Awesome! Thanks for all the suggestions, they should really help out with promoting this game further to reach the most peeps possible! I'll get to work on them right away!
I probably shouldn't have said too much about the sales, the game is doing a lot better now, and I think it's simply as case of the more people know about it, the more they get interested and want to try it out! But it really helps that it has been so well recieved by the people who have played it so far!
In terms of the BOSS-H glitch I mentioned a few posts back - while that is being fixed, it's prob best to take a slight "detour" if you haven't got that far yet! Best thing to do is if you find yourself completing World G - simply take the right hand route to World I, that way you can complete all of World I before going back to H, and unlock 8 extra stages before the glitch... If you've already taken the route to World H, then you might have to just sit back a bit till we get the patch approved by Nintendo!
@nincompoop - Yep, that sounds like a really cool idea actually I might try something along those lines, maybe kidnap a hobo or something and only release him after a certain number of copies are sold, lol! (Just kidding by the way - or am I?)
@TheGreatMightyPoo - Yep, a level editor for a future version (maybe a 3DS sequel) is certainly something I'd look into. It's interesting, when planning out the stages initially, how different they look when you are laying them out till when you are actually playing them. Some of the routes are designed to be a little disorientating for the player, so I reckon people could come up with some cool stages with an editor! But you're right, it does ext both your memory and reflexes to the limit!
@electroplankton - Just wanna say thanks again for letting me do the interview!

Also, World F is pretty good going!

(It's world H and G where it gets real difficult :O

@Red Liquorice - Lol, thanks for that, but I can't actually take the credit for the pic. I actually got it from one of the Off-Topic pics that make you laugh thread, a while back, and thought it was perfect for Kokopolo

I did add the "hilarious" text all myself though!!!
@TheOGB - Thanks bro! Glad you like the Twinsanity stuffand concept art! And you're right I wasn't responsible for the "radical" re-design, but more the Twinsanity stuff before then! I also think Skullomania is COOL!!!!!!! (the character, obviously!)
@blu - Thanks buddy, I'll pass on the regards to all the peeps involved!
@DavidDayton - Yep, I really wanna develop a 3DS enhanced port (with all new levels though, not a straight port - a sequel more like).It's certainly something in the pipeline...I think a few new characters are waiting to be introduce into the world of Kokopolo too!
@Veal - Thanks!
@AlexMeloche - Hope you are enjoying it, and not finding it too frustratingly challenging, lolz!!!!
@Duane Cunningham- DO IT!!! GRAB IT NOW!!! (or you prob already have by now, in which case - BUY IT TWICE!!!!!!!!!

@Pennywise83 - Thanks man! Appreciate the support! I will make sure it sells!
@CANLI - Nintendo haven't confirmed with me yet the details of how they want to go ahead with the patched version, but I'm aware the WiiWare Cave Story had a simple update, so you should be fine! Hope you enjoy it!!
@wiibomb - wow, thanks! It was designed to be the kind of game that the better you get at it, the more skillfully and natural it feels, with getting long chains of enemies and doing speed runs in time attacks, etc! Glad you are still enjoying it, even though you suck, though!!