Received my 500k from R*, it was really good timing as I could finally afford a super car to complete my garage.
I've been too busy to play much recently but when I have had a chance I've still been having issues finding a race that's not CR/DtD. It usually takes three or four "Join Quick Race" attempts to find a group actually racing but it's not the end of the world.
I assume the latest patch didn't fix "Closed" matchmaking to actually mean closed?
BGAF seem to be on a lot less of late so it looks like it might be time for someone to rationalise the crews so any GAF players still playing regularly can link up more easily.

I've been too busy to play much recently but when I have had a chance I've still been having issues finding a race that's not CR/DtD. It usually takes three or four "Join Quick Race" attempts to find a group actually racing but it's not the end of the world.
I assume the latest patch didn't fix "Closed" matchmaking to actually mean closed?
BGAF seem to be on a lot less of late so it looks like it might be time for someone to rationalise the crews so any GAF players still playing regularly can link up more easily.