Mr_Furious said:Wow. It's far too easy to get some of you guys defensive :lol
Just to make things clear: I at no point said anything of RE4's quality. It's an awesome game to say the least but I personally think that both God Of War and Guitar Hero are better games that I personally enjoyed much more. Maybe if I hadn't played the previous REs then maybe it would've faired higher for me, personally. It's just that it's like the 6th damn RE game and that Capcom has obviously had more than enough time to make this game as good as it was through trial and error of their previous efforts. But still, the fact that GoW and GH were both a lot more enjoyable for me personally and that both were original IPs makes them much more deserving of praise from me, personally.
But make no mistake. RE4 has just as many problems as either GoW or GH. It's just your various biases (or preferences) that determine your tolerance level of forgiveness for any and all.
So all of you RE4 fanwhores out there might just want to calm down a bit and realize that although my opinion(s) may differ, it was just a joke.
Although you can call me a bit of a RE4 fanwhore, most of my firsts post were just about RE4 on GAF, who also thinks GOW kicks ass (OMG!!). The contextual statement at hand in your post I actually approve greatly. Bravo!!