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Grand Theft Auto IV thread of hype and stray bullets

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SolidSnakex said:
Heh i'd love to see the reaction if they did announce today that it was coming out next week. I know Capcom would be freaking out.
I wouldn't buy it! I think they are going to release it soon though...they have to. Before MGS4...and rumour goes that it will be out before that beauty
SolidSnakex said:
Heh i'd love to see the reaction if they did announce today that it was coming out next week. I know Capcom would be freaking out.

That would tie in with the price drop rumours for the 360/PS3! Start a thread! Send it to CVG!


newsguy said:
I'm going to run errands. If there's no massive previews in this thread when I get back there will be hell to pay.
Artadius said:
Same... they claim you can refresh right at 12:30 EST and it'll be up. We shall see if teh interweb breaks.
Previews screenshot and missions? That it, am i looking at the right thing here?

Edit: yeah it was, nvm.
Geoff9920 said:
IGN is blocked here at work, would someone kindly qoute some of the best parts, please.

edit: nevermind. :D

The first segment kinda sums it up:
UK, January 23, 2008 - A lot can happen in six months. Just look back over the last half a year: England were knocked out of Euro 2008, the Spice Girls got back together and Dumbledore came out of the closet. So with that in mind we were anxious and excited in equal measure when we got the call from Rockstar to check out the latest version of Grand Theft Auto IV. After all, it's been six months since we last walked the streets of Liberty City, so could all of the little niggles we'd noticed in previous versions – the stuttering frame-rate, restricted freedom of the city and overall lack of GTA's signature humour – have all be ironed out in a few months?

Yes. There, we said it. Yes, the frame-rate has been smoothed out; yes, the city is now fully populated meaning you're able to explore however you see fit; and yes, the trademark satirical dialogue and larger-than-life characters are very much back. Grand Theft Auto IV looks and feels like a GTA game, but one that's been punted into the next generation. And while the build we saw wasn't final – the music was still placeholder and there are a couple of visual tweaks to be done over the next couple of months – everything else is in the game. Better still, any worry we had that Rockstar wouldn't deliver on a proper next-gen GTA experience was instantly dispelled within the first few moments of our latest 90-minute tour of Liberty City.

And the conclusion

We were surprised by the amount we saw in the demo, and of course it's only a small percentage of the final game. Overall the experience was heartening, with the build at worst sturdy, and at times downright dazzling. There's still a whole world of questions about the game to be answered, and Rockstar were reticent about revealing anything about the online and multiplayer elements of GTA IV – that will come in the next month or so - other than the fact that they exist. We've been promised a hands-on within the next couple of weeks, as well as a look at the PS3 build, when more will no doubt become clear. But till then, rest assured the last six months have been well spent and that GTA IV is shaping up to be well worthy of the hype bestowed upon it.
Once Niko has the car away from the attention of the cops he can access the police database, via the onboard police computer. By tapping in the name of the informant Niko is able to pinpoint his home address – Long Street in Broker, which would be our next stop. Interestingly, Rockstar mentioned it would also be possible to upload photos of people from your phone's camera into the database to attain details as well.

That is just plain fucking awesome!


Unconfirmed Member
computerandvideogames.com said:
Cruising under broker bridge, into the busy estuary and lodging up on the rocky coast, Rockstar answers one of our final concerns over GTA IV. Going from interior, to land, to water and back again, it's clear that GTA IV is still as sandbox and open-ended as ever before, not limited at all by the bloody impressive detail put upon the environment. By the looks of it, Rockstar could've made the most epic sandbox yet.

kylej said:
why the shit do we need that Saint's Row turd again? Hail to the king.

Don't be stupid, there is more than enough room for both. If Volition can polish up SR2 both games will be awesome sandboxs to play in!

SolidSnakex said:
Definitely not a good sign that they still won't show anyone the PS3 build.

The PS3 build was a few weeks behind the last time, the IGN article mentions they will be playing it soon.
Francias Castiglione said:
The PS3 build was a few weeks behind the last time, the IGN article mentions they will be playing it soon.

Yeah I just saw that. I know I remember reading that Sony apparently sent over some of their top programmers to help with with it so hopefully they'll do a good job.

As far as SR2 goes, while i'm sure GTA4 will be a better game, there's no reason they can't coexist. The original SR, despite being horribly unoriginal, was still a fun game.
kylej said:
THQ and Volition, take your ball and go home. You're not needed anymore.

Nah, mindless coop through the ENTIRE campaign with a friend makes SR2 needed despite whatever GTA4 online quality. You can never have enough coop ^_^.


Banzaiaap said:
The first segment kinda sums it up:

And the conclusion

computerandvideogames.com said:
Even with all the gorgeous building and cloud reflections in the water, and impressive real-time shadows skulking across the street, the framerate is bang on. Which is very pleasing to see after a jittery 2007 demo left us a little concerned that GTA IV wouldn't be quite as fluid as we'd hoped.
Now that's what I like to hear.


kylej said:
THQ and Volition, take your ball and go home. You're not needed anymore.



SR2 :lol

Man take that shit elsewhere, SR1 to me was an amazingly fun game, and so it was for many other people.

I'm buying both, because they are obviously both going to be fun.
Anyone else notice this in CVG's write-up?

"The game is in a very, very different place now," boldly claims our Rockstar tour operator for this particular trip. "It's improved in virtually every single way imaginable. When we first showed the game a year ago, we said it was really early - it was the earliest we've ever shown a GTA game. A year later and just three/four months away from release you're looking at a game that's virtually complete."

April release confirmed?


time to take my meds
I wish GTA4 had it's MP similar to burnout (the whole d-pad, jump into online with friends quickly stuff).


MMaRsu said:
Man take that shit elsewhere, SR1 to me was an amazingly fun game, and so it was for many other people.

I'm buying both, because they are obviously both going to be fun.

Ehh one realistic free roamer with online capabilities is enough for me (GTA IV that is). Mercenaries 2 will hopefully be top notch.

Bad_Boy said:
I wish GTA4 had it's MP similar to burnout (the whole d-pad, jump into online with friends quickly stuff).

Maybe it will? I mean that would be a nice way to implement MP through the cell phone.


SolidSnakex said:
As far as SR2 goes, while i'm sure GTA4 will be a better game, there's no reason they can't coexist. The originally SR, despite being horribly unoriginal, was still a fun game.
QFT I don't get this 'one or the other' mentality. SR was really fun, I still play Crackdown (damn co-op!) and I can't wait for GTA. The more the merrier (provided they aren't poor knock-offs)


speculawyer said:
They had better make that date or else Wall Street will punish them . . . even more than they've already been punished in the last few weeks.

Fuck Wall Street. Whatever it takes to get the best game possible. If they have to delay it, so be it.
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