Judging by previous Blizzcon Q&A sessions, every question will be about things that everyone already knows like "Is there vespene gas in StarCraft II?" and "Can we right click to sell items in Diablo 3?"bill0527 said:I hope someone asks the WOW dev team if the plan to fix all the game crashing bugs introduced in 4.01 or are they going to let them ride until the big cataclysm patch.
hahaInterfectum said:What have you done??
*awkward pause*Nirolak said:Judging by previous Blizzcon Q&A sessions, every question will be about things that everyone already knows like "Is there vespene gas in StarCraft II?" and "Can we right click to sell to merchants in Diablo 3?"
J-Rzez said:It has the best gameplay out of any MMO out there, sure. Polished, it should be considering how many years it's been out there. Though 4.0 so far has been an absolute disaster, so I'm curious how much damage control they'll be doing at the show over this. Graphically, it's in pretty bad shape, especially considering that they refuse to update the old vanilla races models.
I don't think we'd see a SC->SC2 leap in visuals obviously, but it would be nice to see what Blizzard can do with a newly engined MMO. And, if it's going to be a shooter as some rumors hinted at.
Blizzard fanboys in a Blizzcon thread? no wai..Interfectum said:yeah, no it's really not.
maybe we'll see if ArenaNet can pull off Guild Wars 2, then you can come back and say that.
Hot. I bet that Deathling will fetch a pretty penny on eBay.maniac-kun said:
J-Rzez said:I don't think we'd see a SC->SC2 leap in visuals obviously, but it would be nice to see what Blizzard can do with a newly engined MMO. And, if it's going to be a shooter as some rumors hinted at.
2PMYakiSOBA said:When's shit go down EST time?
Fallout-NL said:Universe/World of Starcraft.
Well they stated the next mmo will not use the WarCraft StarCraft or Diablo universe. So no.Pai Pai Master said:The SC2 story turned to such shit because they're so obviously retooling the lore to be MMO-friendly. A real shame.
Pai Pai Master said:The SC2 story turned to such shit because they're so obviously retooling the lore to be MMO-friendly. A real shame.
How so? (not a trap, I'm honestly curious)Pai Pai Master said:The SC2 story turned to such shit because they're so obviously retooling the lore to be MMO-friendly. A real shame.
I too am curious what makes lore MMO friendly.Haunted said:How so? (not a trap, I'm honestly curious)
Draft said:I too am curious what makes lore MMO friendly.
I hope for suprise Diablo 3 beta keys for the virtual ticket ownersAesthet1c said:There is no way there will be a release date for Diablo 3. Cataclysm and Starcraft both went into beta long before a release date announcement came, and Diablo 3 isn't going into beta any time soon..
While I see where you're going with this, I'm pretty sure the story quality was just caused by their descent to being terrible, god awful writers that's been going on for about the past ten years.Pai Pai Master said:They recycled the exact same twist from Warcraft 3; the zerg aren't evil! They were under the control of some dark, mysterious force from beyond...the overmind just wanted them to be happy and free. ;_; And finished with Kerrigan being turned back into a human...wouldn't surprise me if she retains her will and uses the swarm to fight against the Hybrids alongside the Terran and Protoss.
All we need now is for the next two expansions to introduce more diverse Terran and Protoss factions and new species subsets of Zerg so there'll be plenty of playable races for Starcraft MMO.
Hm, fair enough.Pai Pai Master said:They recycled the exact same twist from Warcraft 3; the zerg aren't evil! They were under the control of some dark, mysterious force from beyond...the overmind just wanted them to be happy and free. ;_;
Well, that's what a lot of us already speculated in the SC2 thread, and tbh, I didn't think of an eventual MMO at all when I made those connections. That's just where the overarching SC2 trilogy seems to be headed.Pai Pai Master said:And finished with Kerrigan being turned back into a human...wouldn't surprise me if she retains her will and uses the swarm to fight against the Hybrids alongside the Terran and Protoss.
Yeah, now that would be a definite indication of where they're going with this.Pai Pai Master said:All we need now is for the next two expansions to introduce more diverse Terran and Protoss factions and new species subsets of Zerg so there'll be plenty of playable races for Starcraft MMO.
Nirolak said:While I see where you're going with this, I'm pretty sure the story quality was just caused by their descent to being terrible, god awful writers that's been going on for about the past ten years.
It's best to just assume zero plot quality going into their games these days. It's far more enjoyable that way.
Thanks for the spoiler tags!Pai Pai Master said:They recycled the exact same twist from Warcraft 3; the zerg aren't evil! They were under the control of some dark, mysterious force from beyond...the overmind just wanted them to be happy and free. ;_; And finished with Kerrigan being turned back into a human...wouldn't surprise me if she retains her will and uses the swarm to fight against the Hybrids alongside the Terran and Protoss.
All we need now is for the next two expansions to introduce more diverse Terran and Protoss factions and new species subsets of Zerg so there'll be plenty of playable races for Starcraft MMO.
Pai Pai Master said:They recycled the exact same twist from Warcraft 3; the zerg aren't evil! They were under the control of some dark, mysterious force from beyond...the overmind just wanted them to be happy and free. ;_; And finished with Kerrigan being turned back into a human...wouldn't surprise me if she retains her will and uses the swarm to fight against the Hybrids alongside the Terran and Protoss.
All we need now is for the next two expansions to introduce more diverse Terran and Protoss factions and new species subsets of Zerg so there'll be plenty of playable races for Starcraft MMO.
ultron87 said:*Random insane prediction*
The Boxer Vs. Fruitdealer SC2 Exhibition match will feature Heart of the Swarm units.
Damn man, I know Starcraft II has been out for 3 months now which makes it OLD by gaming standards, but I had been putting the single player campaign in the backlog. Thanks for the spoilers !!
Ozorov said:Is there some countdown somewhere? Or could someone please tell me how its to it begins.
Pai Pai Master said:They recycled the exact same twist from Warcraft 3; the zerg aren't evil! They were under the control of some dark, mysterious force from beyond...the overmind just wanted them to be happy and free. ;_; And finished with Kerrigan being turned back into a human...wouldn't surprise me if she retains her will and uses the swarm to fight against the Hybrids alongside the Terran and Protoss.
All we need now is for the next two expansions to introduce more diverse Terran and Protoss factions and new species subsets of Zerg so there'll be plenty of playable races for Starcraft MMO.
It is if you have the virtual ticket. everything is on demand after it airs.Weenerz said:Damn, I hope every second is re-watchable on the stream. I work 1:30 - 10 est and I don't want to miss anything. But I think I might be coming down with a cold *cough cough![]()
No, that's just how Chris Metzen writes.Pai Pai Master said:The SC2 story turned to such shit because they're so obviously retooling the lore to be MMO-friendly. A real shame.
Fonds said:How could you even think of saying that while there are 12 million people (and counting) playing that game? It might not be up to your standards graphically (though it looks better than most MMO's) but it's still the most complete and polished MMO experience on the market. Period.
Jackl said:I think he worded it wrong, I've played WoW off and on for a long time. The thing that depresses me most about the game, and the MMO market in general is the absolute lack of any VIABLE alternatives outside of it. So when I get burnt out on a WoW patch, or I want to do something else my choices are:
A. Team Fortress 2
B. Waste 3 months on Aion/Warhammer/Whatever and be disappointed.
C. Go outside.
On topic: Please god, surprise Spring release for D3. I WANT TO BELIEVE!
John_B said:29.95 for a fucking stream.
Blizzard is beyond awesome, but they got damn petty.