Where is Cops N Crooks? And where are all the activities?
Logged in just fine a few hours ago. Just did character creation though, so is the game proper a separate load?
More fool you for thinking the distinction is the existence of a hive-mind or lack thereof. The truth is that there are general trends and popular opinions on GAF, most of which are plain as day and some of which can be contradictory or hypocritical. See: a lot of the same folks defending GTAO's unacceptable launch were out in full force against similarly botched online launches on day one.
Commenting on these popular opinions always invokes the "GAF is not a hive-mind" response, never mind the fact that its a tired non-argument.
Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?
It's not half baked and poorly implemented, in my opinion. Don't forget that most the people complaining in this thread are here because they can't play, and the most the people enjoying it and can get in are playing it.
When it all works, GTA online is fantastic.
I'm having the exact same experience. Waiting for other players... forever.
Although, I defend Rockstar in lieu of these issues because it's day one of the online mode of the biggest media release ever... special case. AND because, so far, this has not interfered with SP. This is also adding additional content to the game (to a game that has been great for 2 weeks).
The other two noteable cases of horrible launches:
- Diablo 3
- SimCity
The online fiasco disrupted the core single player experience from day 1. Also the functionality that was broken in both was generally an ... unpopular ... functionality that nobody really wanted. DRM servers for diablo 3 (IIRC, I never played it) and the integrated online stuff from SimCity.
I don't think that SimCity & Diablo 3 are analagous to GTA-Online. It's also still day one, barely ~7 hours after launch. Those games were fubar for weeks, and at least with SimCity, is still fucked up.
So how active is the online world compared to single player? Same number of NPC/Cars? Random activities going? Is is pretty much the same in both and not gimped like RDR was in free roam?
I really can't wait to just get past this damn first race, jesus, who thought it was a good idea to tie the very first thing you do with other people, it would be a lot less annoying if I could do anything but walk into that damn circle, lol.
Apparently many people don't know how to start their own private games so they don;t have to deal with griefers or connection issues, so here you go.
1: Be any character in single player mode.
2: Press Start and go to the "Online" Tab.
3: Press "Play GTA Online"
4: Profit
*insert joke about sim city and diablo 3 here*A shining example of why I will always prefer single player games.
I'm also not willing to let Rockstar get away with the whole "too much demand for the servers" explanation either. They knew this was coming. Every high profile online launch in recent years has suffered this exact same problem yet the developers/publishers just refuse to learn from it and keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again. It's not a valid explanation anymore, it's just a lazy default excuse for something they could and should have easily avoided.
May I ask which weapons -- curiosity strikes.
Played COD before, as much as I dislike those games, they work perfectly day 1.
*insert joke about sim city and diablo 3 here*
So, did I make wrong choices or are all character midgets?
My character is very short compared to Lamar!
Apparently many people don't know how to start their own private games so they don;t have to deal with griefers or connection issues, so here you go.
1: Be any character in single player mode.
2: Press Start and go to the "Online" Tab.
3: Press "Play GTA Online"
4: Profit
Me with my new ride.