Should all future fighting game quick looks be done under the watchful eye of Science? Or will that muddy the RoF board too much?
basically i just want more RoF
I've always thought XIV has looked pretty poop compared to past entries but it's been getting high reviews so it must play super well.
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Sleepy Dawgz 2 is too much to tease me with
Whatever happened to that weird Multiplayer Sleepy Dawgz game that might or might not exist?
It got cancelled because no one wanted it
we all know that the subscriber money is lining fat cat Jeff Gerstmanns pockets
this image should have had dan saying "check the tape!" instead
I finished doom. That is a very cool game.
Doom 2: Hell on Earth plz
I know they said they wouldn't do but they should really do it.
This gbeast vid worth the watch or should I just finish mgscanlon 2 tonights?
Monsoon > ArmstrongI just want this to happen to see Drew's reaction to the final boss and his cutscene.
There's really only been one before this one. You had a lot of freedom on how to approach the game and it set up a great moody world. A quick video won't really do it justice, since you only see one way to play it. And too often it's the "gun everything down" one when GB plays it.everything i have seen of the last couple of Deus Ex games has seemed incredibly dull and I really don't understand the hype.
No, the look of the new KoF is textbook "bland". It's ridiculous how much charme they lost going from XIII to XIV.sounds like the most generic criticism. just needs a 'misses the mark'
No, the looks of the new KoF is textbook "bland". It's ridiculous how much charme they lost going from XIII to XIV.
I just want this to happen to see Drew's reaction to the final boss and his cutscene.
Should I buy Rimworld?
Yes, it's pretty cool.
It's also Dwarf Fortress for the rest of us. So if you always wanted to play that but were put off by how it looks and controls you should definitely get Rimworld.
And before Dwarf Fortress players scold me on how much deeper their games is, I know. I'm just never ever going to properly enjoy that the way the game works.
Good to hear.
How...hmm..."stressfull" is the game? Like, is it okay to just mess around for a couple of minutes without running out of ressources 10 minutes later because of that? That's my biggest concern so far, cause RTS games easily stress me out for some reason.
Now I know I don't post in this thread a lot anymore, but you people seem like a good group to ask this.
I'm trying to give the Witcher series another honest try, and so I've returned to the Witcher 2 (I want to try to finish it before going to the Witcher 3).
I'm fairly early on (in Chapter 1, just visited Loredo's mansion) and I have these two questions:
- Does the plot pick up later on? I know the Witcher is heralded for its writing, but thus far it doesn't seem that amazing. It's grittier, and people swear a lot more and talk about sex, but I haven't really seen that much amazing stuff yet. But I know I'm still way early.
- Does the combat get more interesting? I'm playing on normal, so this may be just a result of that, but it all seems to just devolve into cast Quen, roll, swing, roll, cast Quen again. I avoid Daggers and Bombs because the targeting feels clumsy, so I'm handicapping myself a bit there I acknowledge. I think I'm just a little worried because it doesn't seem like there are more abilities that come down the line. What I have now is what there is, and I can see it getting old really fast...
I don't hate the game (which is more than I could say before). It's.... alright. I was just expecting more.
I want to be able to be there with the rest of you talking about the injustice of GB ignoring the games, but thus far... yeah.
That's not a good reason to cancel something
so you're the one that greenlit federation force
Sleepy Dawgz 2 is too much to tease me with
Giant Beast Academy starts out with anime reference. It's taking over.
What has Alex Zandra done work on? She pitched what she's currently doing but I couldn't hear what she's done.
Giant Beast Academy starts out with anime reference. It's taking over.
What has Alex Zandra done work on? She pitched what she's currently doing but I couldn't hear what she's done.
Adam's voice is basically the actor's normal speaking voice.I always would have been a lot happier with the voice acting in Deus Ex if they just made his voice normal at the beginning of Human Revolution and then blamed the gravelliness on augments.
It was also his face and voice in Splinter Cell: Blacklist:
Exactly, it's not like he asked for this.
Damn Blacklist was a good game. I need to go back and finally finish it.
Damn Blacklist was a good game. I need to go back and finally finish it.
I just want this to happen to see Drew's reaction to the final boss and his cutscene.
Metal Gear Rising predicted Election 2016
Also, since Gamespot reviews video cards, I doubt they paid for either of those 1080s.
Armstrong is arguably much more reasoned and electable than Trump is, though.
Armstrong's policies are much more thought out. It's really not fair to compare him to Trump.
Damn Blacklist was a good game. I need to go back and finally finish it.