She was at the last pax with him so probably longerDan moves fast. Didn't they start dating this year?
My wife, meanwhile, gave me the "and it took you 6 fucking years to ask me" look.
Ryckert is willing to drink birch beer? He knows it comes from tree bark, right?
pennsylvania dutch birch beer is the fucking bomb
Ryckert is willing to drink birch beer? He knows it comes from tree bark, right?
I finished The Talos Principle, ate a sandwich, and found maid Torbjorn art. I'm gettin things done today.Scoops with a kid and Dan getting what am I doing with my life?
I expect Greg Miller to hit him over the head with a chair before he can respond to the big question at the altar
paxmania is the worst game journalist thing to ever come out of game journalists.
I bet you'd like it if it was called New Japan Paxmania Wrestling
Dr. Tracksuit taking off his glasses and having another pair of glasses on underneath was pretty good.paxmania is the worst game journalist thing to ever come out of game journalists.
cause i love new japans booking decisions
paxmania is the worst game journalist thing to ever come out of game journalists.
I finished The Talos Principle, ate a sandwich, and found maid Torbjorn art. I'm gettin things done today.
Will he get a joint bank account tho?
But paxmania gave us thispaxmania is the worst game journalist thing to ever come out of game journalists.
Lmao @ brock looking like a marshmallow someone sat on. I love Vinny
It's a weird thing to say, but I understood exactly what he meant.Lmao @ brock looking like a marshmallow someone sat on. I love Vinny
Will he get a joint bank account tho?
But paxmania gave us this
Does he even have a bank account? He seems like a money in mattress guy.