Shouid I watch Blade Runner before 2049?
6 crazy frights just depends on the game. Amnesia was great. PT one was bad because PT is just bad.
And just shut up about what qualifies as a B-game for most of the episode. God that was irritating.
half the fun of bring your b game was arguing with chat about what a b game is
No what.
That was the only thing that made it not a GBeast playdate.
And it was greaaaaaaat. I've never smiled so manically at a content in my life.
It shows that even through assimilation they still can't find a place in society.
How creepypasta is it? I tend to find creepyopasta stuff kinda cringey.
Wait, it's a horror game? Just from the screenshots I thought it was another one of the millions of generic VNs.
Nah, watching Abby go crazy shouting Jareth in an increasingly manic way was great.
Fairly creepypasta, and I don't think the writing/content itself is particularly great, but so far it has a pretty interesting/creepy visual execution of it. Not sure how well that'll hold up over the 2-3 hours I apparently have left of it though.
Yeah, that last line of the description's all you really need to completely give it away.
Yeah, 5-10 great mins out of 2 hours of bullshit walking back and forth with no idea what to do, which to be perfectly clear is not any of Abby's fault.
PT was great in that period where everyone was still wondering what it was, but only for that moment. Which to be fair was what it was designed for.
Now I'm intrigued. I'll pick it up when I have spare time, as my time is torn between the Overwatch Halloween event and the Granblue collab event with Cardcaptor Sakura.
Still haven't installed The House of Fats Morgana
Now I'm intrigued. I'll pick it up when I have spare time, as my time is torn between the Overwatch Halloween event and the Granblue collab event with Cardcaptor Sakura.
Still haven't installed The House of Fats Morgana
I had it on in the background so it didn't really bother me.
Film & 40s Jason X please
Yes please. A Halloween F&40's would be cool
Halloween is arguably slower than They Live, Abby won't be able to take it
Film & 40s Jason X please
Film & 40s Jason X please
Finished FFXII: the Zodiac Age in time for all the October games and before I bothered to finish other long games like Persona 5 and Nioh hooray.
Zodiac Age must be one of the best remasters ever because it took a game I wasnt super into back on the PS2 and turned it into a game I now think is a masterpiece. It helps that Im playing it after FFXV was my last one too with all the big problems and flaws that game has.
Now I can watch the quick look of this game and see if Giant Bomb poo poo it.
The nemesis system sounded great on the bombcast this week, I just wish it was in a different game
Dynasty warriors could use it
I kind of lost interest in Destiny 2 in the interim between the PS4 and PC release (which I was waiting on). Not even sure if I'll get it now.
I don't know why anyone would want to get Destiny 2 right now with the games that are coming out in 2 weeks or so.
Were they actually shitting on SFV for offering a way to buy characters with in game rewards?
You could get Destiny 2 now, play through it and set it aside for the upcoming avalanche of new games though. That way you'd be ready for the new content drops with everyone else.
Go find DrewThat is very close to where I live.
If your whole point of getting Destiny 2 is to go through it as quickly as possible then it ain't worth it. The game unfortunately didn't hook me much like the first one. I'm glad I played it but it's going to be set aside now for the rest of its life.
Were they actually shitting on SFV for offering a way to buy characters with in game rewards?
Just listened to this part of the bombcast and yes, they did. The whole street fighter segment was rough to listen to
No, that's not what I meant. It's a good game and one can absolutely finish it before the new wave of games hits, is what I'm saying. To be ready for the new games and also for the new Destiny content, if one is interested in that. Otherwise one would have to play catch-up, if they want to play the new content with friends for instance.
I'm not playing Destiny 2 anymore but I finished it and I'm satisfied with it so far.
I don't care about the game that much but it is clear that for some reason they (Jeff in particular) will never come around on SFV no matter what happens. Even as someone who isn't in the community it is frustrating to listen to.
Expecting Jeff to ever change his opinion on anything though, that's impossible.
I kind of lost interest in Destiny 2 in the interim between the PS4 and PC release (which I was waiting on). Not even sure if I'll get it now.
One of the bigger GB twists of the year was Jeff coming around on Wildlands after initially trashing it so hardExpecting Jeff to ever change his opinion on anything though, that's impossible.
christ almighty, this game really blew up huh.
remove that pic before OdysseusVA sees it
Sub cancelled.Too late
Jeff's resistance to change his stance on things will be PUBG's downfall as it gets relegated to winning "Early Access game of the year".