Jeff's resistance to change his stance on things will be PUBG's downfall as it gets relegated to winning "Early Access game of the year".
Jeff's resistance to change his stance on things will be PUBG's downfall as it gets relegated to winning "Early Access game of the year".
So many better games than PUBG this year. So many.
The other games better find an 8x scope so they can see Battlegrounds ahead of them.
I'll see myself out.
So many better games than PUBG this year. So many.
Id be hard pressed to name 10 better games than PUBG this year.So many better games than PUBG this year. So many.
Id be hard pressed to name 10 better games than PUBG this year.
Id be hard pressed to name 10 better games than PUBG this year.
Also from the Edge review: there are nearly as many moons in Odyssey as there are Korok seeds in BOTW.
Open world busywork. I knew it.
I'm loving Stardew Valley but I can tell I'm "bad" at it. I could be doing way more farming and move up the build tree way faster, but I prefer keeping things slow-paced.
Are the GB west guys ever going to do anything co-op?
Steal my sunshine and X-corps are so good.
God dammit Strax. EVERYTIME.
I miss 'Scrub League'. I think Jeff has said once or twice in the past that it's tough to do logistically, though, and they're not necessarily in a situation where enough people can be that free.
you suck strax
God dammit Strax. EVERYTIME.
christ almighty, this game really blew up huh.
So many better games than PUBG this year. So many.
Why the hell so I have to grind to get the moons
Cant ai buy a loot box to get some moons?
So I'm at a crossroads. Should I go with Evil Within 2 or Shadow of War?
I really loved Mordor back in 2014, but it definitely started showing its flaws as time went on. I played it again recently and enjoyed parts of it, but some aspects of the combat really started to wear on me.
I really loved most of what I played in Evil Within, also love RE4 and RE5, but did not much care for the encounter design towards the end and merely like "Action RE" in general. RE7 is my favorite RE game.
Listening to the latest Bombcast discuss all the new systems in Shadow got me really excited to play it, but I'm also hearing great things about Evil Within 2 (I still need to watch that Klepek stream). Any ideas?
10/10 post right here.
You got that Icelandic TV show deal, I can feel it.
From the few hours I played of Shadow of War, it seems....alright. Nothing groundbreaking, If anything if feels like a downgrade in the graphics and presentation. It feels really rushed and unpolished to what I remember shadow of Mordor feeling like. Now it's not a bad game at all, the Nemesis system is way more fleshed out and really fun, but I can't help but think it needed about 3 more months in the oven with just the animations and enemies clipping through the environment and all those little things that just make is seem like "another one of those" or "open world jank" as some people describe.
With Evil within 2, I can't actually say since I didn't play the first one, and I'm not a fan of survival horror games. but again, Shadow of War is good and fun, just go in it with lowered expectations. Its not an amazing game, and not terrible either, it's a fun hack and slash nemesis system game and not much else. EDIT: the menus in the game aren't that bad, nor is the loot box stuff. I played 7 hours of it so far and I haven't touched it nor have I touched lootboxes in any other game ever. Opening animations do NOTHING for me. just avoid it, and its not a big deal at all.