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Grand Theft Auto IV thread of hype and stray bullets

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Wollan said:
Hopefully they will have midnight launches.

Who decides if you can have a midnight launch? The publisher or retailer? So far it isn't sounding good for a midnight launches in Australia. I think EB said if there are enough pre-orders they will have a midnight launch. I got my PS3 on midnight launch, you feal more exited and more eager to get home and play. I really hope GTAIV has one.


More than likely it will not have a midnight launch because as of right now, the game is not street dated which is the way GTA has always been handled in the past.
Yoboman said:
I hope the game can handle more NPCs and cars on screen than that though

It's late at night in that video and we've seen a far busier Times Square equivalent already in this new media.

The streets in non-commercial areas should be nice and quiet at night, a nice contrast to the busy mornings and late afternoon rush hours.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Wowhawk said:
Who decides if you can have a midnight launch? The publisher or retailer? So far it isn't sounding good for a midnight launches in Australia. I think EB said if there are enough pre-orders they will have a midnight launch. I got my PS3 on midnight launch, you feal more exited and more eager to get home and play. I really hope GTAIV has one.

The retailer decides this.
Francias Castiglione said:
It's late at night in that video and we've seen a far busier Times Square equivalent already in this new media.

The streets in non-commercial areas should be nice and quiet at night, a nice contrast to the busy mornings and late afternoon rush hours.

Just like NYC, I'd better be able to walk down the middle of Broadway at 3 AM while waiting for Radiohead tickets to go on sale at Roseland in the morning.


Wowhawk said:
I think EB said if there are enough pre-orders they will have a midnight launch. I got my PS3 on midnight launch, you feal more exited and more eager to get home and play. I really hope GTAIV has one.
I'll be at Melbourne EB if they open up. Was there for X360 launch/PS3 launch/Halo 3 release and it's ok.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Just like NYC, I'd better be able to walk down the middle of Broadway at 3 AM while waiting for Radiohead tickets to go on sale at Roseland in the morning.

Even better if they have NPCs shouting out of buildings if you cause a ruckus while they are trying to sleep!
Francias Castiglione said:
Even better if they have NPCs shouting out of buildings if you cause a ruckus while they are trying to sleep!

I'd love an internal calendar that follows the game seasons and have the city go nuts when the sports teams win a pennant or something.

But that's just crazy talk.


SolidSnakex said:
PS3/multiplayer preview coming on the 27th?

It will probably be the 360 version, once again. No mention of the PS3 one in the news. Though I'd like to hear about it, for once...
bluheim said:
It will probably be the 360 version, once again. No mention of the PS3 one in the news. Though I'd like to hear about it, for once...

Well IGN said they were promised a look at the PS3 build in a "couple of weeks" when they posted their last preview of the game. So this lines up with those comments.


SolidSnakex said:
Well IGN said they were promised a look at the PS3 build in a "couple of weeks" when they posted their last preview of the game. So this lines up with those comments.

Exact, I forgot about this. Let's hope you're right.
I preordered GTAIV for the Playstation 3 today. Not that the game will be hard to come across, but I want it to feel special. :D
The clerk said "good choice" after I answered him what platform I wanted it for.


I preordered the 360 collector edition a week ago fearing the port...
But i will buy it on the PS3 too for HOME trophies (?) and by Playstation tradition :D
Does anyone expect the GTA4 releases to be like the GTA3 release were? GTA3 came out in 01, followed by VC in 02 and then SA wrapped it up in 04.


Nah. With the game having a online component now, increased complexity as well as dlc material.. I wouldn't expect the next one before 2010. Not totally ruling out late 09 but I'm not holding my breath exactly.
Wollan said:
Nah. With the game having a online component now, increased complexity as well as dlc material.. I wouldn't expect the next one before 2010. Not totally ruling out late 09 but I'm not holding my breath exactly.

I guess it'll depend on just how big that downloadable content really is. I'm kind of hoping that the next GTA will be the long rumored one that takes place in a different country.


SolidSnakex said:
Does anyone expect the GTA4 releases to be like the GTA3 release were? GTA3 came out in 01, followed by VC in 02 and then SA wrapped it up in 04.

Nope, I think the next GTA will be out in 2010.
from gamesmaster preview,

too much detail

-If niko gets shot - or shoots someone - near the camera, it'll get splattered with blood

- niko can push peds out of way

- spunk is back

- liberty city includes a subway that you can use
- there's a new 'dashboard view' available on cars
- you can see the lights of planes as they fly overhead
- niko's cell phone is on the 'badger' network
- you can dial 911 to get a police car to steal
- some streets are named after strange celebrities - we noticed jim jones street and hubbard avenue
- characters will communicate with niko via headset in certain missions
- niko's health is shown in a semi-circle around the radar - you can complete the circle by getting yourself a bulletproff item to wear
- you can see a character's breath when it's cold
- the mafia, the triads, the jamaicans and the irish are some factions you'll meet
- some pedestrians will wee up walls...
- one of the radio stations advertises a cartoon called "my drunk uncle"
- there are missions where you'll be encouraged to kneecap your enemies
- strip lights flicker
- cluckin bell has outlets across liberty city
- shoot a trye and you hear the air escaping
- you wear a helmet while you're riding a motorbike, and throw it down when you get off
- you pay tolls on the bridges
- some pimped out cars have spinners on the wheels
- you can see reflections in your wing mirrors
- you can hear other car's stereo
- the radio reports on missions you've just done
- niko's feet land on every step when you go up stairs
- run somebody over and you get blood on the bumpers and windscreen
- drivers will duck under their dashboard and try to drive away if they're caught in a gunfight
- in a minor collisions, peds can put a hand out to steady themselves against cars
- you can see passengers in the backs of cars
- some billboards shuffle electronically between adverts
- you can see cockroaches scuttling along the kitchen floor in some of the dodgier houses
- shoot people and the blood splatters
- you can see car exhaust fumes
- bodies float off in the water
- drive on a flat and the trye will shred off showering sparks
- trucks spill barrels as they swerve across the road
- yo can shoot the chains holding logs together on flatbed trucks to spill them across the road
- vans belonging to the same company will honk to acknowledge each other when they pass
- apart from picking up first-aid kits and buying food, there's apparently one other way to earn health
- two minutes of real time equate to about an hour in the game
- characters wear different brands of jeans and dress differently every time you see them
- holding down the cinematic view button during chases locks the camera onto whoever you're after

ps3 version will also recieve dlc
xbox 360 version will have two extra 'exclusive' missions


So much to quote for awesome.

This one was a nice touch:
- vans belonging to the same company will honk to acknowledge each other when they pass

AI is on a totally different level this time around. Traffic light crossings, trains, busses, weather, euphoria..etc. Our minds will be blown.


Wax Free Vanilla said:
- drivers will duck under their dashboard and try to drive away if they're caught in a gunfight
So we can assume they'd be swerving all over the road? Think of the possibilities. I can't wait to walk by a busy street and pop some AK-47 rounds into the side of a few cars, possibly with Yakety-Saks playing on the moblie. :lol

Wax Free Vanilla said:
- apart from picking up first-aid kits and buying food, there's apparently one other way to earn health
Hooker love?

Wax Free Vanilla said:
ps3 version will also recieve dlc

Looks like I'm buying two copies.


Wax Free Vanilla said:
it says something about befriending a doctor

game is 80% complete

enemy ai is a bit ropey according to the previewer. when unloading with the sniper rifle the ai will remain in the open

80% complete with only 2 months to go? That must be old information.


- niko's feet land on every step when you go up stairs

That's been bugging me a lot in games lately. I had been wondering when someone would finally address that little detail :D

and Rockstar is so getting sued for abusing LRH technology
Mindlog said:
- niko's feet land on every step when you go up stairs

That's been bugging me a lot in games lately. I had been wondering when someone would finally address that little detail :D

They did that in MGS2. :p


Wax Free Vanilla said:
it says something about befriending a doctor
Yeah, I didn't think that'd be the case. It didn't exactly fall in line with the new 'believable' direction the series has taken (which I love btw).

Is it April 29th yet? :(


So gamemasters says PS3 will have DLC and that's it? Their word is law?

As far as all rumors and official reports point to, exclusive content is only on the 360.

I guess there will be DLC content that is shared across both versions, like guns and shit like that.

I don't see the point in buying both versions, comparisons to Pokemon Red and Blue are stupid and unfounded.
WrikaWrek said:
So gamemasters says PS3 will have DLC and that's it? Their word is law?

As far as all rumors and official reports point to, exclusive content is only on the 360.

I guess there will be DLC content that is shared across both versions, like guns and shit like that.

I don't see the point in buying both versions, comparisons to Pokemon Red and Blue are stupid and unfounded.

If people want both versions then what's the big deal?
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