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Grand Theft Auto: Online |OT| The Stimulation Has Began!

Jedeye Sniv

sent this back to gamefly yesterday after not touching it for over a month(or when ever 1.04 came out and patched all the glitches), except to get the 500k reimbursement money. when ever the actual heist missions come out ill rent it again which wont be for months cause its going to be the final update.

all their other crap coming out before hand, including this beach pack are nothing but ways to entice you to spend money buying more crap in-game so you'll eventually run out and be more inclined to start purchasing their microtransaction packs since they gimped every mission to where none of them feel like you're rewarded fairly for the time spent, but you "dont wanna be the only guy in your crew without the fresh new duds tho right!?" or what ever physiological scenario they think causes people to finally cave-in to paying real cash.

then even when heists do come, i guarantee, since a normal race takes $100 out of your bank each time you do one, i can almost guarantee you'll have to pay Lester a large lump sum before even doing a heist as "set up fees" and if you die, you wont get the cash back and will have to spend that same amount to retry it.

this has joined Gears Judgment as the most disappointing titles of the year that i assumed would have had a long lasting "replayability" factor based on the multiplayer aspects, which neither of them delivered on and both severally cut out content and modes that their predecessors had which created that assumption for the next game.

Quick question - how many hours did you spend playing GTAV SP and MP?
Well, 1. We need a wingsuit.

Seriously. Michael's psychedelic flight through the city made it more than apparent that the functionality is mostly in place... would only need to limit the lift when pulling back on the stick and create the actual wingsuit assets. Done.

Speaking of done, this thread. So dead now. GTAO was so poorly handled--rubbed too many people the wrong way. I have my doubts as to whether DLC would inject any further interest at this point.
I'm handing over the reigns of the Gaming Age Family crew to Catdafelix.

He is online much more than I am and is not jumping into the next gen launch like I am. Cat will be handling OT2 and crew invites and boots from here on out.

Like I said in PM if you need any help don't hesitate to reach out to me. Thanks again for carrying the Crew. I'll still jump on from time to time but just don't have the passion needed to continue to run things.

Thank you for all your work getting everything set up! It was fun playing when you were on.

PS3 gaffers- we need to organize some mayhem! I have yet to see more than 8 gaffers in one server at a time. I was really lookin forward to the large crew games, considering the number of people in the crew alone, and also the amount of clamor to get in initially. Yes next gen is coming out, I am joining that revolution, but I have no plans of shelving GTA anytime soon! I want those crew rooms to get some use, don't let me down Gaf!

Jedeye Sniv

I think once we get OT2 on the go we should consolidate the crews a bit, just have a PS3 and 360 crew with as many people as we can get on there. Now the launch fervour has died down it would be good to get them full of actual active players. Or people that still play at all.


Thanks Rob. With the impending change to the gaming landscape at 12:00am tonight (and 7 days from tonight for the xboxone) I'm sure the GTAO landscape will be changing in the amount of players/crew activities and in the forum in general.

OT2 will be up before the Beach Bum pack launches this coming Tuesday and some changes will be in effect regarding it. The shear amount of players in the gaf PS3 crew is at the limit and a "roll-call" will come into effect next week regarding which of you are still playing. There almost 429 pending invites and with any new game, you have everybody joining up but real world comes into effect and some people can't play or are busy.

I've been playing everyday since launch and have lost 3 characters at the start with Rock Stars server/cloud issues then finally got my main character up and running. Some people have 21 minutes played, while others are deep into it. I won't be basing "crew member" performance of time played. Most members didn't know that there's an option to join crew members in a server and there's a closed server option.

I've seen who is playing through a wide range of different times I've been on. Going forward a "crew group" time zone matching will go into effect once OT2 is up and running and new members with old will be in the mix.

------Issues with the game/forum dying------

With some posts on this topic regarding the game is dying/dead (forum is dead). I understand complety. New console launch, real world issues, new games out. With my play time as it is. I've seen the racing in the game (which is my favorite thing to do) there's always Criminal Records/Down the Drain every time I'm looking for a race. The RP boosting is still bad. I've done it, I've help people do it but I'm not online doing it 24/7. What alot of people don't know is any race (sea,air,bike, and class of car) that has more than 2 laps. Your getting that 3x,4x RP on the 2nd lap. It's the reason why Rock Star hasn't been able to fix it yet cause its game wide.

With not finding anybody online, it's all about the options in the pause menu with joining crew members. There's people playing but us getting into groups has been the real downfall. I've seen server rooms with 8+ crew members. The most I've gotten with the gaf crew is 4 or 5 people. This will change. What people forget is this is a "sandbox" game of the finest. The sheer amount of stuff you can do without "racing, missions, deathmatches and even the free lobbies for constant killing" is what makes it great. Some of the stuff I’ve pulled off with fellow gaf members is legend.

My bad for this wall of mega text. Everything will be explained better in the OT2 coming this Tuesday.


Still having much fun with this game online. I guess it helps that I have a steady bunch of guys (and a girl) in my crew to play with. We're usually in a party chat with at least three or more people just having random fun, making money or doing missions. Thanks to the stimulation I got to buy the Weazel Plaza top appartment, now I'm saving up for the Entity.


Anyways, I just came across this dude. I think he was cheating or something because he wasn't in passive mode but yet still he couldn't be killed while he killed us a couple of times. And the most weird thing he did was standing on top of my car saluting me :p


I'm on as much as I can be. I would love to see weekly crew nights or something.

Free aim deathmatch is definitely dead. If you're working for those weapon skins there's little choice but to play in aim assist servers. They are pretty cheesy. Other than that I haven't noticed any player drop off.


So remote bombs are fun. Get your sweetest looking ride, drive up to people, let them kill you, then they get in and take off and boom.

Jedeye Sniv

Read as: Sit behind a wall until someone comes in view.

I've played both, its excruciating to play with aim assist on.

I've only played it a little bit, but it's more hide and seek than proper DM sure. But if you're smart about it and use cover well you can move around and get the drop on people.

Certainly not my favourite mode, but I can't say I'd enjoy it more in free aim either. The FOV in this game makes people too tiny, aiming would be a right pain in the arse.


Junior Member
Quick question - how many hours did you spend playing GTAV SP and MP?

according to social club

211 hours in singleplayer across all 3 characters, most of which was within the 2 weeks from release to GTAO.

82 hours in multiplayer, not counting the entire first week or so where my first 2 characters got deleted and i just stopped playing till they issued the first patch.


GTAO is still incredibly fun for me but I would love it if I had an active crew to play with. Seems like GAF St, despite being 300 strong, is completley dead.


How do people play aim assist deathmatch.


People love it. 16 player matches all day on both systems.

I would've thought free aim players would be eager to show off their skills. Truth is I can barely get 6 players most of the time. The player pool must be significantly smaller.


How do people play aim assist deathmatch.


I played one deathmatch with aim assist on (b/c I never changed the option while in SP) and I ended up just walking away from my TV and getting a snack while the match played on. It was so fucking boring and felt so pointless. So I'm with you, I have no idea who enjoys that.


I have a friend who constantly invites me to death matches, they're all auto aim so I ignore them. I can seemingly never find death matches that are freeaim. I wish aa wasn't even an option for online.

Seriously. Game should have been balanced for free aim.


Great job CATDAFELIX, looking forward to reading your plans.

I'm playing with BGAF and have some great fun but if you do a rationalisation of crews I'm up for playing on any populated PS3 GAF crew. It would be nice to get some organised racing/missions/chaos going on.

On the subject of death matches; after loving Max Payne 3 I was pretty disappointed in the deathmatch modes in GTAO. The maps aren't great and because you just have pretty predictable weapons and no real tactical perks (and I guess more generally, load outs) it got old pretty quickly for me.

I love that the free-aim/soft-lock discussion always appears in th end. It should be right up there with Godwin's law in terms of internet predictability!

Personally, I enjoy both (in a general sense, not so much in GTAO) but it is fairly obvious that the general public would rather play soft-lock given the relative sizes of the player pools. I'm not one to put down soft-lock players either as, quite frankly, both aim types have pretty obvious good and bad strategies and both require a certain amount of ability to consistently perform well.

Different skills are more heavily weighted in different game modes for sure but, for example, even in a soft-lock game, good free-aim is a significant advantage if you want to see top three finishes match after match.

Joe Blow who can't shoot for shit who relies entirely on the lock might get the drop on you in terms of first hit but he's going to keep pumping ammo into your chest whilst if you can free-aim you're just going to bump the cross hairs up and take poor Joe B. Dead down in one.

Anyway, keep on having [your own chosen type of] fun y'all, s'all good in the Los Santos hood. : )
I use aim assist because I find shooting with analogue sticks hard (especially on ps3). Driving is great though so I leave aa on and only play races and drive around collecting bounties and being an asshole in my Entity.


I have a friend who constantly invites me to death matches, they're all auto aim so I ignore them. I can seemingly never find death matches that are freeaim. I wish aa wasn't even an option for online.
Can begin to remedy this aiming situation by fixing the walking, jogging, and sprinting mechanic. Want to jog? Hold down A so that takes up your thumb and that removes it from the right thumbstick. There goes any aiming whatsoever. Mashing the A/X button is so damn stupid and old, needs changed badly. Saints Row does this all a million times better.


Just launched the game to take a couple screen captures from the online, and remembering that I once maybe registered for RSC, tried my login. Got a profile that I'm sure as hell I didn't create. Never had "darkwhatever" nicknames at 16, sure as hell didn't create it now. And no, I'm not an extra old geezer from Afghanistan.


Should I be worried? Is this a known issue or what? I searched and got a few hints about RSC being messed up, and online getting hacked.


according to social club

211 hours in singleplayer across all 3 characters, most of which was within the 2 weeks from release to GTAO.

82 hours in multiplayer, not counting the entire first week or so where my first 2 characters got deleted and i just stopped playing till they issued the first patch.

What the hell are you complaining about?
GTAO is still incredibly fun for me but I would love it if I had an active crew to play with. Seems like GAF St, despite being 300 strong, is completley dead.

Yeah, at the point I stopped playing about a week ago, the PS3GAF crew was almost dead too. I think there were about 5 people from it still playing, if that.


Yeah, at the point I stopped playing about a week ago, the PS3GAF crew was almost dead too. I think there were about 5 people from it still playing, if that.
Think that's why Felix took it over from Rob, just to thin things out, I will try to be on a bit but I did just get a PS4 so I might get kicked in a couple weeks depending lol.


beach bum pack sounds pretty underwhelming to me. Mainly Because my character pretty much always wears a suit, and I don't think their are any new missions. It seems it's only new deathmatches, gang attacks and LTS all of which nobody plays anyways.


beach bum pack sounds pretty underwhelming to me. Mainly Because my character pretty much always wears a suit, and I don't think their are any new missions. It seems it's only new deathmatches, gang attacks and LTS all of which nobody plays anyways.
I have only played one deathmatch, it was my first mission after the introductory stuff. Have never played a LTS.
I believe I have roughly 60 hours in SP, and about 146 hours in MP, and my character just got to 64 in Thursday before I got the only thing that can tear me away...the ps4. I'm fairly certain I screw around in free roam almost exclusively. I know for about most of last week, I put roughly 35 hours in MP, and I probably only gained 2 levels lol. 90% of that time was in free roam, horsing around.
beach bum pack sounds pretty underwhelming to me. Mainly Because my character pretty much always wears a suit, and I don't think their are any new missions. It seems it's only new deathmatches, gang attacks and LTS all of which nobody plays anyways.
New modes ARE coming, just a matter of when :|


Cloud servers are unavailable and social club is down for maintenance.
Just as I out ran my bounty, I spent the last 40 mins driving around in the sub with another player tailing my every move, all for nothing, couldn't get it to save before it kicked me back the single player.
Cloud servers are unavailable and social club is down for maintenance.
Just as I out ran my bounty, I spent the last 40 mins driving around in the sub with another player tailing my every move, all for nothing, couldn't get it to save before it kicked me back the single player.
The cloud, nothing could possibly go wrong, nothing will ever disappear, you're in the cloud now!
Hey everyone. Has anyone ran into an issue with the game prompting you to recreate your characters look? I tried to log on yesterday and, my rank and money were still there but the game was making me recreate my character's look. It was really strange. I don't want to recreate my characters look, I liked how he looked before!
Hey everyone. Has anyone ran into an issue with the game prompting you to recreate your characters look? I tried to log on yesterday and, my rank and money were still there but the game was making me recreate my character's look. It was really strange. I don't want to recreate my characters look, I liked how he looked before!

Same thing happened to me. I think there's a very good chance we just lost our characters.

Bloody brilliant, R*. Server maintenance and the glitch you guys have been trying to stamp out has returned with a vengeance.
My character is back. Now since I didn't try since last night, I can't be sure, but checking the website earlier he was still missing. I launched GTA and had it go automatically into online vs. going into story mode first and voila, I was in the shower with my old char.

Good luck.


There is a HILARIOUS crew war here right now hahaha

Some dude was organizing a crew meetup and it got crashed by another crew. ITs crazy right now


There is a HILARIOUS crew war here right now hahaha

Some dude was organizing a crew meetup and it got crashed by another crew. ITs crazy right now

This sounds really fun. I wish there was some sort of in game "crew attack" having you able to jump into a game with your crew members that are in a skirmish.


Unconfirmed Member
That little orange safari number is so mine!
Anyway, gonna try and liven things up in here with an anecdote... in old school rap form.

Cruising for a bounty in my new Buffalo
Stop my ride to get a shot when lo and behold
See some schmuck come tearing down the road
He pulls up beside me, this is GTA yo

I give the guy some space and a friendly salute
Plays knockout with my face and my wallet he did loot
The Lout in me says hmm... honest mistake?
So I brandish my baton and give it a shake

This punk ain't buying it and runs right up
Takes out his knife and stabs me in the gut
Down I go, that's 2 for oh, yo did he just diss a Lout?
Respawn nearby and it's time to go all out

Clock the fool in my sights, pull out an SMG
Gun that clown down before he even spots me
Crouched low, taking cover up on an overpass
Spot the sucker once again and put some bullets in his ass

An eye for an eye, yeah a tooth for a tooth
We're going back and forth when it starts to get Uncouth
I decide to leave this poor sucker behind
Head back to my car, and what do I find?

Dude's only gone and popped the wheels on my car
Try to escape, but don't get very far
So I formulate a plan to end this once and for all
Buy myself some time and creep the car behind a wall

He starts slinging grenades, so I get myself made
Before he knows it BOOM! My insurance is paid
I spawn again and find a new getaway ride
Hop on a tram, yo it's time to say goodbye

He gives chase to the tram, with his car he does ram
But I got the upper-hand, through the windshield... blam
Now homey's getting desperate, I'm up 6 kills to 4
He rides up again but I put him on the floor

Can't touch me up in here, can't stop this train
Sucker realises this and promptly leaves the game
When you mess with the Truth, things can only end bad
Yo son, hold dat. Don't get too mad



So Many Bullets

Neo Member
Is there any point trying to solo the "jobs" that the characters give you? I tried playing "Meth'd Up" by myself last night because no one would join, and I kept getting my ass kicked once I started driving the RV. There is no way I could shoot and keep that bitch on the road!

Yea, Methd' Up wasn't happening for me solo either. I've tried a few times, I need at least one other person to ride shotgun. The one Martin mission I've seen is impossible solo and I don't bother with Simeon's missions.

I can solo Gassed Up, No Hay Bronca, Deal Breaker, Pier Pressure, Flood in the LS River, Violent Duct and High Priority Target.
Yea, Methd' Up wasn't happening for me solo either. I've tried a few times, I need at least one other person to ride shotgun. The one Martin mission I've seen is impossible solo and I don't bother with Simeon's missions.

I can solo Gassed Up, No Hay Bronca, Deal Breaker, Pier Pressure, Flood in the LS River, Violent Duct and High Priority Target.
The trick to Meth'd Up is to stay off the roads. I used to do it solo back when it was worth it.
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