Effect said:As long as the hacking isn't wide spread I guess I can deal.I hope more people know how to play GoldenEye mode in the future though. Actually capture the computers and when someone is capturing one cover them. No voice chat is really needed for this. Only simple awareness of what is going on. This has to my least favorite mode at the moment. Kind of annoying as well since this is the mode I was most looking forward to.
The night club is pretty dark in single player. Great atmosphere but hard to see but then again maybe it's suppose to be that way. Though you waste a lot of ammo as a result. I like that map online though a lot.
MYE said:
Koodo said:What's the consensus on the pointer controls? I will be extremely disappointed and then some if the CC Pro is the way to go; this is the fucking Wii for christ's sake.
Docpan said:So the game is not 16:9 right? Either that or the HUD/on screen prompts are not 16:9 while the gameplay itself is. The text looks stretched and or hard to read.
Just making sure it's not a problem on my end.
Nemesis556 said:There are no unlockables for completion on 007 Mode. No Aztec Complex or Egyptian Temple levels basically.
Well, that's good to hear.EatChildren said:They're great.
Koodo said:Now onto another relevant question: is the soundtrack just as good as the original? ü
Oh.EatChildren said:No, because its not really iconic like the original. It's basically a big blockbuster soundtrack. It's not bad, but it doesn't create a cohesive industrial style like Rare's game did. There are a few nods here and there (like the Bunker level), and the Bond theme chimes in and out occasionally. It's fine, but wont blow you away.
Nicole Scherzinger's rendition of GoldenEye is great though.
The whole club level is awesome! Be sure to find the .44.DevelopmentArrested said:Kaskade-Deadmau5's I Remember is in this? Sold.
EatChildren said:No, because its not really iconic like the original. It's basically a big blockbuster soundtrack. It's not bad, but it doesn't create a cohesive industrial style like Rare's game did. There are a few nods here and there (like the Bunker level), and the Bond theme chimes in and out occasionally. It's fine, but wont blow you away.
Nicole Scherzinger's rendition of GoldenEye is great though.
Nemesis556 said:Yeah. It's pretty much the Casino Royale / Quantom of Solace soundtrack. >_> At least it sounds like that.
amtentori said:there is no way they can top the n64 soundtrack. it is too amazing. every track memorable. every track matches the feel of the level. every track still distinctly bond. that soundtrack is a masterpiece on its own.
Nemesis556 said:Yeah. As I said to someone previously, I didn't go in expecting it to be brand new or amazing to the point of eclipsing the original soundtrack. Heck, for some reason I was expecting older tracks to play - but then I remembered I was getting it confused with DKCR.
I'm still a bit miffed about lack of unlockables though. Besides Time Trials + Cheats, of course.
Ecotic said:Can someone tell me why this was made for Wii? I'm just having a hard time here fathoming why Activision would be so faithful as to make it exclusively for Nintendo.
Ecotic said:Wow, I never thought I'd ever consider dusting off my Wii again, but I'm seriously thinking about getting this.
Can someone tell me why this was made for Wii? I'm just having a hard time here fathoming why Activision would be so faithful as to make it exclusively for Nintendo.
Ecotic said:Wow, I never thought I'd ever consider dusting off my Wii again, but I'm seriously thinking about getting this.
Can someone tell me why this was made for Wii? I'm just having a hard time here fathoming why Activision would be so faithful as to make it exclusively for Nintendo.
jufonuk said:
Mael said:2 things :
- a recommandation thread with godawful games in it is a not a good idea
- I need 'And yet it moves'
Ecotic said:Wow, I never thought I'd ever consider dusting off my Wii again, but I'm seriously thinking about getting this.
Can someone tell me why this was made for Wii? I'm just having a hard time here fathoming why Activision would be so faithful as to make it exclusively for Nintendo.
Mael said:2 things :
- a recommandation thread with godawful games in it is a not a good idea
- I need 'And yet it moves'
iamaustrian said:?
I can see average and not-so-great games in there but certainly no godawful ones
Mael said:3rd from the start is basically wgoty....
Annoying Old Party Man said:- Epic Mickey
Even if the last one is not that great, we will have a great Christmas together.
Annoying Old Party Man said:My Wii is literally on fire.
Koodo said:What's the consensus on the pointer controls? I will be extremely disappointed and then some if the CC Pro is the way to go; this is the fucking Wii for christ's sake.
Annoying Old Party Man said:My Wii is literally on fire.
- Kirby
- Metroid Other M
- Goldeneye
- Donkey Kong
- Epic Mickey
Even if the last one is not that great, we will have a great Christmas together.
Regarding Bunker: did they try to throw Silo in there or some shit? Silo was one of my favorite levels, it's a shame it wasn't remade. Still, an awesome level, running around with night vision with an M93R was fun.
I've only played the first 2 levels, is the game more compelling from there? I really like the single player, but I've been more blown away by the multiplayer so far.Nemesis556 said:It's pretty amazing how I have completed the campaign and yet would love to play through it again. It was just so enjoyable. I loved the way the developers managed to keep things familiar (EG. Fighting Xenia on a bridge) but people who have played it will know it's still oh so different.
Fucking great stuff.
Does anyone else feel that Natalya iscriminally underused in this game? I know she is a bit annoying to escort around but it's just so weird having her not appear in Jungle or running through the Bunker with her, like old times.
Yeah. I noticed that too. It's kind of like how they implemented many elements of Frigate into the Dubai Arms Fair/Carrier mission. I liked the way they did that.
TheKingsCrown said:I've only played the first 2 levels, is the game more compelling from there? I really like the single player, but I've been more blown away by the multiplayer so far.
DKC is December 3rd I believe.Maxrunner said:This comes oujt tomorrow in Europe right? damn i might have to bite, when does donkey comes out here?
Edag88 said:So what other Wii game has pointer controls as good as this game does? CoD4? World at War? Anything? I'm really loving it and might want to check out some other shooters assuming they got the controls right too.
Edag88 said:So what other Wii game has pointer controls as good as this game does? CoD4? World at War? Anything? I'm really loving it and might want to check out some other shooters assuming they got the controls right too.
EatChildren said:CoD4 and Red Steel 2 are tied for best pointer controls on the Wii, in my opinion, though I'm also loving GoldenEye. I haven't tried World at War but I assume they're good if CoD4 was. The Conduit is good too, and HVS really set the bar for pointer tweaking options, but I really hate the sluggish character movement and the gunplay is a bit rubbish.
You'll relive 50% of it and have 50% new, and improved stuff to which to look forward.The Main Event said:Was waiting for more review before making a purchase decision. I'm getting this one today. Put so much time in Goldeneye back in the days, I wanna relieve that again!