Sooo... It's obvious this was delayed to prevent it from hurting review scores, yes?
How delightful.
I get as far as Joining GTA Online and then it just says failed to connect.
Ermmm online couldn't connect for me and put me back to single player. At the time before i went online Michael wasn't a playable character.Held hostage with the chinese
Now in my single player Michael is all of a sudden in the game and I can play as him. WTF????
Yeah, had it happen to me. I had to turn the power off since I couldn't just restart normally.I can't even download the patch the screen just goes black when I go to update and I have to reboot the system :/
Sooo... It's obvious this was delayed to prevent it from hurting review scores, yes?
How delightful.
Ermmm online couldn't connect for me and put me back to single player. At the time before i went online Michael wasn't a playable character.Held hostage with the chinese
Now in my single player Michael is all of a sudden in the game and I can play as him. WTF????
The losing money is your "Hospital/Medical bills", just like all previous GTAs.
Yeah, it sounds like they are having server problems.
Sooo... It's obvious this was delayed to prevent it from hurting review scores, yes?
How delightful.
"i paid my $60 damnit, this should work from the second i want it to."
After a disconnect you always go back to Michael, seems to be default. Good to know that happens even if it's kind of impossible. Has anyone (story spoiler)killed Michael in the last mission and got him back that way?
I think single-player and online components should be reviewed separately anyway. It makes sense.Sooo... It's obvious this was delayed to prevent it from hurting review scores, yes?
How delightful.
( pretty cool seeing my GAF shirt in a cutscene! )
jesus christ you people think you're so entitled to this thing working from minute one. doesnt every damn major online game have issues on launch?
considering rockstar sent out a press release explicitily stating there will be issues, and considering there was issues with the single player aspect tied into rockstar's servers, this whole thing should come as no surprise to anybody.
"i paid my $60 damnit, this should work from the second i want it to."
Patience. Get some.
One more:
The thing is the next missions is with Franklin calledNow that isn't unlocking.Fresh meat. where I am supposed to save him?
Solo mode finally worked for me after trying again and again (PS3). Was also able to join a lobby with one guy in it for the first race.
One more:
My Xbox just fell and my CD is scratched... no online for me. I'm so lucky.
Usually, multiplayer is available the day you buy a game. But here it was delayed for two weeks and still is not working. I think the complaints are more than justified.
Sooo... It's obvious this was delayed to prevent it from hurting review scores, yes?
How delightful.
That sucks, sorry. I remember buying the first Left 4 Dead at launch for 360. I put it in and then accidentally bumped it with my foot. Garbage disposal noise then fear set in.My Xbox just fell and my CD is scratched... no online for me. I'm so lucky.
Solo mode finally worked for me after trying again and again (PS3). Was also able to join a lobby with one guy in it for the first race.
One more:
jesus christ you people think you're so entitled to this thing working from minute one. doesnt every damn major online game have issues on launch?
considering rockstar sent out a press release explicitily stating there will be issues, and considering there was issues with the single player aspect tied into rockstar's servers, this whole thing should come as no surprise to anybody.
"i paid my $60 damnit, this should work from the second i want it to."
Patience. Get some.
Seeing as how beta testers weren't have such connection problems, it's obvious this is more a function of a million people hopping online at once, like the case with any online launch. So obvious.