h3ro said:lolburnoutparadiselolnever forget
That was never supposed to leave the thread
h3ro said:lolburnoutparadiselolnever forget
Suck a little harder.Flinstone said:Flunkie K/D Ratio = 0.76
Full Recovery said:Suck a little harder.
I'm just giving him a hard time. no harm.johnthedeadguykennedy said:Flunkie actually kicked ass tonight believe it or not.
Because the sudden surge of GAFfers and lurkers realizing that Gears.com actually has detailed stats is destroying the very foundation of the site.johnFkennedy said:Hmm why are all my stats zeroed out?
Exactly, one guy doesn't like friendly fire, one guy doesn't like swapped weapons, one guy doesn't like default weapons, one guy just wants boomshot taken off.. and on and on. Nobody likes private matches, plain and simple. With so many people playing again, we might need to consider just breaking things up and getting multiple things going so everyone can just do ranked matches and not have to deal with private match shit.SwitchBladeKneegrow said:What are you guys doing to post your stats? I wanna hang with the cool kids who like to fuck with the weapon loadouts and friendly fire!
Most played gametype=annex:lolalexel said:HMMMMMM......
If there's any team of 3 on gaf that would like to play me and a couple of my friends, let us know (IF YOU'RE UP FOR THE CHALLENGE).
How did I miss this? You're worse than Flunkie. :lolSilentrape said:Shins K/D Ratio = 0.75
My bad.SwitchBladeKneegrow said:So what your trying to say is your not gonna tell me the stat thing? :lol
You found the firefox extension to change any word to whatever you want didn't you?Full Recovery said:How did I miss this? You're worse than Flunkie. :lol
Print Screen and MS Paint, ftw.SwitchBladeKneegrow said:I knew how to see them, just didn't know how you were linking to the stat boxes. Fuck it, copy & paste time.
wutAladin said:You found the firefox extension to change any word to whatever you want didn't you?
Either you're just dedicated enough to manually change the names or you found that add-on.Full Recovery said:
Friendly fire makes things more interesting. Better left off in public matches where you cannot be guaranteed anything about your teammates. In private matches, it makes for good fun, so long as one is mindful not to abuse it.SwitchBladeKneegrow said:I wanna hang with the cool kids who like to fuck with the weapon loadouts and friendly fire!
Oh goodness. Time to kill myself. Wait, you're Full Recovery. So that means I'm not. So now I feel better!Full Recovery said:How did I miss this? You're worse than Flunkie. :lol
I type them in manually, it doesn't take but a second.Asianbait said:Either you're just dedicated enough to manually change the names or you found that add-on.
Shins said:Friendly fire makes things more interesting.
Ahh, t'was a fine snipe. I call that one "The Thinker" because that motherfucker had to sit down and think about that snipe I popped on his assThirdEngine said:
SwitchBladeKneegrow said:It took me blowing up a teamate with a tagged frag!
okThirdEngine said:
And that's right about when you quit out of the match and went into Public isn't it? :lolRSTEIN said:That was me![]()
Awesome, now give me some previews! >:OThirdEngine said:
Aladuf said:And that's right about when you quit out of the match and went into Public isn't it? :lol
ThirdEngine said:I still can't believe nothing has been said about a price change for the Combustible maps.
ThirdEngine said:I still can't believe nothing has been said about a price change for the Combustible maps.
8-9am EST time.ThirdEngine said:Do any of you remember what time TU2 rolled out? I wish we'd get the update at midnight.
Full Recovery said:8-9am EST time.
Combustible map pack will probably become free sometime in the summer.
Friendly fire doesn't bother me too much, but what does bother me is the fact that I plant a grenade and either I or a teammate will set it off. That makes no sense to me.RSTEIN said:Haha, yeah, it just wasn't that tho. I dunno, I don't like private matches. I don't really try or pay attention. Plus all the weapon changes and FF is annoying. I love friendly fire with games like Rainbow Six or GRAW. It just doesn't work with Gears unless you have a team that is communicating their position constantly... "frag planted on lower staircase" "I am turning the corner with the boomshot" "I am firing the mortar at the house" or shit like that. Too many crazy weapons with splash damage + close quarters.
Hey All,
The much anticipated Title Update 3 is out of certification and is going live on March 24th at 2 AM PST/5 AM EST. Please remeber it takes awhile for the update to propagate so it may take up to several hours after that time before it's available locally. Also, if you start getting matchmaking connection issues, it means others have the update and you don't, so please exit the game and fire it up again in order to download the update. Also please note that some of the new achievements require the next map pack "Snowblind" which will be released next week.
We want to thank the community again for their patience and support and we hope you enjoy the changes we're bringing with Title Update 3.
Now for the details -
Gears of War 2 Title Update 3 Detailed Release Notes
The following fixes and improvements are included in Title Update 3.
Title Update 3 makes these new improvements:
* Adds 100 levels of player experience that you can gain based on your score in Public matches. The game still uses Trueskill for matchmaking to find the most competitive matches, but the skill rank is now hidden. The new level of experience appears next to your gamertag, with levels 1 through 99 displayed as numbers and level 100 displayed as an icon. The game normalizes experience based on match type so that players earn an equivalent amount of experience across all modes.
* Adds an experience penalty for players quitting before a match is complete.
* Adds bots automatically to a Public Match if players quit and cause unbalanced teams. This ability has always existed in Private Matches if the bot count is set higher than zero.
* Optimizes playlists to only have two modes per playlist. Ties are decided by random selection.
* Adds the ability for teams to talk to each other between rounds in a Private Match.
* Adds the ability to save Public and Private Horde high scores after each complete wave, in case the host loses connection before failing or completing all fifty waves.
* Makes minor changes to general bandwidth usage.
* Adds region preference to matchmaking.
* Improves standby detection.
* Adds nine new achievements worth 250 points. Progress toward them starts after Title Update 3 is applied. Six of the new achievements require the Snowblind Map Pack, a set of four new maps to be released soon. The nine new achievements:
o "Rookie Gear" (10 points): Earn enough multiplayer experience to reach level 5 (Public only).
o "Seasoned Gear" (20 points): Earn enough multiplayer experience to reach level 15 (Public only).
o "Battle-Tested Gear" (30 points): Earn enough multiplayer experience to reach level 25 (Public only).
o "Battle-Hardened Gear" (50 points): Reach level 50 and play a match on each of the four Snowblind Map Pack maps (Public only).
o "Veteran Gear" (75 points): Reach level 100 and win a match on each of the four Snowblind Map Pack maps (Public only).
o "Never Eat Red Snow" (20 points): Complete waves 1 through 10 on all Snowblind Map Pack maps in Horde (any difficulty).
o "Icy Dead People" (25 points): Complete waves 1 through 50 on any Snowblind Map Pack map in Horde (any difficulty).
o "Frigid Body Dynamics" (5 points): Play a multiplayer match on each of the four Snowblind Map Pack maps (any mode).
o "The Weather Outside Is Lethal" (15 points): Win a multiplayer match on each of the four Snowblind Map Pack maps (any mode).
Exploit Fixes
Title Update 3 fixes these possible exploits, where under certain circumstances:
* A player could swap from a pistol to a two-handed weapon during a cover slide and then mantle greater distances.
* Players could kill themselves in Wingman to avoid giving their opponents more points. Now, suicides and team killing will reduce team score.
* A player holding a meatshield could melee through some walls.
* A player could equip a two-handed weapon with a shield using either the Boltok or the Gorgon pistol.
* A player could equip a two-handed weapon with a meatshield using either the Boltok or the Gorgon pistol.
* A player could prevent planted shields from being picked up by other players.
* Players could launch themselves into the air with a smoke grenade while mantling.
General Fixes
Title Update 3 fixes these other issues as well:
* An issue that caused chainsaw interruption when a player is shot to be less reliable in some body positions than in others.
* An issue where a third player could join a Public Wingman party lobby and remove another player from the game.
* An issue in Submission games where occasionally the meatflag would immediately run back to the spawn point after being dropped.
* An issue where players that were knocked down but not out (DBNO) while planting the Boomshield would appear to be standing.
* An elevation-based issue where the detection for a headshot might not align properly with certain character model heads.
* An issue that could cause Wingman teammates to have different character models.
* Additional miscellaneous bug fixes.
Title Update 3 makes these balancing changes:
* Reduces stun duration of smoke grenades. Currently, characters always start to get up after 2 seconds.
* Gives melee the same delay after roadie running that shooting received in Title Update 2.
* Removes spawn protection from the Horde in Horde mode.
* Increased the forward angle that triggers chainsaw duels so that players with Lancers equipped won't be sawn from the side without a duel.
* Reduces the delay before a player can climb up after entering low cover.
* Makes minor changes to weapon spawns on the Subway map to provide greater balance.
We continue to test internally and monitor online gameplay to determine what else may need adjusting.
Executive Producer
Gears of War 2
Gives melee the same delay after roadie running that shooting received in Title Update 2.
True, but I welcome it. All anyone does in this game is roadie runs towards you and two-pieces right out of it. So god damn annoying.Tomcat said:The most controversial subject in this update
On second thought, I don't think this is for two-piecing. I think this is actually like meleeing someone right after roadie running, which is kind of retarded.Tomcat said:The most controversial subject in this update
that is the number one way in which people initiate a two-piece, though. rolling and then landing a melee is much harder and is rightfully not punished with a delay.pelicansurf said:On second thought, I don't think this is for two-piecing. I think this is actually like meleeing someone right after roadie running, which is kind of retarded.
i assume the chainsaw is included in this as well. it was mentioned in a previous Epic forum post, at least.* Gives melee the same delay after roadie running that shooting received in Title Update 2.