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Grand Theft Auto IV thread of hype and stray bullets

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Chû Totoro said:
So some of think that the "standup comedians" thing is true ?
wow :eek:

NeoGAF believe.

or have i miss something ? if that's actually true it's the most retarded feature i've ever heard of. donotwantdog.gif

You must be watching the wrong stand-up...

McBain: Have you ever noticed how men always leave the toilet seat up? (no laughter is forthcoming) That's the joke.
Audience Member: You suck, McBain!
McBain: (draws machine gun and fires several rounds into the audience) And now for my Woody Allen impression. (same voice) I'm a neurotic nerd who likes to sleep with little girls.
Audience Member: Hey, that really stunk.
(McBain throws a live grenade into audience)


Himuro said:
Jeez. I can't find the source at all and this is making me look like an ass, but it's common knowledge to people in the GTA community hyped for the game. They said this last year, and I'm not pulling this out of my ass. Rockstar said that they felt they revealed too much about SA before the game came out, leaving little to surprise (which is shocking) so they're barely going to reveal IV's features.
ok, ok, calm down, I believe you...


Himuro said:
Jeez. I can't find the source at all and this is making me look like an ass, but it's common knowledge to people in the GTA community hyped for the game. They said this last year, and I'm not pulling this out of my ass. Rockstar said that they felt they revealed too much about SA before the game came out, leaving little to surprise (which is shocking) so they're barely going to reveal IV's features.

You're not going crazy, I remember that too.


aka andydumi
So are there any preorder deals in the US?

All I have found so far is the free system skin at Target... not that I expect any great freebies, but I figured might as well try and see.


pn18 said:
No developer reveals his game completely, but normal developers reveal about 50-75% of the overall content, or at least 75% of all features.

do you think that they need to? people are going to buy this game regardless or what they know about it. It's Grand Theft Auto My friend!


GTA4.net claims that this spanish boxshot reveals two new screenshots, but isn't the one where Niko gets arrested old?



I love the night scape on that cover. Even though it's as blurry as hell, it looks really nice. I'm going to enjoy cruising around in a chopper.

Mr. Sam

Does my memory serve me well in remembering that Niko automatically puts his hands up if he gets out of the car in front of police? That'd piss me off, especially if I had the option to fill them with lead.


Mr. Sam said:
Does my memory serve me well in remembering that Niko automatically puts his hands up if he gets out of the car in front of police? That'd piss me off, especially if I had the option to fill them with lead.

Well all you have to do is use the "escape" option and proceed to do whatever you want to them. That's such a great addition to the series. I hated not having enough momentum when a cop was next to my car door and getting busted. It was always a crapshoot cause other times the same amount of speed would send the cop to the floor giving me a chance to escape. At least now it's not automatic.
one preview said that you could break away if you were caught on foot, but that if you were in a car you were "in trouble." I hope that's not the case- they should take you out of the car, and then you get a chance to sprint.


y'all should be ashamed
notjackbauer said:
one preview said that you could break away if you were caught on foot, but that if you were in a car you were "in trouble." I hope that's not the case- they should take you out of the car, and then you get a chance to sprint.

Bah, I can't even remember a time I ever got caught on foot. Sad news if that's the case. :(


chubigans said:
Bah, I can't even remember a time I ever got caught on foot. Sad news if that's the case. :(

Exactly, it's when they're by the car when it's a pain in the ass. I still think they pull you out of the car cause there are a couple of screenshots where Niko clearly just got out of his car and he's right by the door.
newsguy said:
Exactly, it's when they're by the car when it's a pain in the ass. I still think they pull you out of the car cause there are a couple of screenshots where Niko clearly just got out of his car and he's right by the door.
My understanding of this was that anytime that you got busted, regardless of whether you are in a car or not, you would have the chance to break free of their grasp/cuffs and escape. Doing so, however, gets you an extra star added to your wanted level.

... which is awesome.


plaidtopia said:
My understanding of this was that anytime that you got busted, regardless of whether you are in a car or not, you would have the chance to break free of their grasp/cuffs and escape. Doing so, however, gets you an extra star added to your wanted level.

... which is awesome.

That's what I understood. And this pic semi comfirms it for me



I read the same preview that said you were in trouble if busted in a car. With the ability to shoot any direction from a car that may be less of an issue :D


Himuro said:
Fuck yes.

I'm kind of bummed btw..I don't really know what to do :lol

I can just show all the footage, and put a cool song under it and mute the video's, but I think it might be better to cut everything and don't put any song under it..



Excerpts from Edge interview with Sam Houser


Houser tells Edge that after GTA III he couldn't "take in a movie in the same way," and that "a large part of my leisure time suddenly took a knock because I couldn't take it seriously any longer". And one reason he states is the terrorist attack of 9/11.

"I think September 11 also had something to do with [not taking movies, etc seriously] as well, because I saw that happening through my apartment window and it was the most real action-movie thing I'd ever seen because it fucking well was real, and no explosions have looked real to me since that point. It's like 'You can keep your Bruckheimer ones - that doesn't work any more'."


"[Ray Liotta] was a very interesting guy to work with because we had to have him in for quite a long time. In some sessions he was so fired up and he was into it, but then sometimes it'd be like he was in some kind of a hole, and he was very dark and couldn't work. He's a pretty amazing guy, kind of an amazing actor."

But... "He made some comments later on through his agent, something like, 'Hey, that game was so big I should have charged them more money', and I hate that kind of chat. It's so cheesy. Like he's saying, 'Next time I'm really going to pin it to them'. Well, how about we just killed off your character? There is no next time. That's how we handle that."

Does this add further weight to Rockstar's enthusiastic talk about the idea of a GTA MMO one day? Only time will tell, but when discussing the game’s expansion through DLC, Houser admits:

"Yeah, it feels like it's a step towards something we get asked about a lot, which is getting towards it being more of a subscription type of game, which is something that GTA will ultimately lend itself to rather well at a certain point in time.”

- And that DLC promises to be pretty damn substantial, maybe even equating to something rivalling a whole new game when it’s all released: "I think the mission packs with the episodes are going to be pretty deep, offering another full-on adventure in this world. I think we will be in a position to market them not a million miles away from the way the boxed game is marketed."


So refreshing to read someone just talk and say what they want to say instead of forced responses from the typical EGM "So how awesome is your game/how good are the graphics going to be?" bullshit.


MMaRsu said:
But there isn't gonna be a new game with him in it ever..soo

Did they ever say ever? If so thats dissapointing as Rockstar never cleared up the Vic Vance/Lance Vance, Tommy Vercetti, or CJ stories.

They cleared up the burt reynolds cowboy (cant rememebr his name) story but are just going to let those lay out there?
- "We immediately embraced it - I didn't see it as a risk," Houser says of choosing to have a black lead for San Andreas. "It was certainly leftfield for the industry at that time but, you know, I'm proud to do things like that. And anyone who has a problem with that, we don't want you buying the game anyway, mate, quite frankly."


- The morality! "People talk a lot about some of the things in games like Mass Effect, where you create these moral dilemmas - well, we haven't really been making a big deal out of that stuff, but a lot of the things that you are going to do in GTAIV will have real consequences, without wanting to give any of it away. Towards the end there are some very big things that happen that absolutely change things in an 'Oh, tell me that didn't just happen' kind of way. Not always good either."

So is he saying we'll be able to make these choices or do we have to do it no matter what?


y'all should be ashamed
Ah ha!

"I think the mission packs with the episodes are going to be pretty deep, offering another full-on adventure in this world. I think we will be in a position to market them not a million miles away from the way the boxed game is marketed."

So it won't be a separate island or the like, but more missions in the same city. Kinda what most of us thought it would be.

Interesting that he mentions advertising it like a retail copy. Could be the first widely advertised DLC ever.
Himuro said:
They said before that respect is everything in GTAIV and that your relationships will evolve depending on what you do. Maybe he's talking about that.

Hmm it would certainly be interesting if you're able to change the story in order to have multiple paths depending on your decision. It'd add a lot of replay value to the games story mode. Hopefully someone will get more details on this soon.


It'll probably work like Bullys in that you have to gain rep with a certain faction to open up new quests and such.
Well i'm not talking about details about what'll happen, I just want a confirmation that you're able to change the story depending on your actions.


I doubt change the story, I think just be able to experience certain stuff and not. For instance if you side with the triads, you can't do the italians missions and vice versa.


I assume that when the creators of GTA refer to 'respect', they're talking about the quality of obedience and awe that arises in proximity to violence or the potential for it. I think that's kickass, but so long as it's clear.


former Navy SEAL
chubigans said:
Ah ha!

So it won't be a separate island or the like, but more missions in the same city.

It could be a new borough, burg, hamlet, or neighborhood that adds new geography and technically still be within the same city. Cause the way cities work is, the city limits usually isn't right at the edge of the tall buildings. So in those outlying areas, they could do something and remain in the city limits.


SolidSnakex said:
Hmm it would certainly be interesting if you're able to change the story in order to have multiple paths depending on your decision. It'd add a lot of replay value to the games story mode. Hopefully someone will get more details on this soon.

Well, I've read a number of previews that state you can have NPCs you are with die and not have the mission fail. The rest of the game will continue without that person in it. Perhaps this will not only cut off some side-quest branches but also change the way the main story plays out.

That's not quite the same but it's in the same league and I think there will be multiple paths (at least 2 or 3 perhaps).


huh, Niko's going to be using Krav Maga, huh? That'll be interesting to see. I guess you'll be able to take martial arts lessons to gain new skills or something, huh? Man, I want this game.
dejay said:
Well, I've read a number of previews that state you can have NPCs you are with die and not have the mission fail. The rest of the game will continue without that person in it. Perhaps this will not only cut off some side-quest branches but also change the way the main story plays out.

That's not quite the same but it's in the same league and I think there will be multiple paths (at least 2 or 3 perhaps).

Yeah that's what I want to happen. I think it'll give you a lot more incentive to think a lot about the mission before you enter it because you know there are real consequences if your NPC does die in it. In previous games you'd just restart if they were killed, so it wasn't a big deal.

Mr. Sam

Darkpen said:
huh, Niko's going to be using Krav Maga, huh? That'll be interesting to see. I guess you'll be able to take martial arts lessons to gain new skills or something, huh? Man, I want this game.

I thought this game was going to be more realistic than old GTAs? I just don't see a guy like Niko thinking he needs to take martial arts lessons. Besides, he's already a trained killer, I don't see the need to make him do fancy martial arts moves.


Mr. Sam said:
I thought this game was going to be more realistic than old GTAs? I just don't see a guy like Niko thinking he needs to take martial arts lessons. Besides, he's already a trained killer, I don't see the need to make him do fancy martial arts moves.

I was shown a bit of Krav Maga from a Palestinian friend of mine. It's nothing flashy, it's actually pretty ghetto (unless the Pali version is a more ghetto-ized form of the Israeli version). I practiced taking out a dummy's eyes to the point where it's instinctive for me now. :p


Mr. Sam said:
I thought this game was going to be more realistic than old GTAs? I just don't see a guy like Niko thinking he needs to take martial arts lessons. Besides, he's already a trained killer, I don't see the need to make him do fancy martial arts moves.

It makes sense as it's not a flashy martial art The wikipedia page summarizes it perfectly

the basic premises of Krav Maga are:

* You're not going to care how much damage you're going to cause.
* Cause as much damage as possible and run.
* Do not try to prolong a fight. Do what needs to be done and escape.

And didn't Niko serve in the military in some capacity?


- And that DLC promises to be pretty damn substantial, maybe even equating to something rivalling a whole new game when it’s all released: "I think the mission packs with the episodes are going to be pretty deep, offering another full-on adventure in this world. I think we will be in a position to market them not a million miles away from the way the boxed game is marketed."

Episodic mission packs. Micropayment rape incoming.


I can't believe how good this game sounds, seems like such a leap forward compared to other GTA games. Everything is so well thought out.


Will Eat Your Children
From the interview:

Houser explains that the game had to become "more and more thematically sophisticated and mature," but also assures that GTA IV still has all the fun stuff. "It's crazier than ever, in a way - the humour is madder than ever. It's more full-on than ever, definitely."

Nice. Somehow reminds me of the second season of the Wire. There better be some awesome missions on the docks.
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