
Already posted? I hope not! Found this two screens at the official switzerland xbox blog.
I hear you. Just hope its not as confined as Ruins is. That map has serious nade tagging issuesh3ro said:Ruins 2.0 looks sweet.
That underground Locust lair was gorgeous, I'm glad they are using more assets from that part of the game.
chriskun said:my one complaint that I have left with this game is how the playlists are set up. Its virtually impossible to play warzone, and the DLC playlists are total balls as well. I'm looking for a group of people who want to play warzone, pm or reply if you are interested.
New Gears 2 Add-on Content Revealed
We play a new map, and Epic talks future franchise plans. And yes, that means an energy drink.
by Nate Ahearn
May 16, 2009 - On July 28, Microsoft is set to release a retail collection of Gears of War 2 downloadable add-ons called All Fronts, a treasure trove of 19 multiplayer maps and a single-player campaign mission. This week, Microsoft and Epic Games held a fan event at downtown Seattle's Experience Music Project to show off a tiny slice of the new compilation, and IGN was on hand to give it a go.
But first, a complete run-down of the new content that will be included in All Fronts retail box. In addition to all the maps included in the Flashback, Snowblind, and Combustible, multiplayer map packs, All Fronts will also feature seven brand-new (or in some cases re-made) maps in a mini-collection called Dark Corners. As the name implies, these maps are set all over Sera in all different types of environments. If you want a detailed description of each, check out our All Fronts and Dark Corners announcement article.
But wait, there's more. In addition to the seven new multiplayer maps, there's also a single-player mission included in Dark Corners called Road to Ruin. Remember that moment in the Gears of War 2 campaign when Marcus asks a thoroughly pissed-off Dom how he'd like to proceed into the Locust hollow? Originally, the developers intended for there to be a real option for players: Go in guns blazing or sneak in stealithy, dressed as Theron Guards.
"The nature of game development is you can never get in everything you want to get in as a storyteller," said lead writer Josh Ortega, who appeared at the event alongside Epic Games President Michael Capps and Microsoft's Xbox Live guru Larry "Major Nelson" Hyrb. "With the Road to Ruin scene, it just wasn't ready."
Rather than push the scene out the door at launch, Ortega and Capps said Epic cut it out altogether and is releasing it in July as part of Dark Corners/All Fronts instead.
But the main draw for Dark Corners, which will also be released a separate download, is the new set of multiplayer maps. And Microsoft had one of those areas, a map called Nowhere, playable at the event. Nowhere takes you out of the intensely urban setting of most Gears multiplayer maps and out into the sun-drenched desert, where a collection of dilapidated buildings and vehicles mark the long-dead location of a once popular traveler's outpost.
In and around the shells of an old diner, gas station, mechanic and motel, you'll find countless ways to maneuver for advantage. The center of the map is largely open, save for Gears' signature burned-out cars. But around the edges are old storefronts that you can enter, usually from more than one side. The setup made for some pretty interesting fights, as you never really know who's coming up behind you. In the middle of Nowhere (see what I did there?) is a raised platform with two stair approaches that works well as a Horde holdout. Stick a couple snipers up top, block the stairways with shields, and a good team should be able to hold its own for a quite a few waves.
And just to make things interesting, Epic has added in a periodic desert wind that whips up unexpectedly from time to time, causing nasty brownouts just when you need them least. It won't hurt you like the razor hail on the Hail map, it'll just obscure your vision for a bit, making it harder to hit your mark.
Gamers who just want to grab the 7 new maps will be able to download the Dark Corners pack for $19.99 (1,600 Microsoft Points). But for the same price, you can pick up the retail version of All Fronts, which contains all the downloadable Gears content released to date. Also included with All Fronts is a poster based on the art that appears on the steel case of the Gears of War 2 Collector's Edition and a booklet that contains game hints in addition to what Ortega calls some "new Gears of War lore." So if you're a truly hardcore fan, you'll probably want to opt for the retail box.
And while we're on the subject of Gears merchandise, get ready, because there's a lot more coming down the pipe. Ortega and Capps revealed that there are new collectible figures in the works, including Marcus and Dom in their Road to Ruin Theron Guard uniforms and a Lambent Locust that will only be available at Comic Con 2009. Need more? How about a new Gears of War t-shirt with "COG Life" written in gangster script along the bottom? Perhaps a new five-issue run of comics with covers by Jim Lee? All are in the works, along with the Gears of War film, coming in the near future from New Line Cinema and Legendary Pictures.
But perhaps the most significant milestone in the Gears franchising story was unveiled near the end of the event, when Capps, Ortega and Hyrb unveiled Imulsion, a new energy drink branded with the Gears of War logo. Although this correspondent did not partake of the ginger ale-colored beverage, it appeared harmless enough when imbibed by attendees. Imulsion, of course, is the mysterious energy source depicted in the Gears universe as having precipitated, via the Pendulum Wars, the downfall of human civilization.
Now in handy can form.
Diablohead said:Right so as you probably know I not had live access since the exp patch was out but now I do, I patch the game and decide to dip online into some MP action, everyone votes warzone rules (which is ok) and such but lol at the way the game sets up the teams, I am level 1 along with 2 other people, a level 49 and a lv 22 or something, the opposing team is all level 25, 33, 41 etc and we get raped hard. I thought the point of the exp system was to pair us all up together with close ranking skill?
I had enough bull from this game online to not bother any more, I think I will just rent gears 3 for the single player and skip that gears 2 expansion coming out, a shame. At least I have fun with ut3 on the pc.
Diablohead said:Right so as you probably know I not had live access since the exp patch was out but now I do, I patch the game and decide to dip online into some MP action, everyone votes warzone rules (which is ok) and such but lol at the way the game sets up the teams, I am level 1 along with 2 other people, a level 49 and a lv 22 or something, the opposing team is all level 25, 33, 41 etc and we get raped hard. I thought the point of the exp system was to pair us all up together with close ranking skill?
I had enough bull from this game online to not bother any more, I think I will just rent gears 3 for the single player and skip that gears 2 expansion coming out, a shame. At least I have fun with ut3 on the pc.
Honestly, usually it does mean you are better. When I'm playing COD5, the level 50s and 60s always own. I'm pretty low, and I'm not that great. Sure, sometimes a high level person sucks, and sometimes a level 7 is awesome, but usually High level = good skill.AnEternalEnigma said:How exactly do you come to the conclusion that a linear XP is meant to be taken as a definition of skill?
ZROCOOL said:wtf @ the energy drink..
ill still buy it
RSTEIN said:You're back!
Hootie said:Holy shit, I've been in another world this weekend. I've gotten over 1,000 kills in Horde just today :lol
Just finished a game of Horde, got to wave 37 with 3 other dudes in Public on Security, though one of them seemingly fell into a coma for about 15 rounds.
I was ON FIRE. My sniping was insane and by the end of the game I had ~340 kills, which is nearly 10 per round. The closest guy behind me had about 140 kills. Not to mention I didn't even die once until we lost as a team in 37. I wish I could play like that all the time. I was clowning on locust like there was no tomorrow :lol
I know it takes a lot less skill than actual PvP matches, but I've never played a round of multi so for me this was epic.
FiRez said:Horde >>>>>>> the rest of the mp modes
is the only thing I play now, my highest game was 41 on the vertical map with lasers and the AI voice (I don't know how is it called in english) I was the last one to die but it seems impposible to go further than that :lol
mernst23 said:So, how much did you guys level up in double XP weekend?
Went from a 27 to a 40 over the past 3 days. Not a bad jump for someone who hasn't played in a month. I mean, eventually I'm going to shoot for a legit level 100, but for now I'm just going to keep playing my other games with Gears being my fallback game (or when more double xp weekends come along)
36 to 37. Was the game incredibly laggy for anyone else this weekend. I only played last night, but the game was marred with ball busting lag, and people kept on lagging out while going from the search lobby to the game setup. I really don't understand. Played Halo 3 a little last week and every match went relatively smooth, really made me realize how bad the lag is in Gears. How in Christ's cock did they fuck this shit up so bad.mernst23 said:So, how much did you guys level up in double XP weekend?
Went from a 27 to a 40 over the past 3 days. Not a bad jump for someone who hasn't played in a month. I mean, eventually I'm going to shoot for a legit level 100, but for now I'm just going to keep playing my other games with Gears being my fallback game (or when more double xp weekends come along)
Instead of "Emulsion" they should have just called it "Dat Juice"-PXG- said:I'm gonna buy cases of that energy drink, just so I can say "Look at all dat juice".
USD said:Jesus, this game has some horrible matchmaking. How hard is it it match players of at least somewhat similar skill?
if you lost experience then that means that you quit outgoldenpp72 said:so I just got back into this after quitting back in like.. january. It seems a bit better but wtf is up with the ranking? I just kicked the shit out of a full team and I lost experience for an incomplete match? We finished to round 5 :/
In the short time I've played multiplayer (just started yesterday, after putting in some 50 hours into Horde months ago), host advantage hasn't bothered me, probably because I don't have the eye for it yet. I just want to play against people who aren't way better than me.AnEternalEnigma said:You could have the most precise system, but the insane host advantage (that Cliffy B promised would be gone) is always going to throw it off.
chriskun said:if you lost experience then that means that you quit out
Originally Posted by CliffyB
We have the option of disabling the ragdoll concussive effect entirely or replacing it with a brief cringe. We can remove it entirely or simply have "stun free saturdays." We're going to do a few test days where we see how people feel about the reduction and/or removal and then adjust accordingly.
Stay tuned.
p.s. I do love you all.
Tomcat said:good riddance
now remove and the frags walltagging as well![]()
Tomcat said:good riddance
now remove and the frags walltagging as well![]()
You know, as much as they annoyed the shit out of me, smokes not having a concussive effect anymore is going to make KOTH and Annex a lot tougher; although on the flipside, at least the strategy won't always be spawn, rush the scoring zone, chuck smokes over and over.AnEternalEnigma said:THANK GOD. I may actually enjoy this game again.
Tomcat said:good riddance
now remove and the frags walltagging as well![]()
Tomcat said:good riddance
now remove and the frags walltagging as well![]()
Dark FaZe said:If they also remove wall tagging I'll be back for sure.
-PXG- said:OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! :O This is huge!
If they just:
1) Decrease blast radius of all explosions
2) Increase detonation time length of wall planted 'nades (or just get rid of it entirely)
3) Improve the net code (yet again... :/)
4) Make it so I can shoot out of a roadie run
5) Make it so I can "shake off" a melee and punish those who attempt to two piece
then this game will PERFECT. I appreciate Epic's support of this game, but Gears 2 still has a long way to go, until it's where it should be.
smik said:if your list happens i will be back for sure but until then no, its a very good start that they are going to remove the stun hopefully completely. but i fthey could remove walltags, enable shoot out of run and more importantly player matches i will be back to stay forever.
Shins said:You're combining different groups into a single Frankenstein monster you can easily attack. I know when you want to defend something, the fastest thing is to just sort everyone not with your opinion into a big cluster and throw stuff at it, but maybe that's not the best COA.
The people who "retired" [as an aside you kind of fixate on this (with the pro quotation marks for added snark!) because its a pretty dramatic and inflammatory statement, but I think that wordage was used... once, and not by the people who actually stopped playing, but by the dramatic 14 year old who idolizes them] and the people complaining about the map prices and the people having real problems connecting to quality matches (but still play, because darn it Gears is too good not to play!) and the people who have no problems but just like to complain for the hell of it when this thread is active, and the people who miraculously have no issues with this game and want to call everyone who does full of bullshit are all separate groups.![]()
Tomcat said:good riddance
now remove and the frags walltagging as well![]()
-PXG- said:Not just you, EVERYONE would come back. This, new maps, campaign add-on and TU4? Ah sheeeeeeeeeit!
Tomcat said:yeah they will need a beta for gears 3 to gain our trust back
Tomcat said:yeah they will need a beta for gears 3 to gain our trust back
Fixed for what most of us would love to have.Tomcat said:yeah they will need a beta for gears 3 and dedicated servers to gain our trust back
Tomcat said:yeah they will need a beta for gears 3, player match and dedicated servers to gain our trust back