I was lukewarm on Limbo but Brad said at MS's E3 conference talk-over that he was impressed by Inside. I'm cautiously optimistic.
I mean, wasn't he impressed by Limbo?
I was lukewarm on Limbo but Brad said at MS's E3 conference talk-over that he was impressed by Inside. I'm cautiously optimistic.
Wait, what limbo clones?
The first few eps of season 1 are kinda rough, as I recall. It does get better but I didn't finish that season on account of really not liking some player decisions. I suppose I should give it another shot.
Counter/WEIGHT is really good with a few rough patches. Highly recommended. It picks up after the character creation stuff. Somewhere around ep 10-12 they change rule systems and go back to an Apocalypse World hack which they all seem a bit more comfortable with.
It definitely picks up a lot around episode 10 or so once they tweak the system a bit. I'll admit I was terrible at grasping the world building, but it eventually builds up a lot of momentum.
Edited because I misunderstood the question.
Cool, good to know. Yeah I was having the same problem (re; grasping the world building) - between the monologues to establish the world and their riffing on it, was hard to keep up.
I'm guessing I should just stick it through and not just skip to ep 10, for story purposes...right?
In addition to the ground game with the Chime, there are episodes with a different group who play out a faction game which has some effect on the Chime in the ground game. You may or may not care about that.
P4ER is the goat of giant bomb content.Started a rewatch of the Persona 4 ER. This is a great decision.
But that would cut into TOGS filming.I wish they would do Game Tapes more frequently. It's probably my favorite feature on the site right now. I feel nostalgic when they reminisce back to the GameSpot and early GB days.
I wish they would do Game Tapes more frequently. It's probably my favorite feature on the site right now. I feel nostalgic when they reminisce back to the GameSpot and early GB days.
But that would cut into TOGS filming.
Huh, I suppose you could call Demo Derby the old games show.
Those games aren't old enough!
Thank god for that. Youtube is filled with shows about games from pre-playstation/N64 era Of course Jeff has much more knowledge but I just can't relate.
These people are not bar huggers. They are my hero.
These people are not bar huggers. They are my hero.
I think there's an apocolypse world superheroes hack I might be interested in doing... hmmm...
The main reason I put Cass = Aria is I literally forgot his name for a few moments which indicated to me I barely remembered what he did besides be a cool fish guy sometimes. Aria was cool conceptually but the execution I think wasn't so hot except when it tied back to her former life as a pop idol in some direct way (i.e. the holographic concert or using the fireworks built into the Brilliance in creative ways)
AuDy was the standout by far for me.
I wasn't really interested in Asemblance but after seeing Brad and Dan hyping it up on Twitter I kinda want to know what it is.
Would the superhero game be on the forum here?
dunno. Dungeon World worked okay but I really think the essence of rpg is in the back-and-forth conversation and that's difficult to do properly as part of a forum thread. I might use it to org something; FatT works across skype/timezones, so I don't see why that couldn't work if we could get it right.
Limbo was pretty boring.
I wonder if anyone will talk about Star Ocean now that Austin is gone.
I feel like the first half hour of Limbo was incredible, and then the rest felt like a straightforward puzzle game.
I fear way more for the future of strategy game coverage.
I can see Brad or Dan giving any JRPG a shot.
Brad could possibly play a JRPG, but no way in hell Dan would play any JRPG.
Brad could possibly play a JRPG, but no way in hell Dan would play any JRPG.
I was thinking about this recently, maybe have a regular half hour to hour once or twice a week that we all hop into a chatroom at so there could be more conversation for the scenes that need it (obviously this in the stead of the solid 2+ hour chunk needed for a live session - if that's possible that's ideal)
I was thinking about this recently, maybe have a regular half hour to hour once or twice a week that we all hop into a chatroom at so there could be more conversation for the scenes that need it (obviously this in the stead of the solid 2+ hour chunk needed for a live session - if that's possible that's ideal)
But what about New Dan?
And what about New Neo Dan, Commander of NOD?
Neo Newdan is from a JRPGBrad could possibly play a JRPG, but no way in hell Dan would play any JRPG.
iPhone people, do you use Safari as your browser? It's annoying me lately. When I switch to a tab with a GAF thread on it (like this thread), it rolls back the replies and sometimes randomly goes back a bunch of pages, so I end up having no idea where I left off to see new replies. Does Chrome work any better?
I regret switching to iPhone.
Guys 999 was much longer than I anticipated.![]()
That new budget-ass looking Ghostbusters game is 50 dollars, huh?
yeah both of those games are about 2-3x what you'd expect from a VN