AceBandage said:Regardless, it's neither here nor there.
The Wii is getting its own, from the ground up, Bond game.
It may not be third person, but it's turning out great.
If I had a nickel every time I saw that phrase...
AceBandage said:Regardless, it's neither here nor there.
The Wii is getting its own, from the ground up, Bond game.
It may not be third person, but it's turning out great.
The_Technomancer said:Is there advertising for this thing? For all that they've been selling it as "the huge hardcore game for Wii", at E3 and everything, I'd hope they were doing some actual damn work to make it a hit.
I really don't see the MNF crowd going for a Wii game.Lenardo said:saw an ad for it last night on tv.... around midnight i THINK it was cartoon network or comedy channel.
what they REALLLLY need to do is advertise during a sporting event, MNF or nba game...
commercial looked good though.
I am part of the MNF crowd and I can't wait for this gameKenak said:I really don't see the MNF crowd going for a Wii game.
Lone_Prodigy said:If I had a nickel every dime I saw that phrase...
jufonuk said:MNF??
gamingeek said:America is getting this Tuesday?
Britain has to wait till Friday?
For England James? No, for America
At least we get Epic Mickey a few days before the US.
gamingeek said:America is getting this Tuesday?
Britain has to wait till Friday?
For England James? No, for America
At least we get Epic Mickey a few days before the US.
gamingeek said:America is getting this Tuesday?
Britain has to wait till Friday?
For England James? No, for America
At least we get Epic Mickey a few days before the US.
I've only heard positive impressions on Goldeneye. ComicCon mess?Amir0x said:what are you complaining about? If ComicCon was anything to go by, you really, really fucking won out on that deal. Goldeneye was a fucking mess. Epic Mickey, on the other hand? Well, I haven't played it, but I have to imagine it's better than what this turned into.
TheKingsCrown said:I've only heard positive impressions on Goldeneye. ComicCon mess?
Amir0x said:Of course you've only heard positive impressions.
Gamejournalismisafuckingdisaster. God it's like I have to chant this mantra every thread.
kinggroin said:If you would, elaborate on the comicon build? Sans hyperbole please. I was honestly looking forward to picking this up tomorrow, especially since classic health and objectives were confirmed to be included. I respect your opinion greatly whenever you're level headed about how you present it.
If your complaints are such that im deterred from purchasing this game, then you've made my decision to pick up some ram for my pc instead, that much easier.
Thanks in advance.
kinggroin said:If you would, elaborate on the comicon build? Sans hyperbole please. I was honestly looking forward to picking this up tomorrow, especially since classic health and objectives were confirmed to be included. I respect your opinion greatly whenever you're level headed about how you present it.
If your complaints are such that im deterred from purchasing this game, then you've made my decision to pick up some ram for my pc instead, that much easier.
Thanks in advance.
Amir0x said:Let's say you liked Goldeneye. I didn't, but let's say you did. This game is nothing at all like Goldeneye. It's like some mediocre third tier Call of Duty wannabe with decent-for-the-Wii-graphics. The controls they had in place at Comic Con were wonky as fuck, and I neither had time to tinker with them to know if they'd improve or not. They simply were terrible.
The scripted events and everything were there, and it neither plays or feels like Goldeneye. It's about as far removed from the Goldeneye legacy as it can be. Enemy A.I. was just fucking laughable from the experience I got.
I mean, I cannot know what's hyperbole for you, but I don't know who this game is marketed to.
If it plans on attracting the nostalgia whores, it fails. It plays nothing like Goldeneye. If it plans on attracting fans of modern shooters, it fails. It's a functionally inferior in every way shooter that does not even whiff the dirty socks of Call of Duty and its ilk.
So I'm honestly perplexed it's even being made.
Effect said:Was wondering if there was any consequence for what happen. Good to hear/read there was.
Are there any other sites covering the game with any detail?
Anth0ny said:Still can't find any info anywhere... will the gold classic controller be sold separately? Eventually? Unknown?
Lonely1 said:I'm mostly concerned about Wii-remote controls implementation. I couldn't careless how wonky the dual analog setup feels. Any info on that?
Amir0x said:Let's say you liked Goldeneye. I didn't, but let's say you did. This game is nothing at all like Goldeneye. It's like some mediocre third tier Call of Duty wannabe with decent-for-the-Wii-graphics. The controls they had in place at Comic Con were wonky as fuck, and I neither had time to tinker with them to know if they'd improve or not. They simply were terrible.
The scripted events and everything were there, and it neither plays or feels like Goldeneye. It's about as far removed from the Goldeneye legacy as it can be. Enemy A.I. was just fucking laughable from the experience I got.
I mean, I cannot know what's hyperbole for you, but I don't know who this game is marketed to.
If it plans on attracting the nostalgia whores, it fails. It plays nothing like Goldeneye. If it plans on attracting fans of modern shooters, it fails. It's a functionally inferior in every way shooter that does not even whiff the dirty socks of Call of Duty and its ilk.
So I'm honestly perplexed it's even being made.
From the videos it looked good. One time he flicks over to a guy's head with the golden gun which looked pretty bad ass. But then again they're just videos.Lonely1 said:I'm mostly concerned about Wii-remote controls implementation. I couldn't careless how wonky the dual analog setup feels. Any info on that?
Amir0x said:Let's say you liked Goldeneye. I didn't, but let's say you did. This game is nothing at all like Goldeneye. It's like some mediocre third tier Call of Duty wannabe with decent-for-the-Wii-graphics. The controls they had in place at Comic Con were wonky as fuck, and I neither had time to tinker with them to know if they'd improve or not. They simply were terrible.
I'd call you the exception :lolLkr said:I am part of the MNF crowd and I can't wait for this game![]()
Glix said:WHAT??? You WANT pubs to not give stories to outlets that DARE say something bad about them?
This is a good thing?
Are you from Bizarro world?
Kenak said:I'd call you the exception :lol
AceBandage said:There's a difference between saying something bad about the company they are paid to review and cover.
And flat out trolling to get hits.
They were doing the latter.
No. I mean your average MNF fan wouldn't be interested in a Wii title. AKA it's not the best place to advertise for it, not there are 0 people who watch MNF that would buy this.TheGreatMightyPoo said:So wait, let me guess, TOUGH GUY FOOTBALL fans don't own kiddy and grandma systems?????
I guess I am an exception too as I watch football and will be getting this game.
So much for waiting up for it.SonOfABeep said:I dunno if it was posted yet but the reviews embargo for this doesn't go up until 1pm tomorrow. What a weird time.
what the fuck, are they trying to have the game fail?SonOfABeep said:I dunno if it was posted yet but the reviews embargo for this doesn't go up until 1pm tomorrow. What a weird time. Plus activision just got them copies today. Annoying. Wouldn't expect any reviews for another day or so with all the kinect launch stuff going on.
From justinmcelroy at a major aol owned web log about videogames (reviews editor)
@JerBeep Embargo is 1 p.m. tomorrow. But it JUST showed up here, so who knows when we'll have something.
Kenak said:No. I mean your average MNF fan wouldn't be interested in a Wii title. AKA it's not the best place to advertise for it, not there are 0 people who watch MNF that would buy this.
Lkr said:what the fuck, are they trying to have the game fail?
I also need some help guys. I left my sensor bar at my friends house last weekend, and I only have gamecube controllers. Is there anyway to start the disc channel without a wii remote? I have homebrew channel and bootmii installed if that helps at all, otherwise I have to wait even longer to play![]()
Lkr said:what the fuck, are they trying to have the game fail?
I also need some help guys. I left my sensor bar at my friends house last weekend, and I only have gamecube controllers. Is there anyway to start the disc channel without a wii remote? I have homebrew channel and bootmii installed if that helps at all, otherwise I have to wait even longer to play![]()
hmm..sounds alright since I was planning on the classic controller bundle, but if I just get the game, will it work with standard classic controller? I'd rather see a review before blowing $70 :xSonOfABeep said:Classic Controller can move the cursors with the analog stick.
Lkr said:hmm..sounds alright since I was planning on the classic controller bundle, but if I just get the game, will it work with standard classic controller?
They do? All I know about is the free extra CC Pro with the CE this week.SonOfABeep said:yeah I think I'm just gonna show up at my rental place first thing tomorrow morning and try to rent it. Kmart has a $20 coupon deal next week for the game anyway, so I'd be waiting for that. $30 for this game plus $20 off next purchase is a lock.
Depending on the actual quality of the game, this might actually be a bid to try and have the game succeed, moreso than the other way around. If Activision thinks it sucks, the only message they'll want to get out to the general public is "GOLDENEYE IS BACK!," rather than seeing that along with a bunch of reviews saying that it's a poorly-controlled, samey-FPS mess.Lkr said:what the fuck, are they trying to have the game fail?
Matt said:They do? All I know about is the free extra CC Pro with the CE this week.
Doorman said:Depending on the actual quality of the game, this might actually be a bid to try and have the game succeed, moreso than the other way around. If Activision thinks it sucks, the only message they'll want to get out to the general public is "GOLDENEYE IS BACK!," rather than seeing that along with a bunch of reviews saying that it's a poorly-controlled, samey-FPS mess.
The more I hear about how they're handling this launch and thinking back to the extremely slow trickle of actual information and media, the more worried I'm becoming about this.
I meant on the wii menu. you never know with nintendo:lolTheGreatMightyPoo said:Not sure why it wouldn't as it works with even an N64 controller:lol