Zenith said:they stretched the box arts to fit the different PS3/360 logos. which one's the correct ratio?
360. The TBC Circle is round.
Zenith said:they stretched the box arts to fit the different PS3/360 logos. which one's the correct ratio?
ooops sorry how embarassing, :/ I've credited $10 to my EA account.
When the fuck did this happen? (TOP LEFT?!)
don chu ever do disBobFromPikeCreek said:danga de danga de dang
guise said:
SapientWolf said:Someone's telling ME that about my wife? I'm sorry sir, but I'm gonna break, your leg.
newsguy said:"Somebody's telling me... that about my wife... I sorry sir but I gonna break your leg."
EDIT: :lol beaten like a poor sap at a bar.
Opus Angelorum said:To be fair to him, a lot of those techniques I've learnt in Muay Thai. Very effective.
Dabanton said:I hope R* aren't planning to diss Crackdown...
thanksSolidSnakex said:Some more info from the Xbox World 360 magazine
- You'll be able to take photos and upload them to share with people.
- There's a bunch of references to Crackdown in it.
- If you rob a bank or murder someone people will find out about it by news tickers around the city. The news tickers will also give your description.
- They point out how there are little graphical details that are really nice. Specifically how in one screenshot you can see that one driver is checking his rear view, another is looking forward and another is looking out the side of his window.
- Videogeddon arcade has a bunch of tongue-in-cheek games as well as posters that reference people that bash games.
- It's twice the size of Vice City.
- Peds will call the cops on you if they see you attacking people on the street.
- They talk about how you can go to the top floor of the Empire State building and you won't see any pop up.
- Niko's hand to hand combat comes from Bas Rutten.
Mrbob said:That's what I'm saying.
Rockstar starts dissing crackdown it is on.
gnarkill bill said:I love how people are getting so defensive when they just mentioned in that article that mentions of Crackdown are in the game. Im a fan of Crackdown myself but who cares if they do infact poke fun at it.
EviLore said:Anyone hypothetically hating on Bas's street fighting techniques has probably taken one too many bar stools to the head...
ThirstyFly said:Holy shit. He isn't teaching self defense, he's teaching murder!
BenjaminBirdie said:Oh just because you get stabbed with a chair doesn't mean you're going to to die.
gnarkill bill said:I love how people are getting so defensive when they just mentioned in that article that mentions of Crackdown are in the game. Im a fan of Crackdown myself but who cares if they do infact poke fun at it.
newsguy said:Did David Jones (Crackdown creator) split from R* with animosity?
Domino Theory said:When I get this game, I think I'm just going to go into the Steinway Beer Garden in the game and just drink all day, all the time.
Anyone who cares to join me, feel free.
Yoboman said:Do we know much about if you can enter buildings in this one?
Why don't you get it fixed?Aurelius said:Im thinking about buying a PS3 to play GTAIV. I know that the 360 version as extra content, but the PS3 is much more reliable than my launch 360. Ive been playing Lost Odyssey and I am getting so fed up with disk read errors. They are not that frequent. But when youve been playing for one hours without saving. One is all it takes to hurl the controller across the room.
guidop said:My hype has gone throw the roof in recent days this game is going to rule my life. All the cool new details that have been revealed in the last couple of weeks sound so delicious.
April 29th bitches - The day the world ends has been my msn tag for a little while now
It hasn't RROD yet.Psychotext said:Why don't you get it fixed?
Aurelius said:Im thinking about buying a PS3 to play GTAIV. I know that the 360 version as extra content, but the PS3 is much more reliable than my launch 360. Ive been playing Lost Odyssey and I am getting so fed up with disk read errors. They are not that frequent. But when youve been playing for one hours without saving. One is all it takes to hurl the controller across the room.
I really dont want that to happen with GTAIV. If I have to choose between extra content and reliability, the choice is easy to make.
That was what I was thinking. Also, maybe the exclusive content will turn out to be a timed exclusive. Also, finishing the regular game usually takes me so much time, that afterward I want to play something else. And MGS4 already comes out in June.guidop said:You could always buy the 360 version later when the DLC is released.
That's fair enough... but a console that's giving you disk read errors is still broken, just in a different way to normal.Aurelius said:It hasn't RROD yet.
And I need an excuse to buy a PS3.![]()
Well, if disk read errors fall under the warranty, and are a valid reason to send my 360 to Microsoft for repairs, I could do that and have it back before the release of Ninja Gaiden 2.Psychotext said:That's fair enough... but a console that's giving you disk read errors is still broken, just in a different way to normal.
You wouldn't be the first person to get it done (lots of them in the my 360 died thread). If it's just Lost Odyssey doing it, then it's probably the discs.Aurelius said:Well, if disk read errors fall under the warranty, and are a valid reason to send my 360 to Microsoft for repairs, I could do that and have it back before the release of Ninja Gaiden 2.
The lookouts, who are located high up on different cranes in our line of sight, fall down a long way to their death. One of them we don't actually kill with a bullet but the shot makes him fall off and then he's a goner. A cinematic camera follows him on his descent to doom, before refocusing on Niko.