Just picked up Battletoads for the Game Boy from a local flea market this weekend. Never played this version before, surprised by how close it was.
Somehow I beat this game as a kid.
Just picked up Battletoads for the Game Boy from a local flea market this weekend. Never played this version before, surprised by how close it was.
I recently played through Topsy-Turvy (USican here). It was... not great. It had some neat ideas, but the level design and Yoshi's controls/abilities were weak. And I'm pretty sure one level was straight up broken.
I finally collected my Megaman GB and GBC collection. I'll post pics once I get home.
So, guys... I have a question and not much to vouch for it, just yet. So I'm doing a prospect inspection, if I'm allowed to.
Is there a market for enhanced retro gaming printed stuff? I'm a currently unemployed graphical designer and turned my attention to videogame boxes two weeks ago. This because they're obviously too old at this point and being a graphical designer I can't possibly print scans because it's not a digital file - not meaning to get too technical, but it's definetly very lossy... scans are scanned and traded in RGB, meaning a color composed of 100% magenta and yellow now will have blue on it, blacks will also be pretty screwed and detail on screenshots gets lost. not to mention pixels get converted to dots (and specific rotated dot patterns according to color) so it would never work out.
Card cases are also not very good at witstanding the test of time, we obviously have better options now, whilst not being "official" they can certainly feel enhanced. They don't though because they're done by amateurs.
So I spent a load of time doing my own, full hauled box remake meant for DS cases, I also plan on remaking the manuals.
My work attitude is matching the exact same design decisions as the original game so no enhanced textured backgrounds or font changes... albeit I'm considering forgoing the barcode and standardizing the nintendo logo and seal of quality sizes to the ones used to this day, because that changed during the 90's.
It turned into so much work that I can't simply go onto a site and submit it, plus it can only be submitted in JPEG and PNG (JPEG can be CMYK, PNG can only be RGB) either way, I'm not such a nice guy either I guess, so I'm thinking of selling them as the full package (box, manual, cover sans the game), also because I need the money and it's taking quite a few man hours here.
This is not the final version of what I have (it's from wednesday) but it's what I have to show "printed", because I currently don't have tonners on my printer. Regardless, it's WIP.
I remade and plan on remaking stuff like the logo's for every game I do:
Which you guys can check on any scan and it won't have that quality, plus the resolution is pretty much infinite that way. Again that's wednesday's version, the last one is tweaked a little. I might go as far as remaking the full artwork set itself, thing is I want it to be every bit as good as the original.
The caveats will be that since this won't be printed in huge quantities I can't use pantones, which means cartridge stickers (if anyone requires one) can't have the silver pantone and nintendos seal of quality can't be golden, doesn't look bad at all but one can infer it not to be original from there. For the cartridge stickers, if anyone requires them as I clearly do in my pics, they'll be laminated for sure, which the originals weren't. It took until GBC to roll out before they started lamitating them. (laminaning is applying a plastic finish so the ink doesn't go anywhere as easily. Sun will still eat it away, but rubbing won't.
I'm focusing on GB as of now, but I plan on doing the same for GBC and GBA boxes, my priority as of now is the Super Mario's, Metroid II and Zelda. Again, I plan on remaking the manuals and sell them in a format that fits GBA boxes just fine.
But I can't show that yet because I have none ready yet. I'm doing it first and foremost for me though, so I'm not throwing deadlines just yet, it'll be ready when it's ready.
Anyway, this is how it looks now:
Inlay: (because boxes are transparent)
They're not in resolutions ready to be printed, sorry.
I've also remade the screenshots which had the wrong aspect ratio going on and were beta, said levels don't exist in that form. I did it for authenticity. The first shot still feels a little empty because it's not ready yet, that background doesn't seem to appear in the game so I'll have to remake it given time.
Anyway, still very WIP, I know, but... Is there interest? I can do US versions as well, but it's all pretty much a test at this point.
I am, we've talked about it later in the conversation in regards to people already selling covers and cases on ebay, and how it was effectively just the custom cover project cover for that game, printed.this looks awesome. I'm guessing that you're aware of The Cover Project?
Pictured and from a distance it can be impossible but there are a few telltale signs. Bad photos make it obvious since it is the oldest trick on the book and if the card inside is very bright coloured there's another, Nintendo always used what seemed like recycled paper, or something very close in texture to the thicker card stock there is, paper bought in stores with the same weight/width (which I believe is 300 g/m^2) is whiter because they're meant to be printed on both sides if the costumer wants to.Maybe you've mentioned this, but I'm thinking there should be an easy way to see that it's a reproduction box so people don't try to sell them as originals later on.
Ah, I see.I missed that you intend to make these for DS cases. Then it's all good in my book. I thought you were going to make exact reproduction boxes and sell them.
Oh and thanks for the info btw. It's interesting reading details like that from someone in the know.
Just been looking at the GB Boy Colour, and it does indeed look awesome. Saw a gameplay video of Wario Land 1 on it and it looks great. Sure, the aspect ratio and sound is a bit off, but hey.
Don't waste your time or money. I grabbed one a couple of months ago and it's already dead. I think I used it for two hours total. The screen is prone to scratches and the stilted screen resolution got annoying.
Rayman3 on gba is really good!Anyone played Rayman 3 (GBA)? It looks to be a solid Rayman sidescroller in the vein of the original. I'm eying a copy of Lilo & Stitch too:
Anyone played Rayman 3 (GBA)? It looks to be a solid Rayman sidescroller in the vein of the original.
Rayman3 on gba is really good!
Oh, lilo & stich is great also
I have it. It's no Rayman 1, but it's still a very solid platformer, and definitely worth getting.
It's also not incredibly difficult like the original...but no other Rayman game is. Hah.
Glad to hear it, thanks guys! Is it at least still difficult enough to 100%? TBH the first one is way too hard for me, but my wife has beaten it 100% so I wanted to make sure this one won't be *too* easy for her!
Hmm...I don't think I've gotten 100% yet. I wouldn't say that it's an "easy" game, though...but it's been years since I played through it. It's definitely not anywhere near the first game in terms of difficulty, though.
For the low amount I paid for it, I'm not fussed how long it lasts lol
EDIT: What's wrong with your GBA SP battery? Are you no longer able to get much play-time out of it?
Okay bros, I got Lilo & Stitch on eBay for $3.29 shipped so hopefully that's a good price.
I also got this:
For $5.50 shipped. Yes, this is a Winnie the Pooh's Rumbly Tumbly Adventure and Rayman 3 superpack. I don't plan to the play the WTP game, since it's not supposed to be very good. But for Rayman 3 to be included it's totally worth it. It's from China so hopefully it works.
Also received an EZFlash IV today, but the NOR (used to play bigger games like Riviera or Mother 3) worked exactly once. Spent almost the entire day (I feel stupid now that I think about it) searching for a fix and switching firmware, patcher, etc. Nothing to do; transfer to NOR is always stuck at the end of the transfer and it causes problem with saves and co.
At this point, I'm pretty sure I got a defect... Anybody dealed with RealHotStuff's customer service here? I'm worried...
AFAIK, the majority of the latest batch of EZ-Flash IV's have issues with NOR. Basically, it's fucked.
If you have a box for the cart thats black and white and has no blurb on the back, you have one of those carts, copied from the originals. Source: GBAtemp, and I have one myself. NOR is fucked.
Yep, that's what I have.
Realizing I basically wasted $50 just as I lost my job yesterday sucks.
Do you at least think they'll accept to refund me, or will they not consider it a defect...? I wrote an e-mail to their support, waiting for an answer...
As the EZFlashIV is more or less the only GBA flashcard still available, I guess it's simply too late if I want something that will also play my biggest games (Riviera, Mother 3, etc.)? Of course I can carry my huge collection everywhere, but that's not the best. And especially no fan-translated games... :/
Wait a minute. I have a few of these new EZ Flash IVs and as far as I've played the NOR is fine. How can I test them to see?
Mostly keen to know this cos I'm giving my brother his birthday present today (modded AGB with a 101 screen and an EZ Flash IV since I hog our collection and I've also moved out of home) and when testing I put a Mother 3 on the NOR, then another large game I can't recall, then put Mother 3 on again. He will likely only play Mother 3 from NOR but it'll be a bummer if that is fucked.
your NOR worked. you're fine.
Phew, think I'll just unwrap it and double check though hehe.
well, uh
I say fine for now anyhow - it may play up in the future. Basically, the latest batch is unreliable and unpredictable as far as NOR goes. Just stick Mother 3 on it and never take it off.
Glad to hear it, thanks guys! Is it at least still difficult enough to 100%? TBH the first one is way too hard for me, but my wife has beaten it 100% so I wanted to make sure this one won't be *too* easy for her!
Nice! The original Rayman on GBC (and PS1) was one of my childhood games. Never knew the third one got made into a classic 2D sidescroller on the GBA. Let me know if it's any good!![]()
Max, Rayman 3 is one of the best platformer on the system! I think you should get the cart Rayman 10th anniversary (including Rayman 1 + Rayman 3). Let me know if you don't find it in the US, I can get it for cheap in its European version and send it to you![]()