Salty Catfish
I really hope they find time tomorrow for the farewell livestream they talked about on last week's Beastcast.
I've been trying to forget this fact all week.Oh, right, he's leaving tomorrow![]()
How come there is no persona version of dan yet?( or have i just not seen it)
If it makes everyone feel better, Britain is also leaving the EU~
How come there is no persona version of dan yet?( or have i just not seen it)
Also, i love you dan but cecis pizza buffet is an abomination against humanity
Yo wtf is this gnat story
That's how things have been trending? Huh, should be exciting.
That guy was amazing. That whole segment was amazing.
I forgot his name, unfortunately.
If it makes everyone feel better, Britain is also leaving the EU~
That shit wouldn't happen in America. We'd war the fuck out of the secessionists.
My country, Scotland, is tonight voting to stay in the EU but is tied to another country dragging it out because of the worst reasons.
It feels like theworstever.
My country, Scotland, is tonight voting to stay in the EU but is tied to another country dragging it out because of the worst reasons.
It feels like theworstever.
Didn't you guys recently come hand to hand with the UK too? Last year or so? I remember that being a big deal.
Man, what a slap in the face. I'm sorry, Nights :X
Yeah, it was a big thing in late 2014.
The most frustrating thing is that the campaign to keep Scotland in the UK made a big deal about EU membership and how it wasn't guaranteed with independence...
I won't get into it in here but tonight fucking sucks, for me and the majority of Scottish people.
Not a single region in Scotland has voted to leave the EU tonight so far.
There's a racist, Nigel Farage, on my TV declaring victory, and I quote, "without a bullet being fired."
There's a racist, Nigel Farage, on my TV declaring victory, and I quote, "without a bullet being fired."
There's a racist, Nigel Farage, on my TV declaring victory, and I quote, "without a bullet being fired."
Cover as it in never play it on the site or never review? Because if it lies in the corner of never playing the game on the site i find that really weird especially considering the amount of coverage Bastion got. Yeah, they weren't in the game but they were all friends with Greg. They never reviewed it which was the right thing to do but i just wonder what the line is when it comes for "not covering it"Nah. It's best for them to just not cover it.
I think we can definitively say that Austin leaving Giant Bomb has caused Britain to exit the EU.
Great Britain will now descend into a land of vice?I think we can definitively say that Austin leaving Giant Bomb has caused Britain to exit the EU in protest.
How come there is no persona version of dan yet?( or have i just not seen it)
Also, i love you dan but cecis pizza buffet is an abomination against humanity
I don't post in here often, but I am a huge GB fan. Premium member, t-shirt, the whole deal. I just want to say that Jeff, on the recent E3 live streams (the most recent PAX too) was at the absolute best I've ever seen that man. He has gotten so comfortable in his hosting role that it just flows out of him. I love Brad (seriously rudds), but I kind of feel like Jeff needs to start hosting the Bombcast again. I think he is hitting a real stride that I don't feel like I've seen from this site in years and it would be a shame for him to only get to host the odd event every year (and I guess kind of sit in the big chair on UPF). Anyway, great, amazing streams this E3. Maybe the best one yet.
We did get this one with Brad.
Even with that one, he admitted Jeff had to convince him to read it.
Keep Brad as the host, have Jeff take over emails. And tumblr. He would read tumblr.
Has there been any indication if they are going to have a quicklook of Tokyo Mirage Sessions? I really wanted to get Austin's take on it and have him explain stuff to Vinny. I don't think that going to happen anymore D:
Yeah, I've heard that Scotland was pretty much majorly Remain. What a bad night. Hopefully things get better for you :X