Pancakes R Us
For some reason direct linking doesn't work. If you click on the page and then go via the retro section you should be able to find it.
Wario Land 3, 5 £ on eBay. I wonder why no one wanted it because I got it after the auction was relisted.
Nice pick-ups, Warioland 3 looks in fantastic condition. I used to like buying stuff with boxes and manuals but stopped ages ago due to lack of space. Now I just look for authentic carts. A good few years back (perhaps 5+), I bought a bunch of authentic Gameboy cart cases (the transparent ones), so even if the game doesn't come with one I have spares.My latest GB-related pick-ups:
Kid Dracula, got it really cheap, great game too.
Wario Land 3, 5 £ on eBay. I wonder why no one wanted it because I got it after the auction was relisted.
obvious 100-games-in-1 pirated cart
I only buy boxed GBA games to avoid piracy, but sometimes...
We bought a pirated CIB Sonic Advance 2 earlier this year. From the auction picture, you couldn't tell it was fake at all. It was only when we received the game and saw it was rated Teen and the back of the box had several spelling mistakes that we realized it was a fluke. The cardboard was glossier than your average GBA box's and the cartridge label had saturated colours, but nothing easy to spot on a picture as only the box was shown. Also, look at the name of the game when the cartridge was inside of the DS Lite: LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game. Yeah, it had its own "select game" menu, before starting the game and the wrong name was shown. It worked fine outside of that.
As for GB(C) games, I've never seen a fake outside of Pokémon cartridges (good thing I have my childhood originals) and those obvious 100-games-in-1 pirated carts. I'm looking to buy boxed copies of Pokémon RBY in the future as I was a stupid kid who threw away boxes and destroyed labels. My Gold and Silver boxes and manuals aren't in great shape either so I might upgrade. I'm decent at Japanese so NTSC-J copies are always an option, thankfully.
JP Pokemon games are so much cheaper too. I'm seriously considering just getting Platinum in Japanese since the NA version is already expensive.I'm decent at Japanese so NTSC-J copies are always an option, thankfully.
No, but I'd be keen to know the impressions of someone that has.
JP Pokemon games are so much cheaper too. I'm seriously considering just getting Platinum in Japanese since the NA version is already expensive.
No, but I'd be keen to know the impressions of someone that has.
So tempted. How do they look to people who have modded GBAs?
I might actually order one just to see what it's like as I can always use the parts if it sucks. It looks like it's been put into a new third party shell (these are sometimes poor quality but not too bad). The two different brightness levels shown in the photos intrigue me somewhat.
At that price it's less than a kit from eBay so even if you only end up using the parts it's probably not a bad gamble.
Cheers. Obviously there's a risk that it's crap but that seems to be the case no matter who you buy it from. Also free shipping and basically everything I've ordered from China has been marked down so unlikely to get import fees either.
The price is too good, gonna order one today. Damn.
looking forward to y'alls GBA clone impressions.
Cheers. Obviously there's a risk that it's crap but that seems to be the case no matter who you buy it from. Also free shipping and basically everything I've ordered from China has been marked down so unlikely to get import fees either.
The price is too good, gonna order one today. Damn.
I might order one when I have some extra cash. I really want a backlit GBA but I really can't spend over $100.
Also, a guy on Reddit just got his North American SNES style GBA from RCG. I told him how RCG kinda has a poor reputation over here but he says he's really happy with it. He also let me know I could share his pictures. I think the GBA looks amazing from the look of the pictures he's posted. Here are some of his pics and a link to his thread in /r/Gameboy here.
Just broke down and bought a copy of Pokemon Emerald for $25 on ebay. God I hope its not fake.
Were you able to fix the aspect ratio on that?Well...
I've ordered it. If it is flawed like the gb boy colour, I can fix it.
Received my pre-modded GBA from eBay. Super stoked and happy!
Received my pre-modded GBA from eBay. Super stoked and happy!
Received my pre-modded GBA from eBay. Super stoked and happy!
Cheetos, that looks awesome. As someone totally unfamiliar with technical terms like this...what does "ghosting" mean in this context? I've looked it up before but never found a good definition for a layperson. Also, mind if I ask how much it cost?
Ghosting is like an afterimage of old display data think like the taillights in Akira but not intentional.
Oh, okay. That makes sense, thank you. How noticeable is it? I have a DS Lite and 3DS and never noticed anything like this.
Received my pre-modded GBA from eBay. Super stoked and happy!
Got it from seller lee_chan1985. Pretty happy with it so far, the screen does have a little bit of noticeable ghosting but is just as good as my 101 SP. The glass screen looks amazing, way sharper than my original GBA's.
One nitpick: I might replace the buttons with one from another GBA, only because the replacement shell's buttons seem flimsier.
I would be wary with those GBAs from Aliexpress. If its anything like the one i picked up from Hong Kong last year, the panel won't be the right resolution, and games may run at the wrong speed as (if I'm not mistaken) those are cloned hardware.
Ghosting is related to the display bullet point known as response time. That tells you how fast a pixel can change from one extreme of the color range to the other. Older LCD screens tend to have slower response times that lead to ghosting.
Imagine a black dot traveling across a white background. As it moves, every pixel it crosses has to go from white to black and then back to white. When the change is slow, you'll see a grey streak behind the black dot. That's all it is.
I'll have to add on this screen it should be barely noticeable to the layperson. I showed it to a few people at work and hardly anybody noticed it.
The GBA set me back $70, preassembled.
If you don't notice it on DSL, you shouldn't be concerned. It's about the same.
Ghosting is related to the display bullet point known as response time. That tells you how fast a pixel can change from one extreme of the color range to the other. Older LCD screens tend to have slower response times that lead to ghosting.
Imagine a black dot traveling across a white background. As it moves, every pixel it crosses has to go from white to black and then back to white. When the change is slow, you'll see a grey streak behind the black dot. That's all it is.
Where is the best place to get a modded GBA, as it seems almost impossible to get a GBA Micro?