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Gears of War 2 |OT| ...Maria...MARIA!!!


Got lost down the bottom of the thread.

Match Making has ruined the Gears of War 2 entire experience for me, lobby systems is very poor and im always connecting to bad servers and playing game modes and maps i dont necessaliary want to. 60% of matches ppl are quiting (3-4 players) due to clans,partys,lag,bad losers or modes which was not pick

**EPIC FAIL** no pun intended

EPIC Games forum administrators have been on a banning frenzy with ppl making simple threads of solutions on how to fix the matching with either region coding,status bar or options for private matches to be open for the public

they even banned me forever with no reason as to why for this thread... i have never flamed on this forum ever all called out anyone i just wanted to post about my experience with Gears 2 matching and leave some constructive criticism and i have been very good with ppl on the Gears of War forums.

heres is what i posted..


Dear Advid Gears Fans,

I have had the privelage of playing this title very early and i have to say that its everything i wanted it to be and it will not disappoint if you were in love with Gears 1 , but their are some very important and simple issues which need to be addressed and may be potentially game breaking in Gears of War 2 for some.

Im not talking about weapon balancing,Map layouts and shot guns for the matter, all the changing i have seen are genuine and are very well thought out and makes going back to gears Gears 1 very bare bones&bland. I wanted to post about the most apparent problems and divulge into the most important components and issues of Gears 2 that are easily stick out like a sore thumb.

Problem # 1

Matchmaking: With over 60 - 70% of matches played i have experienced at least 1-2 people leave each match early due to various reasons which im going to state below and can easily be addressed (which is highly doubtful, but my hopes are high)

The Most Important thing when playing any title online is having the ability to play in a Good/Fair Connection and due to Inadequate hosting ability's and bad connection issues it will leave players feeling frustrated in Gears 2, The apparent host migrating problems will leave most matches in a bad play state and atm it will/has encourage "most" players to quit early. This may solely ruin the entire experience of playing Public matches on Gears 2, and will leave all of Epics hard undone and left in the shadows.

''MY QUOTE'' "A Game is only as great as the connection you play in no matter how great the gameplay is"


1)Region Filter Options: This is the single most important feature that should be included either via patch or on launch day

2)Player Matches: with status bars similar to Gears 1 (Why are we going backwarks in Gears 2...)

Problem # 2 Players Preference

With the current lobby system its not entirely easy to play the mode in which you prefer, getting an Exection or Warzone match will be alot harder with the all new favorite respawn modes such as: King of the Hill, Guardian & Annex. these modes will be the pick of the pot most of the time, and a full friends party or clan usually has the say with the majority vote.

it says players choice but really its like putting a ballot slip in an empty box in a empty hall while the party is out having drinks :p


Search-able Modes: Add options for all search-able Modes Warzone,Execution,Submission,Wingman,King of the Hill, Guardian & Annex

Problem # 3

Individual players being outnumbered with party dominance

I, like many like to roll with my friends online and in doing so you may end up with playing all singled individual team, this can cause problems as most of the time these teams quit and leaves them with all odds STACKED againts them, eg (Clans/Full Party of friends) this will ruin some of the experience for the solo players and encourage them to leave or stop playing completely, also not to mention each individual player may be from another country which makes matters totally worst


Add a option for Single Indvidual players to play in players choice matches with no party/clans which will cater to those who like to run solo, Simalar to the Mercenary TeamDeathmatch option in CoD

Problem # 4

Early Quitters: The Bad losers or.. Ranking System:
I never quit matches ever. But i do see why ppl will either leave during or at the beggining of public matches, this is mainly due to the Host/Mode/Map not satisfied but the indiviadual player there is an increasing amount of quitters which will happly boot to dashboard to just to quit a match...

rank system: atm it has encouraged ppl to boost and emblem is very inconsistent with player performance ie stats

Also another one which is lame is the Fear of players losing Ranks/KDR & W-L ratio which in other words is STATS (I know its sounds bad but theres a ton of it happening)
I have even seen some professional teams leave early MLG/GB clans (not naming) its the "5th round Myth"


1)Public Matches: with status bars of
2)Quitters: Down Rank or loss sizable loss of points

Final Thought

I find all these problems can be fixed into 1, either with Player Matches or Region fitlering Options.

Gears of War 2 imho is Technically the best game of all and the multiplayer is a blast and with all the gameplay changes which intially had me worried are ALL gone now, but if you read my top quote you see how it will be spoilt with these most important missing features

thats all, thanks for reading.


fucking epic.... truely... starts bland (training and hospital) then spreads its wings like a 50 a whores flaps... amazing

trouble is

yesterday i got GoW2 and FIFA09, today i got Fallout 3 and Dark Sector... soo many games at once!


smik said:
Got lost down the bottom of the thread.

Match Making has ruined the Gears of War 2 entire experience for me, lobby systems is very poor and im always connecting to bad servers and playing game modes and maps i dont necessaliary want to. 60% of matches ppl are quiting (3-4 players) due to clans,partys,lag,bad losers or modes which was not pick

**EPIC FAIL** no pun intended

EPIC Games forum administrators have been on a banning frenzy with ppl making simple threads of solutions on how to fix the matching with either region coding,status bar or options for private matches to be open for the public

they even banned me forever with no reason as to why for this thread... i have never flamed on this forum ever all called out anyone i just wanted to post about my experience with Gears 2 matching and leave some constructive criticism and i have been very good with ppl on the Gears of War forums.

heres is what i posted..


Dear Advid Gears Fans,

I have had the privelage of playing this title very early and i have to say that its everything i wanted it to be and it will not disappoint if you were in love with Gears 1 , but their are some very important and simple issues which need to be addressed and may be potentially game breaking in Gears of War 2 for some.

Im not talking about weapon balancing,Map layouts and shot guns for the matter, all the changing i have seen are genuine and are very well thought out and makes going back to gears Gears 1 very bare bones&bland. I wanted to post about the most apparent problems and divulge into the most important components and issues of Gears 2 that are easily stick out like a sore thumb.

Problem # 1

Matchmaking: With over 60 - 70% of matches played i have experienced at least 1-2 people leave each match early due to various reasons which im going to state below and can easily be addressed (which is highly doubtful, but my hopes are high)

The Most Important thing when playing any title online is having the ability to play in a Good/Fair Connection and due to Inadequate hosting ability's and bad connection issues it will leave players feeling frustrated in Gears 2, The apparent host migrating problems will leave most matches in a bad play state and atm it will/has encourage "most" players to quit early. This may solely ruin the entire experience of playing Public matches on Gears 2, and will leave all of Epics hard undone and left in the shadows.

''MY QUOTE'' "A Game is only as great as the connection you play in no matter how great the gameplay is"


1)Region Filter Options: This is the single most important feature that should be included either via patch or on launch day

2)Player Matches: with status bars similar to Gears 1 (Why are we going backwarks in Gears 2...)

Problem # 2 Players Preference

With the current lobby system its not entirely easy to play the mode in which you prefer, getting an Exection or Warzone match will be alot harder with the all new favorite respawn modes such as: King of the Hill, Guardian & Annex. these modes will be the pick of the pot most of the time, and a full friends party or clan usually has the say with the majority vote.

it says players choice but really its like putting a ballot slip in an empty box in a empty hall while the party is out having drinks :p


Search-able Modes: Add options for all search-able Modes Warzone,Execution,Submission,Wingman,King of the Hill, Guardian & Annex

Problem # 3

Individual players being outnumbered with party dominance

I, like many like to roll with my friends online and in doing so you may end up with playing all singled individual team, this can cause problems as most of the time these teams quit and leaves them with all odds STACKED againts them, eg (Clans/Full Party of friends) this will ruin some of the experience for the solo players and encourage them to leave or stop playing completely, also not to mention each individual player may be from another country which makes matters totally worst


Add a option for Single Indvidual players to play in players choice matches with no party/clans which will cater to those who like to run solo, Simalar to the Mercenary TeamDeathmatch option in CoD

Problem # 4

Early Quitters: The Bad losers or.. Ranking System:
I never quit matches ever. But i do see why ppl will either leave during or at the beggining of public matches, this is mainly due to the Host/Mode/Map not satisfied but the indiviadual player there is an increasing amount of quitters which will happly boot to dashboard to just to quit a match...

rank system: atm it has encouraged ppl to boost and emblem is very inconsistent with player performance ie stats

Also another one which is lame is the Fear of players losing Ranks/KDR & W-L ratio which in other words is STATS (I know its sounds bad but theres a ton of it happening)
I have even seen some professional teams leave early MLG/GB clans (not naming) its the "5th round Myth"


1)Public Matches: with status bars of
2)Quitters: Down Rank or loss sizable loss of points

Final Thought

I find all these problems can be fixed into 1, either with Player Matches or Region fitlering Options.

Gears of War 2 imho is Technically the best game of all and the multiplayer is a blast and with all the gameplay changes which intially had me worried are ALL gone now, but if you read my top quote you see how it will be spoilt with these most important missing features

thats all, thanks for reading.

Totally agree about the shitty matchmaking system.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
I just finished Act 4, talk about balls-out, off-the-wall action!

And the visuals in one particular part - it was like I was playing CGI - holy. shit.

You guessed it, wow-meter = rose again!


shooting blanks
U K Narayan said:
You got to level 47?

Good God.

I suck but I got a couple of friends that are beasts, fucking golden lancer looks awesome I'm so pissed at wal mart. They didnt have the game at midnight so I had to go to gamestop and get a regular edition.


Matix said:
Totally agree about the shitty matchmaking system.
The matchmaking categories need some revisions, but you're not going to see public matches; that would undermine the matchmaking system and split the userbase. I do think the could stand to make the private matches setup less annoying; you should not be returned to the pre-game lobby by default, just to press start, load the game lobby, choose your map/character for another match with your group. Send us back to the pre-game library first, and if basic settings need to be changed, we'll go back one more menu. It'd make playing that way much more seamless.


Jazzy Network said:
Wait what do you mean no team and party chat?

Sorry for the late response.

"Team and Party chat" was a brilliant feature implemented by Bungie in Halo 3. The feature allowed you to mute the entire opposing team with one button to only hear your teammates or people in your party (should they get switched to the other team by the game), and it makes playing online soo much more enjoyable.


yeah seriously, the matchmaking is fucking awful. I hope they patch it ASAP, im not waiting 20 minutes for a 5 minute game. Lucky horde is so fun I can play that until they do something about the shitty multiplayer


Horde is delicious for different reasons. Locust don't complain when they get two-pieced.

Well, that Grinder did slap around a bit when he was grenade tagged. Oh my God they feel


keep your strippers out of my American football
Llyranor said:
The solution to this matchmaking thingie is to play Horde with friends.

That is what I did last night.....until 4 AM!!!!!

I can't see playing this game with randoms. We needed to use strategy and communication past the first few levels.
If anyone wants to play some Horde mode today I'm down. My GamerTag is RyoGCH and I should be on Live in some form pretty much all day.


shooting blanks
dhelfric said:
Is horde playable with 2 player splitscreen?

Are there bots for the regular modes?

Dont know about the 2nd question but to the first HELL FUCKING YES. Me and my homie were playing for a while but we only got to level 7 lol



The blood is lovely.


ChrisGoldstein said:
Dont know about the 2nd question but to the first HELL FUCKING YES. Me and my homie were playing for a while but we only got to level 7 lol

Does the difficulty scale to the amount of players?

dskillzhtown said:
You can set up multiplayer games for all other modes with bots.



smik said:
Got lost down the bottom of the thread.

Match Making has ruined the Gears of War 2 entire experience for me, lobby systems is very poor and im always connecting to bad servers and playing game modes and maps i dont necessaliary want to. 60% of matches ppl are quiting (3-4 players) due to clans,partys,lag,bad losers or modes which was not pick

**EPIC FAIL** no pun intended.....

Here is what I posted.....


To make an omlet, you've got to break some eggs. You are just one cracked egg in the way of a really tasty breakfast.
The MM system is a massive improvement, and its better for the majority of us.

Something is definitely up with finding matches though, as the waiting periods are entirely too long right now... might have something to do with the amount of people playing campaign vs MM? Certainly seems like something needs a little patching to improve the waiting / searching period, something appears to be happening.

The only half-steps would MAYBE be the playlists names and content.
I think epic has done a poor job in describing the game rules, and naming their game modes. Most people don't understand what 'Annex' means, or 'Guardian' means. There aren't descriptors placed around the game-modes. The rules should appear on screen underneath the score-card that loads up before and between rounds (everytime). Even something like 'warzone' is confusing, to most people, why not just call it Deathmatch... people understand things like that. Most of the time, it seems like the enthusiasts are explaining the game-modes to everyone else in the game.


shooting blanks
I was thinking that the 5 maps you download might have something to do with the MM system failing, I got a lot of friends who havnt even downloaded them yet.
It's almost comical how often your guys yell out the names of the enemies you encounter. REAVERS GRUBS BLOODMOUNTS REAVERS MAULERS WRETCHES DRONES REAVERS REAVERS


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Man, the game just keeps getting better. My only real disappointment at this point are the visuals and environment designs. Now, I'm only halfway through Act 3, but the scenery just hasn't been anywhere near as compelling as the original game.

I found the city environments to be much more impressive and, by Act 3 of the original, you were raiding the power station during a storm. I'm just hoping they move us back into areas with beautiful architecture at some point during the game. The caves DO look nice but they just aren't as visually interesting or enjoyable to fight through. Felt the same way about the caves in Gears 1, really. It seems like they are dead set on building locations that the engine is less capable of handling. I really don't think this looks better than the original at all and, in fact, seems worse. There are obvious improvements to things like enemy numbers and the like, but very few of the UE3 tech demo enhancements are shown off here. Only very minor bits of cover can be destroyed, the water has only been interactive at one point, and the lighting feels inferior.

I also recommend anyone with a display capable of decent blacks to tone down the brightness as, by default, everything has a blue-ish hue where there should be blackness. It looks really nasty and makes the dark areas appear as if you are using a crappy LCD. It appears this way on both my plasma and CRT. Dropping the brightness loses no shadow detail for me and solves this issue. I also REALLY miss the different display modes (vivid, etc). I preferred using the filter that made the image appear somewhat more monochromatic, actually.

I don't know what it is about these shooter sequels, but I really do think both Gears of War 2 and Resistance 2 look inferior to their prequels. Of course, I felt the same way about Crysis Warhead, but that was likely due to the different team behind it.

Other than that, this game is incredible. The stuff with the rockworm was actually pretty clever and fun. :p


I still can't get over the fact that they have no player matches. A big part of gears 1 was that I would have friends come over and we would split screen (guest) and jump into matches. Now that is not possible as it took over 1 hour last night to try and attempt a private match with no success. I am pretty pissed at this new shitty matchmaking system.


Dosia said:
I still can't get over the fact that they have no player matches. A big part of gears 1 was that I would have friends come over and we would split screen (guest) and jump into matches. Now that is not possible as it took over 1 hour last night to try and attempt a private match with no success. I am pretty pissed at this new shitty matchmaking system.



I put about 8 hours into multiplayer, Horde is fantastic. I've noticed no real difference between Gears 2 and 1 with regards to competitive multi, well one difference, the chainsaw spam. Everyone just mashes chainsaw, I've taken direct shotgun blasts and still managed to get it off, and vice versa. It's pretty cheap, much cheaper than those who cried foul about the shotgun. Thank god for Horde.


ChrisGoldstein said:
I was thinking that the 5 maps you download might have something to do with the MM system failing, I got a lot of friends who havnt even downloaded them yet.

That is a very good point. I bet this is half the problem.
Finally got into the game today, simply amazing. Epic soundtrack, awesome graphics, tighter gameplay. Edit: Hammerburst is the SHIT!

Graphics are sooo much better then the first one. Seriously. It all looks the same on pics, but in game, it's just like Gears 1 on roids or something. Better shadows, way better textures. Especially Marucs' and Dom's faces. Some framerate dips now and then (probably also due to disc seeking and loading, nxe can't come soon enough) but overall just a great experience. LOVE IT and I just cleared the hospital.

Biggest highlight so far Marcus' new awesome quotes. :lol


Hellraizer said:
Some framerate dips now and then (probably also due to disc seeking and loading, nxe can't come soon enough)
I played the whole game from my harddrive and still had quite a few framedrops :( nothing too big, but still a shame considering how smooth Gears 1 is when playing from HDD.
jowa said:
I played the whole game from my harddrive and still had quite a few framedrops :( nothing too big, but still a shame considering how smooth Gears 1 is when playing from HDD.
Biggest dips I experience is during checkpoint saves, since the game saves on the fly, but other than that it's not a big gamebreaker at all. Haven't seen any tearing yet. But you really have to put the game into the drive, spin it up and enjoy it on the HDTV, if you want to notice how much better it looks than the first.
I picked up the Limited Edition last night and entered my Gold Lancer code on Xbox Live. The code went through and the downloaded started. I then got an error saying "Can't Download Gold Lancer". When I tried again later I got a message right away saying that the code was no longer valid.

The map pack downloaded just fine. Has anyone else experienced this with their Gold Lancer code?


How is the score? I like Steve Jablonksky's work most of the time, even though it generally accompanies shitty movies.
Haha, my first match online and I got a triple kill with a planted gernade. It was 3 vs 1 and I was running from them and I stuck it on a wall and they all ran into it.


dark10x said:
My only real disappointment at this point are the visuals and environment designs. Now, I'm only halfway through Act 3, but the scenery just hasn't been anywhere near as compelling as the original game.
Are you serious? Do you need glasses? The environments in Gears 2 completely and utterly shit all over Gears 1's environments. How could anyone possibly think otherwise? Just read all the posts in this thread. Are you being contrarian just for the sake of being contrarian or what? I mean, really. The environments and overall visuals when you get to Act 2 and beyond are a huge improvement. The level of detail is astounding.


Solo said:
How is the score? I like Steve Jablonksky's work most of the time, even though it generally accompanies shitty movies.
The music is of my favorite things about the game. It's that good. It sounds so epic and orchestral... like out of a Summer blockbuster film. Is it Jablonksky? He made the ending song of The Island. No wonder it's so damn good.


Hellraizer said:
Biggest dips I experience is during checkpoint saves, since the game saves on the fly, but other than that it's not a big gamebreaker at all. Haven't seen any tearing yet. But you really have to put the game into the drive, spin it up and enjoy it on the HDTV, if you want to notice how much better it looks than the first.
I've noticed some minor tearing when you're riding that big assualt derrick in act 1. But except that part, I haven't noticed much tearing. My biggest gripe with the game is some stuttering which I presume is due to disc seeking/loading.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Hellraizer said:
Biggest dips I experience is during checkpoint saves, since the game saves on the fly, but other than that it's not a big gamebreaker at all. Haven't seen any tearing yet. But you really have to put the game into the drive, spin it up and enjoy it on the HDTV, if you want to notice how much better it looks than the first.

What you guys are calling framedips is surely the millisecond it takes to load - since it usually happens when moving to a new area...


Had a chance to play some more today and this game is easily the best I've played this generation. The gameplay is polished to perfection, the graphics are fucking insane, the art direction is brilliant, and the online is significantly improved over Gears of War 1.


rjcc said:

My brother and i can't play splitscreen online (1 logged in as Guest) effectively without resorting to bots or waiting 40 minutes for busy people on the friendslist to join and make numbers. You HAVE to choose Private game, which doesn't do any matchmaking, doesn't have any server browser (unlike the first GOW), so you're up shit-creek 90% of the time you want to do some splitscreen.

Grave ommission. there should have at least been some form of unranked matchmaking.


kbear said:
The music is of my favorite things about the game. It's that good. It sounds so epic and orchestral... like out of a Summer blockbuster film. Is it Jablonksky? He made the ending song of The Island. No wonder it's so damn good.

Yep, its Jablonsky. Thanks for the response too, I was hoping you'd say the score is awesome. Looking forward to sinking my teeth into the game.
mintylurb said:
I've noticed some minor tearing when you're riding that big assualt derrick in act 1. But except that part, I haven't noticed much tearing. My biggest gripe with the game is some stuttering which I presume is due to disc seeking/loading.
Yeah what happened to me was, right when the intro started the disc drive spin went from max to 0, I thought hey that's a nice surprise, until the game froze right after that before it spinned up again :lol

What you guys are calling framedips is surely the millisecond it takes to load - since it usually happens when moving to a new area...


Celeryface said:
I picked up the Limited Edition last night and entered my Gold Lancer code on Xbox Live. The code went through and the downloaded started. I then got an error saying "Can't Download Gold Lancer". When I tried again later I got a message right away saying that the code was no longer valid.

The map pack downloaded just fine. Has anyone else experienced this with their Gold Lancer code?

I had that Lancer problem all day yesterday, but 10mins ago it worked fine. You don't enter the code again, codes are only valid once. What you do is go to Account Management and Download History. You should see the Gold Lancer download there and you can just keep trying to download it again. Hope that helps.

I'm in Act 5 now and man, this game is AWESOME. :D


Anyone think they'll have the golden hammerburst and lancer available for download eventually? I'd pay 100 points for the hammerburst


dark10x said:
Man, the game just keeps getting better. My only real disappointment at this point are the visuals and environment designs. Now, I'm only halfway through Act 3, but the scenery just hasn't been anywhere near as compelling as the original game.

I don't know if I could disagree with a person any more then I disagree with you.
Finished the campaign. Gears 2 is really, really good. Probably the best 'Xbox 360' game (as in you could only play it on the Xbox 360) by-far.

It's funny how both games that could be considered GoW2 (God of War and Gears of War) are almost the benchmark of how you should do a proper sequel.
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