Hot Coldman
Brad actually did some cool stuff with Dorf.
Those dairs, man. Ganondorf is brutal; still garbage that he's a Captain Falcon clone, but he's at least great fun to play as.
Brad actually did some cool stuff with Dorf.
Forget videos, podcasts are where the real work needs to be done. Searching through the bombcast archives on their site is a pain in the ass.Suggested to Giant Bomb in that survey that they should organize their videos better and improve search.
That's actually a good request. I wanted a Jeff series for a while.I put down "More premium videos with Jeff". Seems like he's the only one that hasn't had his own premium series.
54m40s in the managed livestream player.
Hey Dan, ever thought about doing a ALLTP speedrun stream? Have Brad or Jeff sit in and reminisce a bit.
I feel like this is the Smash with the most gonzo character choices, though. Melee and Brawl's were fairly typical - between the two, I'd say Ice Climbers, R.O.B. and Game and Watch are the only really weirdo fighters) but this one has the Villager, the Wii Fit Trainer, Duck Hunt Duo, Bowser Junior and all 8 Koopalings... it's fairly out there.
Not that I wouldn't mind more, obviously. Especially seeing as I have no idea what they pull from next. (I'm still waiting for Professor Layton.)
This game hyrules
Hey Dan, ever thought about doing a ALLTP speedrun stream? Have Brad or Jeff sit in and reminisce a bit.
I don't think Bowser Jr. and Villager are off the wall choices.
Drew? Rob from gamespot is my hero now.
Why are you posting this video in the middle of a GBEast production hiatus. That's cruel, man.
Remember when Drew and Kessler ate Surströmming on "UPF"?
"Wait Kessler's the intern we can make him do it."
"oh sshhi-"
i would love to see the age breakdown for the giant bomb compared to gamespot or ign
What the fuck, Nintendo? Seriously.
Remember when Drew and Kessler ate Surströmming on "UPF"?
"Wait Kessler's the intern we can make him do it."
"oh sshhi-"
Where is the questionnaire at?
Hope you're preloading that GW3.
i would love to see the age breakdown for the giant bomb compared to gamespot or ign
I'd suspect there's some limitation in sending images/ineractivity to multiple screens.
I'm sure it's a technical limitation, but it's their own fault. They designed the thing around the idea that only one player would want the second screen and that would somehow be sufficient. The Wii U is such a trainwreck. They've made some great games for it because that's what Nintendo does, but they need somebody to slap them in the damned mouth every time they come up with an idea as stupid as "Let's design the console for multiplayer games around flawed unsatisfying multiplayer" and didn't have any sort of online infrastructure in place to make up for their terrible local play.
What are you even talking about? WiiU is perfect for local multiplayer, the games that support the Gamepad are designed around the asymmetry. The ones that aren't don't offer an unfair advantage to the Gamepad user.
Just reminded about how stupid the whole gamepad idea was from watching the Quick Look, that's all. It never should have gotten beyond the planning stages. They should have realized that at the price they wanted to offer they couldn't actually make the screen offer a compelling experience, that they couldn't use two would be a significant issue, and that they never would make use of the damn thing in the first place.
Imagine a kid who owns a Wii U with a friend who does also--I know, I'm getting into insane fantasy logic that doesn't apply to the real world already--and wants to play a multiplayer game. He can't just bring his Wii U controller. One of the two needs to own another controller, either the pro controller or whatever it's called this time around which is as expensive as another primary controller or a game for any other system, or they have to use the worst controller ever known to mankind in the Wii controller. That's bad design. Nintendo should have known better.
Or if you have two kids, well I'm sure that goes over well. Children never bicker and get jealous over who gets to use the better controller, so having only one screen would never be a problem there.
I guess in the end what I'm talking about is that Nintendo deserves every bit of failure they get with the Wii U. It's all self-inflicted wounds.
You sound like a maniac.
Not being able to use 2 isn't a significant issue.
Well this certainly is a bad UPF...
How is the account system on the wii u these days?
In what capacity? Adding friends is pretty easy (no codes, by name, which covers them between games), I haven't had any issues with it these days.
If you've seen Dan's heel turn, you're safe to go watch/do something else.
i would love to see the age breakdown for the giant bomb compared to gamespot or ign