-The PS3's version seems to be exactly the same visually as it's 360 counterpart
- The frame rate on the ps3 version is extremely smooth
Kittonwy said:Of ALL the games to ask for custom soundtrack this should be the LAST one. Instead of listening to the soundtrack R* probably paid a hefty licensing fee just to put together, for some reason someone would like to listen to the same shit boomboomboom dumbass dance track.![]()
Kittonwy said:Of ALL the games to ask for custom soundtrack this should be the LAST one. Instead of listening to the soundtrack R* probably paid a hefty licensing fee just to put together, for some reason someone would like to listen to the same shit boomboomboom dumbass dance track.![]()
GQman2121 said:I don't about you, but I dump a shit load of hours into GTA games. The option to have my own music mixed in with the games sound affects matters to me. I don't just want one or the other, I want everything.......
Linkzg said:The only thing I am worried about outside performance is if they make you use L2/R2 for driving or shooting controls. The fact that R1 is the cover button makes me think R2 will be foor shooting, so hopefully they give you options to change it.
striKeVillain! said:I hope we get a full fledged Latin station. I want some Salsa, Merengue and Reggaeton please!
striKeVillain! said:I hope we get a full fledged Latin station. I want some Salsa, Merengue and Reggaeton please!
BenjaminBirdie said:Just turn on your TV in the other room. The "iO Digital Cable" commercial is, I'm sure, only moments away.
Himuro said:The Steinway Beer Garden looks badass. I mean I can play DARTS in that bar if I want. SHENMUE BABY.
Pharmacy said:MSX FM
Loudninja said:Music includes R&B,Classics,Rock Techno,chat,ambient,latino,reggae, and Jazz
Pharmacy said:I dont see drum & bass![]()
alba said:The Euphoria engine is really amazing for the animations
I got the special edition PS3 pre-ordered already.
Pharmacy said:I dont see drum & bass![]()
lol, maybe if they picked better reggae, i'd care more.Kittonwy said:Of ALL the games to ask for custom soundtrack this should be the LAST one. Instead of listening to the soundtrack R* probably paid a hefty licensing fee just to put together, for some reason someone would like to listen to the same shit boomboomboom dumbass dance track.![]()
Tr4nce said:Well I'm glad the PS3 version turned out to be equal to the X360 version, but didn't expect any different, to be honest.
bluheim said:I'll believe it when I see it. If differences are of the level of COD4, I would be pretty happy. Of course, they could also pull a Dirt but I doubt it...
wow this looks awesome. Hopefully it plays as good as it looks (on my PS3)^^Himuro said:These images were ripped from New and Information backgrounds of the website. Hooooly shit...this game. This game. THIS GAME!
Pharmacy said:I dont see drum & bass![]()
BenjaminBirdie said:OH MY FUCKING GOD* ARE YOU SERIOUS? I live like ten minutes away from the real one!!
(I'm really trying to stop using this gif, but life keeps giving me too many reasons to.)
P.S. "At least we're not as racist as the midwest." Lawlz.
P.P.S. This menu beat is fucking awesome.
Don't forget at least one talk radio station.Himuro said:Dude.....there's going to be 18 radio stations and this is what we've got so far:
Classical station (possibility since the track in the first trailer)
International radio station (including Russian tracks)
Alternative rock
Indie rock
Oldscool hip hop
Likely a Mexican music station (hence the Reggaeton)
Hold your horses.
"It's during a cab ride that we realise just how good the new GTA is," the mag says. "There's as much traffic as you'd expect. But you can see people actually driving their cars and hear what they're playing on their stereo as you drive past.
"Major changes have been made to the [vehicle] handling," GM continues. "So it's much more difficult to chuck a top-of-the-range motor around a right-angle by jamming on the handbrakes.
"It's much more realistic, making the faster cars and bikes more difficult to control and the difference between models more noticeable. It still felt fun but don't rely on that handbrake when cornering."
"If you get a wheel shot out you'll be able to tell from your car's handling, but also by the thumpa-thump of the rubber flapping around the rim.
"Niko can lose health when your car takes a pounding but unlike in previous games, they won't always explode after being flipped onto their roof. Another nice touch is that Niko can now lob grenades out of the window if he's got a tail and you can lock onto targets, making shooting while driving and absolute pleasure."
Xbox 360 controls (the PS3 version is running "a week behind" according the mag preview) seem to be made up of the following:
A = Run
B = Push pedestrians/Car Camera
X = Jump/Grab ledge
RB = Cover
LB = Call Taxi
LT = Lock-on
RT = Shoot
"In GTA IV, it's strongly implied that Niko's got some kind of military training, and the shooting's been rejigged to reflect this," GamesMaster says.
"Holding LT (left trigger) locks onto enemies - then you can push up or down on the right analogue stick to go for the head, hand, knee or groin shot. The reticule shows how much health your target's got left, too.
"Press RB and Nico will snap to any cover he's near," the preview continues. "Point the camera at another bit of cover and Nico will either run and slide or forwards-roll into it. Parked cars are one of the best places to do this, although of course there's always the chance they'll drive away and leave you without cover".
"While you're holding down RT with fists selected, A, Y and B do different attacks - including a devastating kick to the chutneys. Use X for blocking."
Apparently Niko can push pedestrians out of the way with B, Assassin's Creed style too - and it won't piss off the police either.
Impressively, there are "two or three" sets of intro dialogue for every mission too, so if you mess up you don't have to watch the exact same cut-scene over again.
For the full 8-page hands-on you'll have to pick up GamesMaster, which goes on sale Wednesday February 13.
Manager said:GameMaster will have a hands-on of the game, goes on sale on February 13th, I think it's UK?
C&V has some quotes from it:
Mohonky said:They're using lock on again? One of the reasons I enjoyed Saints Row is that is didn't use a lock on targeting system. It's always been broken since GTA III.
BobJustBob said:It sounds like Crackdown's targeting system (full manual control with optional lock-on and targeting of specific body parts), which is good because it's the best system of that kind ever.
lexdysia said:including a devastating kick to the chutneys
It's British.
Manager said:*In* UK.![]()