Can someone please make a movie with these three goofballs.
i would love a pac-man cabinet, especially a custom one with a whole bunch of pac-man games on the board, all the way up to ce dx
- metal slug 3
- time crisis 2
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... i dunno, some kind of full body vehicle thing. maybe one of those star wars fighter pilot games with the pilot seat. there's one in osaka but i haven't played it
Imagining D.Va as a twitch streamer makes me like her less.
I kind of always wanted a Silent Scope or Time Crisis II cabinet.
Apparently she's a retired StarCraft pro. She's definitely a streamer.
Imagining D.Va as a twitch streamer makes me like her less.
I bet she trolls in DOTA 2.
Do you think she gets harassed on twitter?
Just found out Junkrat and Roadhog are canon OTP
Do you think she gets harassed on twitter?
This will probably be one of those things I regret learning, but what is 'canon OTP'?![]()
OTP = one true pairing, which generally means the couple a fan prefers above all other pairings (and "ships").
canon OTP must mean that some official lore says Junkrat and Roadhog are an item
Outrun 2
Mystic Warriors
Fighting Vipers
4-Slot Neo-Geo (Metal Slug 3, Neo Turf Masters, Neo Bomberman, and Ghostlop)
Puzzle Fighter
Why get Daytona when it's one of those games you can still see at arcades?
What arcades?
I have no way of playing Daytona USA 2. Fucking Sega didn't even bother to port that thing to any console.
Dave & Buster's started sucking shit over the years, but a lot of them still have Daytona. Same goes for barcades, usually.
Daytona 2 I can understand. Baffling how that (and to a lesser extent, Scud Race) never got a home version.
Oh god part 2 Marakesh is2h23m
Other than them both being rich fuckwits, not even close.
i still don't get how they've played hitman for this long and still don't know the game's basic rules lmao
Wow. Can't watch it now but I'm looking forward to it.Oh god part 2 Marakesh is2h23m
LOLat Brad and Dan spending 30 minutes sneaking back into the consulate
I think Mirror's Edge is one of those 'you think you want another one of those and then you get it and realize you don't want another one of those' games.
like Shenmue 3
I kind of disagree. This game doesn't capture the aspects of the original that made it fun for me personally. I only played the original's story to unlock the time trials, then me and several friends bought a case of beer and went through each time trial to get 3 stars. We would rotate and each give the next person a chance to beat it.
We also spent a lot of time trying to beat each others best times. It was a blast, and this game is missing that in favor of Ubisofting the game.