I've been unable to make a character that doesn't look like this
remember your parents creation combination?Solo mode finally worked for me after trying again and again (PS3). Was also able to join a lobby with one guy in it for the first race.
One more:
They actually told us the NDA period never ends - so we can't talk about itYep, friends and family there were a couple here that participated. I'd really like to get their feedback on it.
I'm surprised that anyone expected this to work on Day 1. I certainly didn't
Amazing, i hope to God this is supposed to be saracasm. I really do.
Progress. My character has saved and I'm able to jump into him no problem. Except every time he keeps trying to do the very first race off the plane and I get hit with
Failed to join Job or Activity.
Return to GTA Online.
Which of course kicks me back to SP. Trying again and again.
If you're worried about save file corruption, turn off autosave? I haven't seen any problems of that sort yet.
Which is why I used the SR character creator for a few hours and just skipped the game.
Can anyone who's actually got into the game give some impressions? What's it like underneath all of the errors and disconnections and freezes?
I think it's ridiculous to say "it was delayed so it wouldn't affect the review scores", especially when barely anyone has actually had significant hands on time with the mode at initial launch - let alone 3 months down the line.
At this stage, it's far too early to judge the actual quality of the online content - server issues do not equal an inherently bad game.
Besides, the single player deserved all the praise it got and then more.
When I pick Solo Mode, I drop back into the car park and auto walk over to the car, get in and then the "activity" fails to load.
If I could just avoid the race and get into free roam...
And by 30s you mean 5.
Damn, better wait before getting into GTAO, not done with the game yet and would hate to lose my saves.
I got to play for about 3 hours this morning and had no glaring issues in game or connecting. I did have one guy lagging and skipping around the screen but everyother player was good and my lobby was filled the whole time.
IMPRESSIONS: it plays just like single player except u can see others free roaming and choose to battle or do your own thing. I was impressed. Everything combat wise seemed responsive. I did no missions so no comment there. If u do get in i recommend going straight to ammu nation and getting ammo i ran out after my first battle. U lose money with each death so put it in passive roam if u wanna just feel things out.
Character creation is so sad.
If companies want us to accept always online gaming, they better fucking prove to us at some point that they can handle it. The expectation SHOULD be that they get it right on day 1. To lose that as your expectation for a game company is not the road we should take.
These expectations are realistic when faced with the notion that these companies want to move gaming to an "always connected" experience. We need to continue to hold these companies accountable, especially when their shitty online release fucks up people's single player save games like this one.
Does GTA Online imply an online code? Like if I boot up GTA Online on a specific PSN account is that code tied to the account or can I play it on any PS3 user?
Does GTA Online imply an online code? Like if I boot up GTA Online on a specific PSN account is that code tied to the account or can I play it on any PS3 user?
remember your parents creation combination?