Do not take this OT seriously, I created it as a joke

Each of Girl Fight's characters can tap into customizable "psi-amp abilities" which give them access to various powers such as becoming invisible, regenerating health with each successful hit landed, or dealing bonus damage.
There is an in-game currency called "Combits" which accrues every time a player executes a move properly. Combits can be used at the in-game store to purchase extra abilities, unlock cast members' stories, alternative costumes, or bonus artwork.
The online "Wager System" will give players random challenges before a match; players who fulfill these challenges will be rewarded with Combits, even if they lose the overall match.
A scientific organization collects female subjects across the world with powerful psionic abilities. The women are plugged into a virtual world where they must fight to survive and return to the real world.
How to buy the best fighting game ever:
Girl Fight - XBLA
Girl Fight - PSN
Giantbomb Quicklook