everyone knows gears is about 10 people throwing smokes and people flying around for 10 seconds only to get shotgunned, DUR
Skilotonn said:The smoke changes make no sense at all, especially in Annex...
I even let myself get stunned by an oncoming smoke that I could have easily dodged, you don't even get stunned for a second, and you can roll away immediately... I hope the ones who were asking specifically for that type of stun are happy to see that it really does nothing at all...
Bring it back to the way it was Epic, just make sure to work on the ragdoll oddities because I'm not digging how it is right now - the nice thing is that you guys let the gamers taste it for themselves first-hand...
The ragdoll effect works well in UT3 but there are a few differences, firstly in UT3 it's only when you get shot on a board and second, you get up much much faster with a fancy flip instead of a crawl to your feet. The flip would look too cheesy in gears where they are trying to be a little less OTT then unreal, so you are down for way too long.Tomcat said:The game is definitely better now. The ragdoll effect was a joke. The man who thought of it should be shot
:lolRamirez said:Some how I just KNEW you would want the old smoke nades. :lol
Not only does the ragdoll effect look ridiculous, it also had all sorts of stupid side effects such as flying towards the enemies, flying through bridges both up and down, flying through walls and getting stuck, glitching out of the map. Without the stupid knockdown effect some glitches are gone right away, and the game is a lot more fun because of it.Tomcat said:The game is definitely better now. The ragdoll effect was a joke. The man who thought of it should be shot
Tomcat said:You are not digging it but the majority does. This change is for the better
ergo said:Why in any persons right mind you would want it where you were constantly spamming the smoke? that makes no sense at all... I don't see the pleasure in relying so heavily on smokes. This actually makes blood drive fun
Ramirez said:Some how I just KNEW you would want the old smoke nades. :lol
Skilotonn said:The smoke changes make no sense at all, especially in Annex...
I even let myself get stunned by an oncoming smoke that I could have easily dodged, you don't even get stunned for a second, and you can roll away immediately... I hope the ones who were asking specifically for that type of stun are happy to see that it really does nothing at all...
Bring it back to the way it was Epic, just make sure to work on the ragdoll oddities because I'm not digging how it is right now - the nice thing is that you guys let the gamers taste it for themselves first-hand...
Why? If you're dumb enough to go right up to a guy with a meat shield, you deserve to die.Domino Theory said:Now they just need to reduce chainsaw suction, wall-tagging (make it one tag per person, not two and it should just blow up if you die) and no melees while holding a meatshield and we'll have an awesome game.![]()
Dark FaZe said:Take out the fucking wall tagging and this thing is done Epic.
i would but i'm gonna be out of town until monday. i'll probably hop on for some games monday night though.ergo said:war, we gotta hit up this game tomorrow or saturday! i can't wait to play gears without smoke knock down! too bad they are dropping the number of players from 10 to 8. weird
The people who go for cheap kills I guess. Maybe it was the only way they play.-PXG- said:I'm so used to 5v5 now. Some maps are too big for 4v4. But keep that smoke knock down bullshit out. It's so much better now, without it. I can't believe there are people (not on GAF) that actually support the smoke concussion. Really?
Diablohead said:The people who go for cheap kills I guess. Maybe it was the only way they play.
I'll agree on A and B being lame tactics, but C is really a solid defense mechanism for establishing a perimeter. I just hate it when they're planted in/near the spawn points. *That* shit is ridiculously cheap given that the re-spawn delay can be the difference between winning and losing during Annex or KOTH matches.-PXG- said:Yeah, cocksuckers who:
A) Two-piece
B) Smoke you, and over over you with a chainsaw
C) Kill you with a wall planted frag
aka, people who suck at the game.
-PXG- said:And player match! Don't forget to add player match.
Dark FaZe said:Has there ever been a game with party system matchmaking AND server lists for non ranked matches?
A sniper rife in the "right hands" means that the person will get head shots nearly every time. You shouldn't be dominating a game because you were able to hit someone in the calf with an active. If you're not good enough to get a head shot consistently, don't pick up a sniper rifle and expect to dominate with it. You don't have the skill to do so, and you shouldn't be able to control anything. Instant-down active shots are as much of a crutch and annoyance as concussive smoke grenades.
Shins said:A sniper rife in the "right hands" means that the person will get head shots nearly every time. You shouldn't be dominating a game because you were able to hit someone in the calf with an active. If you're not good enough to get a head shot consistently, don't pick up a sniper rifle and expect to dominate with it. You don't have the skill to do so, and you shouldn't be able to control anything. Instant-down active shots are as much of a crutch and annoyance as concussive smoke grenades.
Melee should not be your first action in close quarters either; get a few shots in with the Hammerburst or shotgun, or even pistol first, then melee, and you'll nearly always knock the person down. Mashing "B" isn't the way.
No kind of spamming should be rewarded by this game. Not active reloads. Not smoke grenades, not melee.
Shins said:Melee is not viable on its own, no. If running into someone and jamming on "B" always left you in an advantageous position, that would be a bad thing. Shoot, and melee to finish them off. It's called "two-piecing" and it's something that you whine about when it's done to you, and then you do it to everyone else because that's how you win. I never said melee wasn't useful. I said it wasn't useful on its own. It's obviously very useful if you apply it in the proper situations. The scenarios you describe, you melee and expect it to be decided, with you as the victor. I would have melee'd, then rolled away and shot at the person before coming backing in for another melee.
You apologetic approach to explaining why instant-down active sniper shots are okay assumes far too much about an ideal match where teammates actually coordinate. In the ideal scenario, there's nothing bad about concussive smoke either. If you want to make a case for any system in this game, you can. I'd prefer to be more realistic in my appraisal. Most games are fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants with no communication or plan of action on either side.
If you think the sniper rifle isn't useful close-up, or that it's hard to aim, you're not very good with it.
ps if I sound elitist it's just because I'm just so much better than you that it's hard for me to come down to your level
NubCakes09 said:Tried playing Gears today after hearing about the smoke grenades being removed, and instead of having a great, smoke-less time, I get 3 uber laggy matches in a row.
I am really starting to despise this game.
What they need to do is to change the way the game picks host. If someone has such a shit connection that they can't join other matches then they shouldn't be host either.Domino Theory said:Yeah, the smokes are great now, but the lag hasn't stopped. I don't understand why I'm consistently matched up with people from Mexico and they end up getting host. I really want a country filter, not some region 'preference' bullshit.
Same. Get rid of the smoke stun too. It's great not getting knocked down, but I shouldn't even be stunned.Ramirez said:Game is so much better without the smoke knockdown, that is all. I prefer 5v5 though as most of the maps were built around a large number of people.
You have better luck then me then and I live in the UK!AnEternalEnigma said:In my first game after the smoke change, I got put in a game where the host was in the United Kingdom. He had about 25 kills. The next guy closest to him in kills had 9.
Correct.NubCakes09 said:The no-stun smoke grenades are only for this weekend right?
AnEternalEnigma said:In my first game after the smoke change, I got put in a game where the host was in the United Kingdom. He had about 25 kills. The next guy closest to him in kills had 9.
whitehawk said:Correct.
whitehawk said:Correct.
Seeing as it will be the people on the Gears 2 forum who will decide, they will not go back to the knockdowns in the end. Most people love this, so they will either use the stun animation or try something else before settling with one or the other.Tomcat said:One more day for the old school to end. The smoke grenades should stay as it is now. If they will change them back to their original form i will stop playing