skin (god, that vader one has to go...). i guess ill look around tomorrow & try others and hope for the best, really lost here.
So the gameboy everdrive won't actually fit in a gameboy case.
What the fuck
While I've always had (what I figured at the time) was a decent GBA collection, once Gamestop was getting ready to phase out GBA I made an effort to scour all of the local ones by checking out their inventory online then running by the physical store to pick the game up. Most every game I bought was in the 5 dollar or less range (save for ones like FF's) and I managed to pick up quite a few good games without spending much cash.
Haven't really looked around since then as there are still a nice handful of games I still want but I imagine I'm going to have a much harder time now finding such nice deals as that.
My GB/GBC/GBA collection was filled out through Craigslist. I actually had no trouble finding games on there. I am struggling with Game Cube games though.
Game Cube games are a fucking scarcity. I find way more NES/SNES/N64 stuff than I do GC.
Everdrive GB arrived today. I put the board in a Kitsch-Bent cart shell, and cut out a slot for the Micro SD card.
Worked on a DMG but not on the KongFeng GB Boy Colour unfortunately. Haven't tried it yet on the GBA SP clone I have.
My Snes/N64/GB/PS2 collections are essentially complete. Just need Game Cube at this point.
zelda wink waker
blitz 2003
madden 2005
ghost recon
dark summit
top gun sealed
street hoops
metroid prime
mickey mouse
baten kaitos
a series of unfortunate events
dragon ball z
carmen sandiego
skies of arcadia
beach bandits
resident evil
tales of symphonia
lord of the rings
Nothing I want I guess, I just think Wink Waker is hilarious.
Just saw this on my local Craiglist, Grief:
Nothing I want I guess, I just think Wink Waker is hilarious. Can someone do a mockup with Link winking on the cover?
ETA: of course, if there is something you want on here, I can try to see what I can do!
Well I would want
Wink Waker
Metroid Prime
Resident Evil
Skies of Arkadia
I would be interested in Baiten Kaitos and Tales of Symphonia as well.
That is a legit Craigslist find, don't go out of your way too much though.
I'm really hoping Sega releases Skies of Arkadia HD on PC/current gen someday here.
Well I would want
Wink Waker
Metroid Prime
Resident Evil
Skies of Arkadia
I would be interested in Baiten Kaitos and Tales of Symphonia as well.
That is a legit Craigslist find, don't go out of your way too much though.
I'm really hoping Sega releases Skies of Arkadia HD on PC/current gen someday here.
Can you post more pics of this in action? What do you think about it?
however, B is confirm and A is cancel.
Do you mean in an original GB case? I guess that's why everyone is putting them in the GBC shells?
If so, pretty lame.
So what's the difference between GB & GBC cartridges? They appear to be the same thickness/size to me.
I don't have any to look at right now to see the difference until I get home.
The "GAMEBOY" part on a GB cart is concave, on a translucent GBC cart it's convex. The Everdrive GB has a small battery which needs that bit of extra space. You could scrap some plastic away from the inside of a GB cart to get it to fit though, but that's not an elegant solution.
Mind you, those translucent GBC carts are for GBC-only games and don't have a notch to allow it to be played on a GB/GB Pocket machine! Kitsch-Bent carts and perhaps other after-market GBC carts do have a notch.
It's an Everdrive alright. Easy to put stuff on; menu is responsive - however, B is confirm and A is cancel.
Selecting a ROM makes it write it somewhere on the cart, and it reboots the system to launch the selected game.
Whenever you're in the menu, pressing Start will immediately launch the previously selected game, saving the user some time.
I haven't tried this personally though you definitely get the GBA enhanced stuff on Shantae and the Oracle games.Since it reboots, does that mean you get the proper GBC enhanced palettes when playing bw GB games?
So the kitsch bent carts do have the notch? I'm gonna be pissed if I spent $7 on a cart only to not be able to play them on my modded dmgs.
Strangely Kirby's Tilt and Tumble has the DMG compatible notch, but it's a Game Boy Color-only game. Was the shell mold also used for another game before it?
Perfect Dark is the same, but it's also GBC-only, I'm assuming it's also the same shell, maybe there's another game before that which was cross-compatible.
No, most use flash memory... but I'm not sure if there actually is a complete list of which, exactly, do. The problem is, lists of such things are usually made via emulation, but FeRAM and SRAM look identical to an emulator, so you can't just make a list of battery-backup (SRAM) games based on that, since FeRAM is a batteryless save type.
It is true that earlier games are much more likely to use batteries than later ones, though.]
PD is like that because the rumble-cart shell is the same for dual-mode and GBC-only games. GB/GBC (black cart) dualmode rumble games like Pokemon Pinball use the same shell form as PD, just with different plastic. So it has a notch.
For Kirby Tilt n Tumble, though, yeah, that is a very odd one. As far as I know, Tilt n Tumble is the only game which uses that cart form, with the special shape for its motion sensor. It's also the only GB or GBC game I know of which uses an EEPROM chip for saving, instead of the usual battery-backed memory. So, why the notch? Who knows... maybe at some point they were thinking of a tilt game with GB compatibility, but it didn't happen and they already had the form down by then?