Dan said he only wanted Amiibos from games he likes.Dan said before E3.
Dan says a lot of things.
The Pepsi can is your hopes and dreams

Dan said he only wanted Amiibos from games he likes.Dan said before E3.
Yup. One of the best games to Netflix/Podcast with.
Lately Enter the Gungeon has been my poddy game. That game is so much fun.
EtG is too stressful for me. Need to really pay attention to it.
I like Rocket League for gaming while listening to podcasts / watching TV shows.
The uncharted 4 review thread is weird
Bit of a let down after UC3 and BvS
I hope he gets Monked.The one thing I want from uncharted 4 is that Drake gets murked.
BBCMax Verstappen has been promoted to Red Bull and Daniil Kvyat dropped to junior team Toro Rosso with immediate effect.
It's just this weird mentality
"Wow this game I wanna buy is getting good scores and it's the best game this generation only on ps4!!"
It's like console war mentality for the reviews. I kinda wish Dan would give it an average score just to see the meltdowns.
Well, That 8.8 from IGN is already triggering some people lol.
Well, That 8.8 from IGN is already triggering some people lol.
I don't understand why people still care so much about reviews in whatever year it is now. Like not the content of the review but just the score as a number to be paraded about to reinforce your opinions or as evidence of foul play. Hooray the game you haven't played got a score you agree with because you're so great. Boo the game you haven't played got a score you don't agree with because the reviewer hates you personally.
I think you need to start giving up on life if that's the rule you're going to "live" by.There was a point where most of GAF did not seem to care about reviews for a while, but in recent years as more people have come to this site, I think the majority seems to care about them again. I like to think most of the louder people in those threads are late teens (and a best early 20s). I could see people of that age being silly enough to get wrapped up in the excitement.
If I ever find out anyone approaching their 30s is acting like that, then I will start to give up on life.
Thanks to Myggen for that list btw, I didn't know about Ryan's olympic games olympiad. Olympic video games: My guilty pleasure
Yup, I saw some people saying 'Wow they must want clicks' and I was like 'nope'
At least I learned something about the French and Greek school system
#yolo indeedI had a 19 in history but a 14 in Orthography.
But nobody cares about my Greek grades in Germany so #γωλω
Review scores are fine. The majority of people want them so let them be.
I do think it's very odd when people celebrate another 10/10 as if they won the lottery or something or predict metacritic scores as if that was a valuable investment of anyone's time on this planet but I am here posting this so who am I to judge.
Guys real talk I'm not lying I had a dream tonight that I played Hitman but I was 47 but I was playing and in the end when everybody wanted to kill me I physically ran towards a PlayStation (not a 4, it was more like a mish mash of 2 & 3) and pressed its power button and woke up.
Did I experience VR?
Whatever man, fuck uncharted 4 reviews, at least we now know that persona 5 has dope music.