Hot Coldman
Alex was on the drive mixlr today? Any way I can listen to that?
Alex was on the drive mixlr today? Any way I can listen to that?
Alex and Jeff bumping Aseop Rock. Now I like them even more!
My copy of Animal Crossing amiibo festival for 15 arrived what am I doing with my life.
Def Jux is garbage-tier.
Did you get it for the amiiibros?
Alex and Jeff bumping Aseop Rock. Now I like them even more!
but really
wheres the youtubers life video?
Def Jux is garbage-tier.
you're garbage tier!
Caugh up on Friends at the Table (Austin's podcast). A hot new track by Future Cyberpunk Riff Raff *might* be the key uniting the galaxy?
This thing is something special.
Where did the Bombcast go?
Am I crazy or does this look a little like old, bearded Jason?
Def Jux and Rhymesayers were the best thing in music 2000-2005
Anticon (besides Sage Francis) was garbage-tier
oh helllll yes, apparently Overwatch is doing that respawn as a random hero thing for the Brawl this week.
I didn't get to check this out in the beta but i wanted to check it out after jeff was talking about it
Atmosphere was garbage. E&A was garbage. Cannibal Ox was garbage. Cage was garbage. Brother Ali was garbage. Aesop was garbage. Del put out his worst shit with Def Jux. Perceptionists were alright, although Akrobatik was a thousand times better than Mr Lif and Lif was the only one signed to Def Jux, I think. I don't like El-P but recognize his talent.
Looking back, I really don't like early to mid 2000s underground shit. Now that I think about it, the best thing to come out of Def Jux or Rhymesayers is that Freeway and Jake One album. That shit was fantastic.
Def Jux is garbage-tier.
I'm looking forward to a Total Warhammer quick look because I can't play it and it make be very happy every time they say they wish fantasy was 40k.
Because killing fantasy completely wasn't enough.
I like that Austins Twitter is just him telling people he doesn't like Space Marines.
I hope we get a quick look of Warhammer Total War Warhammer because I'm not going to get to play it for years. And also fantasy Sicily is on the map but not playable but maybe conquerable?
And fantasy Scandanavia is pre order dlc.
I'm hoping we get a Total Warhammer quick look tomorrow. And then I can complain about them complaining about it not being 40k.
I hope it's Warhammer
Gbeast should record a Total Warhammer quick look so I don't have to watch YouTubers.
Dan should play Total Warhammer next UPF.
I'm still just hoping for a Total Warhammer quick look.
Will we get a No Go Show for Total Warhammer?
He still hasn't done a Total Warhammer quick look.
What if I didn't really like Patrick but Austin was my second favorite up until he didn't do a Total War: Warhammer quick look?
I still believe there will be a Total Warhammer quick look. Just like I still believe they'll do another Crusader Kings play date.
Careful you might have to censor that P****
Where is the Total Warhammer quick look that they talked about?
You can rest now.
You can rest now.
You can rest now.
OR is it my Dream feature that replaces Kerbal? I CAN DREAM
Atmosphere was garbage. E&A was garbage. Cannibal Ox was garbage. Cage was garbage. Brother Ali was garbage. Aesop was garbage. Del put out his worst shit with Def Jux. Perceptionists were alright, although Akrobatik was a thousand times better than Mr Lif and Lif was the only one signed to Def Jux, I think. I don't like El-P but recognize his talent.
Looking back, I really don't like early to mid 2000s underground shit. Now that I think about it, the best thing to come out of Def Jux or Rhymesayers is that Freeway and Jake One album. That shit was fantastic.
Has the bombcast been cancelled?
You can rest now.
That was hours ago. What does Brad do all day?
even setting aside personal tastes and all that, saying The Cold Vein is garbage pretty much throws my trust of your musical taste in the trash
Cage was probably garbage but I liked him anyway. those 2001-2002 Lif, El-P, CanOx, and Aesop albums are all stone cold classics though
ugh TraBuch you disgust me
They're better than Immortal Technique, at least.