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Grand Theft Auto IV thread of hype and stray bullets

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dejay said:
I'm referring to those PS3 owners who think that any mention of DLC for PS3 automatically confirms that they're going to be getting their own exclusive content comparable to the stuff that MS paid a shit load of money for. Obviously I'm not referring to all, or even most PS3 owners; just those too hopeful to read things objectively.

Less or no DLC is only a good thing.
cordonbleu said:
So on 360, is this game going to be on the one disc, or similar Lost Odyssey, is it on more?


One Disc. One loading screen at the start. Nothing different from the PS3 version except the PS3 version might have an install.

Also, what is this PS3 getting DLC talk about. Im not trying to stir up problems or cause controversy but did Rockstar themselves say that the PS3 was getting DLC? If thats true why in the world is Microsoft and Rockstar pretending they have an exclusive DLC deal in place.



BakedPigeon said:

One Disc. One loading screen at the start. Nothing different from the PS3 version except the PS3 version might have an install.

Also, what is this PS3 getting DLC talk about. Im not trying to stir up problems or cause controversy but did Rockstar themselves say that the PS3 was getting DLC? If thats true why in the world is Microsoft and Rockstar pretending they have an exclusive DLC deal in place.


I guess it'll be like "normal DLC" for both consoles and the "exclusive DLC" only for the 360.
dejay said:
I'm referring to those PS3 owners who think that any mention of DLC for PS3 automatically confirms that they're going to be getting their own exclusive content comparable to the stuff that MS paid a shit load of money for. Obviously I'm not referring to all, or even most PS3 owners; just those too hopeful to read things objectively.
I'm guessing you're talking about me so "It's like you read the stuff you want to read and your eyes magically slide past the stuff you don't want to read".

Where did I say the PS3 was getting the same DLC as the 360? Many were claiming the PS3 wouldn't get DLC at all (as you can see from some posts above), which I never believed, and so I said that.

Ffs, everyone is seen as a fanboy on GAF...


DenogginizerOS said:
What do you say to PS3 owners who will see the X360 get more content for GTAIV and feel they are getting an incomplete experience?

Jesus christ for a console agnostic guy you have pretty twisted views.

So exclusivity is out the door now? Poor ps3 gamers is that it? Ask kojima what 360 owners think when MGS4 doesn't come to the 360.

Who cares? It's the way of the industry!


Why the hell has this topic turned into a bitchfest about the PS3 vs. the 360? Both will be coming out in a little more than 2 months. Both will have the fantastic game of GTA IV in it. Both of them you will get to download stuff for, but the 360 version is the only one that gets extra missions. So, get whichever console you want it for, and if you have both consoles, the best investment is the 360 version due to 10 hours of extra content (the PS3 is never going to get it due to the contract) Now that that is out of the way, lets get back to talking about the game itself.
WrikaWrek said:
Jesus christ for a console agnostic guy you have pretty twisted views.

So exclusivity is out the door now? Poor ps3 gamers is that it? Ask kojima what 360 owners think when MGS4 doesn't come to the 360.

Who cares? It's the way of the industry!

Exactly. In this instance it really is a case of a seperate platform included with the 360 version that you can play these future episodes on. The actual GTA4 experience is the same across the board, but the 360 version has the ability to play these future episodes that, by the way, people will have to pay for.

There is no need to strive for any kind of parity in this situation, anymore than someone who owns Wipeout Pure should expect Wipeout HD for free.


FFChris said:
Hasn't this always been the case? The 360 version just gets the exclusive missions.

Exclusive missions out of the box? I think someone told me this?

I thought it was exclusive DLC like new areas to play on. I'm confused. :x
Mrbob said:
Exclusive missions out of the box? I think someone told me this?

I thought it was exclusive DLC like new areas to play on. I'm confused. :x

Not out of the box. It's really best to think of it as "The 360 Version Comes With An Internal 'PSP' That You Can Buy GTAIV Liberty City Stories For A Few Months After Release".


So it is just new missions in the same areas? That's lame. I didn't get the PSP games for the same reason. I thought we were getting new areas to play on.
Mrbob said:
So it is just new missions in the same areas? That's lame. I didn't get the PSP games for the same reason. I thought we were getting new areas to play on.

Well, it's not clear where the missions take place. I wouldn't be surprised if we knew by the end of next week though.
kylej said:
ps3 and xbox 360 both suck. saturn for life.

to relieve the anticipatory cabin fever in threads like these lets talk about the music we'd like to see in the game. again.

Rockstar seems to be going after some local NY bands so I hope they snatch a song from Grizzly Bear - http://www.myspace.com/grizzlybear and Blockhead - http://www.myspace.com/theblockishot

and of course, something off of Illmatic by Nas is a must (N.Y. State of Mind plz).

Blockhead beats would completely decimate Saints Row's title for best Soundtrack due to its inclusion of Madvillain's "Money Folder".

Also a must:

"Crooklyn Dodgers '95" by The Crooklyn Dodgers (Chubb Rock, Oc, Jeru The Damaja; Beat By Primo).

Necessary listening when driving past a kid popping a wheelie on his BMX in slow slowwwwww slow motion.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Blockhead beats would completely decimate Saints Row's title for best Soundtrack due to its inclusion of Madvillain's "Money Folder".

Haha yeah. I could listen to a radio station of nothing but Blockhead.


SolidSnakex said:
That's actually a really good question. I'm not really bothered by the lack of downloadable content but it's obviously playing a role for others.

I dunno, I guess if they don't offer DLC for the PS3 version, that's basically less money they'll take from me since I'm getting teh PS3 version, so less money for dem. If they offer something I'll think about it.


Grand Theft Auto IV Pre-Order Content Revealed

Those who pre-order the Xbox 360 version will receive a pack of 4 exclusive GTA IV gamerpics that they can download immediately and won’t be available to the general public. In addition to this, if you pre-order at brick & mortar retailers (real stores, not online retailers), you’ll receive an exclusive Grand Theft Auto IV game case which contains information on how to win a bevy of prizes from an upcoming giveaway that will be held on xbox.com.

The giveaway will only be available to those who pre-order the game. Inside of the case you receive when you pre-order the game will be a code to enter online for entry.

Giveaway Prizes Include:

-100 people will win an Xbox 360 Elite console.

-2000 people will win Grand Theft Auto IV apparel.

-10,000 people will win various amounts of MS Points ranging from 500 to 1600 ms points.

-10,000 people will win various XBL Gold memberships ranging from 1 month to 12 months.

From what we know, this information should go public by at least mid-March. So you shouldn’t have to wait too long.



Junior Butler
Don't get me wrong, I'm a GTA freak, but I can't honestly see myself coming back to the game for DLC (unless it's mind blowing). Things start to get old before you've even finished the story so I doubt I'll invest in DLC.


y'all should be ashamed
DenogginizerOS said:
What do you say to PS3 owners who will see the X360 get more content for GTAIV and feel they are getting an incomplete experience?

If somehow GTA is an incomplete experience at $60, then the game fails.

EVERYONE that pays $60 for the game should be getting a full awesome experience. The DLC should be the icing, not the cake. Why are people geared up for paying for DLC before the game is even out?
Agent Icebeezy said:
This is going to have a bigger budget for advertising than Halo 3 had. All from Microsoft

Yup. And people scoffed at 360's 2008.

Even a cursory glance at 2007's software numbers should have told everyone what they were planning to do this year.

They are going to spend hundreds of million dollars to ensure that this game is synonymous with the Xbox 360.
belvedere said:
Don't get me wrong, I'm a GTA freak, but I can't honestly see myself coming back to the game for DLC (unless it's mind blowing).
Are you expecting something that was paid 50 million dollars not to be mind blowing? Do you think MS gave them all those moneys just for an horse armor and a couple of side missions? Yeah...


BenjaminBirdie said:
Yup. And people scoffed at 360's 2008.

Even a cursory glance at 2007's software numbers should have told everyone what they were planning to do this year.

They are going to spend hundreds of million dollars to ensure that this game is synonymous with the Xbox 360.

In the US, maybe but no one can predict what the ps2 owners will do. In Europe, they can spend as much money as they want, it will still sell gazillions on the PS3.


non-sanctioned troll
Spider_Jerusalem said:
Are you expecting something that was paid 50 million dollars not to be mind blowing? Do you think MS gave them all those moneys just for an horse armor and a couple of side missions? Yeah...

It was actually a loan of 50M, but he still has to downplay it as it doesn't fit his agenda.
bluheim said:
In the US, maybe but no one can predict what the ps2 owners will do. In Europe, they can spend as much money as they want, it will still sell gazillions on the PS3.

No one can predict what people in the US are going to do either, only what Microsoft is going to do to get their attention.


y'all should be ashamed
I also don't understand how you can market something like premium downloadable content. "GTA IV coming for the Xbox 360, with exclusive episodic content coming in the near future" isn't exactly the best tagline I've heard.

I have no doubt the 360 GTA will outsell the PS3 GTA version, but I have my doubts on how successful this marketing campaign by MS can be.


chubigans said:
I have no doubt the 360 GTA will outsell the PS3 GTA version

In the US, without a doubt : there are 2,5-3x more 360 sold than PS3. But I expect the PS3 sale numbers to explode when the game launch. And in Europe, this is not even funny : the PS3 will go through the roof.


chubigans said:
I also don't understand how you can market something like premium downloadable content. "GTA IV coming for the Xbox 360, with exclusive episodic content coming in the near future" isn't exactly the best tagline I've heard.

I have no doubt the 360 GTA will outsell the PS3 GTA version, but I have my doubts on how successful this marketing campaign by MS can be.
Buy GTA IV on teh 360 to be able to buy DLC, the regular gamer that GTA appeals to doesn't buy the game for DLC in the first place.
chubigans said:
I also don't understand how you can market something like premium downloadable content. "GTA IV coming for the Xbox 360, with exclusive episodic content coming in the near future" isn't exactly the best tagline I've heard.
They NEED to reveal the nature of the DLCs before tha game launches. It could shift the attenction of many people depending on the greatness of these contents.

I think that with all these moneys, they could easily do something huge like a new storyline with completely new characters, like every DLC is a new game.


non-sanctioned troll
Let's get this out of the way too before ANY GTA IV sales are reported.

It doesn't matter WHAT console you want to talk about. The larger your install base, the smaller the % attach rate will be. What I'm saying is, the more people that own X console, the smaller the % of attach rate for Y game will be.

Example for those that don't get it:

If you stuck with the retarded idea that when a console was at X install base, then Y game had Z% attach, you're arguing it sold better compared to the other console because the Z% attach was higher than the other console. However, if that was even a valid argument, then games like Madden on PS2 would have sold ~25M.

Early on, madden sold to ~25% of the install base. Therefore, @~100M, Madden should have sold through 25M on the PS2. However, that isn't what happens. Please, people need to understand that as your install base increases, the % of attach of ANY game decreases, but the sales INCREASE.

If you lowered the install base, the % of attach of the game would increase, but the sales would DECREASE.


non-sanctioned troll
Spider_Jerusalem said:
They NEED to reveal the nature of the DLCs before tha game launches. It could shift the attenction of many people depending on the greatness of these contents.

I think that with all these moneys, they could easily do something huge like a new storyline with completely new characters, like every DLC is a new game.

They, at one time, said the DLC will be similar to the GTA "stories" series. Not just some crap like a new clothing line.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
WrikaWrek said:
Jesus christ for a console agnostic guy you have pretty twisted views.

So exclusivity is out the door now? Poor ps3 gamers is that it? Ask kojima what 360 owners think when MGS4 doesn't come to the 360.

Who cares? It's the way of the industry!
Calm down, Nancy. Did I say I was one of the people who feel that the PS3 version is a lesser experience? Nope. Are there people out there that own a PS3 that are wondering how much better, if at all, the X360 DLC is going to make GTA IV? Yup. And do a percentage of these people wonder if they are gettting a lesser version by buying the PS3 version? You betcha. This isn't as much about exclusivity as it is about people wanting to know all the details so they can make an informed decision. Hopefully, Rockstar will announce what the DLC is so people can decide.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Yup. And people scoffed at 360's 2008.

Even a cursory glance at 2007's software numbers should have told everyone what they were planning to do this year.

They are going to spend hundreds of million dollars to ensure that this game is synonymous with the Xbox 360.

I wonder how Sony will be able to compete with Msoft's advertising for the ps3 version.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
InterMoniker said:

I wonder how Sony will be able to compete with Msoft's advertising for the ps3 version.
I don't think Sony wants to get into a spending war with Microsoft. There are plenty pf PS2 owners who are saving up for GTA IV and a new PS3 just as there are plenty of Xbox 360 owners who are waiting to buy GTA IV. The question will be how many PS3's and copies of GTA IV are sold on and around GTA IV's release date. And the DLC and the perceived value it gives to the X360 version is a bit of a wild card at this stage. If people that have yet to buy a PS3 or X360 are convinced the X360 version of GTA IV is superior and that justifies giving up MGS4 and Gran Turismo 5, then Microsoft has succeeded. If they still go with PS3 despite the DLC, then MS has spent 50 million to steal away a very small percentage of the Playstation family.
DenogginizerOS said:
There are plenty pf PS2 owners who are saving up for GTA IV and a new PS3 just as there are plenty of Xbox 360 owners who are waiting to buy GTA IV.

Surely there are plenty of PS2 owners who are saving for GTA IV and a new 360 as well. There's no way that what you described is the only split. Cost > Brand Loyalty, by and large.
DenogginizerOS said:
I don't think Sony wants to get into a spending war with Microsoft. There are plenty pf PS2 owners who are saving up for GTA IV and a new PS3 just as there are plenty of Xbox 360 owners who are waiting to buy GTA IV. The question will be how many PS3's and copies of GTA IV are sold on and around GTA IV's release date. And the DLC and the perceived value it gives to the X360 version is a bit of a wild card at this stage. If people that have yet to buy a PS3 or X360 are convinced the X360 version of GTA IV is superior and that justifies giving up MGS4 and Gran Turismo 5, then Microsoft has succeeded. If they still go with PS3 despite the DLC, then MS has spent 50 million to steal away a very small percentage of the Playstation family.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Surely there are plenty of PS2 owners who are saving for GTA IV and a new 360 as well. There's no way that what you described is the only split. Cost > Brand Loyalty, by and large.
Dun dun Duuuuun!!!!!

hahaha I just can't wait to play this game hopefully there will be some kind of multi-player.


So can one of you guys contact me when the stupid system wars shit it out of the thread and people get back to talking about the game?


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
BenjaminBirdie said:
Surely there are plenty of PS2 owners who are saving for GTA IV and a new 360 as well. There's no way that what you described is the only split. Cost > Brand Loyalty, by and large.
It depends on how bad they want to give up Metal Gear Solid 4, GT5, Final Fantasy XIII, and perhaps Resistance 2. It also depends on how much the DLC for the X360 version adds to the overall GTA IV experience.

And don't call me, Shirley.

Unfortunately, because Microsoft is spending millions to promote the X360 version of GTA IV as being the superior version with its exclusive DLC, there are two versions of this game. I don't care about the DLC as much as I care about having a fun game that runs smoothly on the system I prefer to play it on.

As far as GTA IV is concerned as a game, I am really interested to see how Rockstar makes this game more than GTA HD. I love the dialog in these games and the production values. Do we know yet who the voice actors are?
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