Drew just now:
I really don't get why Brad and Jeff are so stubborn.
New Survey on the site. Based on the attached email,it seems the info goes straight to a Research Analyst at CBS Interactive
I guess CBS is still confused as to why Giant Bomb is popular
New Survey on the site. Based on the attached email,it seems the info goes straight to a Research Analyst at CBS Interactive
I guess CBS is still confused as to why Giant Bomb is popular
"Looks like we need to add more Mario Party to NCIS"
I don't know if Drew reads this thread or not but I'll spoiler just in case:
During some of the codec conversations I can hear Colonel's voice has a filter that I hadn't noticed when playing myself. Was that always the case? The game has more foreshadowing than I realized. I guess they did a good job if you don't notice it the first time you play.
I don't know if Drew reads this thread or not but I'll spoiler just in case:
During some of the codec conversations I can hear Colonel's voice has a filter that I hadn't noticed when playing myself. Was that always the case? The game has more foreshadowing than I realized. I guess they did a good job if you don't notice it the first time you play.
Pretty sure that was in the original game. And yeah there's foreshadowing pretty much right from the start. Colonel's talking about "the simulation" and Rose keeps acting weird about how her and Raiden met. Personally I think, the story in MGS2 kinda goes to shit towards the end, but the game still has some of the best mind fucks of all time.
New Survey on the site. Based on the attached email,it seems the info goes straight to a Research Analyst at CBS Interactive
I guess CBS is still confused as to why Giant Bomb is popular
Holy shit... I totally forgot about that plot twist! Can't wait!
Holy shit... I totally forgot about that plot twist! Can't wait!
How was UPF?
Hmm, Dragon Age might have a chance at GOTY or a high spot now that Brad is jumping into it. Could be like a Last of Us situation.
How was UPF?
Really surprised to see all the dick jokes and Dan's dick drawings on UPF. Not surprised by Dan but I wouldn't have expected Brad to allow it. GB usually doesn't go that blue. Still it was a fun show.
need muh archive ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
What did Dan do ? I only caught the part when he was laughing like a maniac.
What did Dan do ? I only caught the part when he was laughing like a maniac.
GB's overall disinterest in Smash wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the fact that come time for GOTY, everyone is going to be bitching about all the disappointing AAA games that shipped broke as hell, and when Dan nominates Smash for GOTY everyone is just going to go "meeeeeeeh".
Someone have a link the to GTA vid mentioned at the end of UPF?
I don't know if Drew reads this thread or not but I'll spoiler just in case:
During some of the codec conversations I can hear Colonel's voice has a filter that I hadn't noticed when playing myself. Was that always the case? The game has more foreshadowing than I realized. I guess they did a good job if you don't notice it the first time you play.
It popped up when I visited the site, didn't do anything special.Where's this survey you guys are talking about?
It popped up when I visited the site, didn't do anything special.
I don't know if Drew reads this thread or not but I'll spoiler just in case:
During some of the codec conversations I can hear Colonel's voice has a filter that I hadn't noticed when playing myself. Was that always the case? The game has more foreshadowing than I realized. I guess they did a good job if you don't notice it the first time you play.
GB's overall disinterest in Smash wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the fact that come time for GOTY, everyone is going to be bitching about all the disappointing AAA games that shipped broke as hell, and when Dan nominates Smash for GOTY everyone is just going to go "meeeeeeeh".