Graphical Fidelity I Expect This Gen


Gold Member
seamless LOD transition is a beautiful thing
pretty much. rt gi is beast, but the density of foliage in this game is insane. and they have insane geometric quality somehow

and all that without weird pop in or artifacts. this is the true first proper nextgen open world game. even cyberpunk has its massive flaws with its geometric density. if they add path tracing to this game, it will probably go crazy even further

so much foliage you can't even see if the game has poor draw distance or not. but it does not. so much density that you have to find a tower or something to see some distance lol

i simply don't think this would be possible on ps4, even without rt gi



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Gold Member
pretty much. rt gi is beast, but the density of foliage in this game is insane. and they have insane geometric quality somehow

and all that without weird pop in or artifacts. this is the true first proper nextgen open world game. even cyberpunk has its massive flaws with its geometric density. if they add path tracing to this game, it will probably go crazy even further

so much foliage you can't even see if the game has poor draw distance or not. but it does not. so much density that you have to find a tower or something to see some distance lol

i simply don't think this would be possible on ps4, even without rt gi


cyberpunk 2077 has some of the worst LOD and model pop-in , HFW also suffers in that regard



Ubisoft: AC Shadows to get PSSR support, RT Reflections on Balanced mode, on PS5 Pro in a later update, PSSR now “always better” than TAAU​

The technical aspects of this game is making me want to play it, it seems like the devs really wanted to push things tech-wise which is commendable.


pretty much. rt gi is beast, but the density of foliage in this game is insane. and they have insane geometric quality somehow

and all that without weird pop in or artifacts. this is the true first proper nextgen open world game. even cyberpunk has its massive flaws with its geometric density. if they add path tracing to this game, it will probably go crazy even further

so much foliage you can't even see if the game has poor draw distance or not. but it does not. so much density that you have to find a tower or something to see some distance lol

i simply don't think this would be possible on ps4, even without rt gi


The ground is pretty last gen though. Really flat, not much geometric detail. Comparing to stuff like DS2 and Hellblade 2, there's a world of difference.


Not sure what the current consensus on this thread is regarding the visuals of AC Shadows - but personally, I am extremely impressed, the environment, foliage, lighting, and shading are supreme. It feels like a truly next-gen game.

There are some last gen elements in it but yeah, overall it looks very good IMO.
Not sure what the current consensus on this thread is regarding the visuals of AC Shadows - but personally, I am extremely impressed, the environment, foliage, lighting, and shading are supreme. It feels like a truly next-gen game.
The moment animations and models in general come into play, which both lag massively behind sth like HFW, I can`t support that statement anymore. It`s still too much of a mixed bag.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
Not sure what the current consensus on this thread is regarding the visuals of AC Shadows - but personally, I am extremely impressed, the environment, foliage, lighting, and shading are supreme. It feels like a truly next-gen game.
It seems like everyone loves it. Even in the main OT people are raving about the visuals which isnt very common. However, I personally am very underwhelmed. Aside from the weather, it looks fairly cross gen. The lighting, foliage and materials are competent but have been better by several UE5 games and especially the two Snowdrop games. I walk and literally horse around the map looking for amazing visuals that i could gif up, but have yet to find something giffable. Weather is the only time when im truly impressed.

With all that said, I am very happy that everyone else loves it. Especially this game which had a very nasty hate campaign leveled against it. For a long time now, people have glossed over great looking games this gen and while I might have sided with them 2 years ago, 2023 and 2024 had some stunning looking games that the majority of this board and twitter simply ignored. It's good to see that the hard work of the devs is finally being appreciated. They went out of their way to add RTGI, weather effects, hair physics, destruction, and while it might not have come together to create a truly next gen game IMO, i am still glad others see the effort made with this game.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
It’s actually a solid game too. I’ve been out on Ubi but this is the best thing they’ve made in years.
Yeah, it's a great game. I like the combat, and its great to see Ubisoft finally put some work in killing/takedown animations again. I feel like they were taken out of the engine after Unity and they are finally back and they are glorious. the actual attack and dodge animations might feel a bit clunky still, but they are still competent enough.

I like the mission design too. This is what Avatar was trying to do back in 2023 but failed miserably.


Lmao dude you need to pick tougher guys, like if we ain't considering unreal5 nanite titles, how about ubisoft's very own Avatar, Watch Dogs 2&legion?Or Day's gone&KCD2? Or if you want to mess around further, considering modded rdr2?Even spiderman 2 ain't a bad choice you know. Btw you don't even have to lock 30 fps to accomplish better results for testing these ones.
Back to your choice, about Horizon and GOT's lod, I'd say anything else from ps4-ps5 era comparing to these two there goes a "generational leap", except for cp2077 maybe? In Witcher 3 there are mods to extend lod further away so it's actually not staying in the same league. From my testing, Horizon's draw distance is totally hopeless as turning up lodslider via camera tool can push a 5090 to its knee when you flying in that slow ass robot dinosaur, and the end result is the game itself visually goes toward minimum uplifts, almost like the rendering engine itself is never meant for this job.
Anyway, all these stuff, doesn't change the fact for asscreed we certainly deserve better,. I'm not asking the scene to have high quality models and textures in every spot, no, no open world can achieve perfect results in this gen, but at least devs should handle the scene better to hide the flaws away. In 2025 you still choose to turn mid-distance terrain into a absolutely mud painting without any textures details at all, lacking distant grass despite set the game world in a lushy mountainous country, and label itself as a proper graphics evolution? And ppl think this looks like a graphical showcase deserving to stargaze on top-end pcs? Seriously? Things like these are hard to ignore even when you view on phone and tablet screens let alone bigass monitors and tvs.
Not sure if you know about this for the AC games, but did a lot for AC Unity. Not sure if it still works with the Shadows

Also try to use this one as a guide to get rid of the start up videos.



Flashless at the Golden Globes
I think Shadows might have the densest forests I’ve ever seen in a game? Honestly insane how there is this much foliage and coverage, yet all of the detail is maintained due to Ubisoft’s own version of nanite, and that detail is extended incredibly far with the stellar LODs.
Their version of nanite doesn’t support foliage. Ground level detail is also not using virtualized geometry. Only the buildings do.


I am incredibly impressed with Shadows (playing pro quality mode)
Feels OK for 30fps. I can play like that.
But the environment interaction, wildlife, rtgi. Game looks just fantastic.
And this is in-gameplay model. Of course framed with photo mode. but not cutscene!




This looks very nice indeed!
Though I didn't get hooked by any title of the series yet, I might check out Shadows just for the graphics.
Still have to finish KCD2, and DS2 ain't that far away either... need more spare time.


On PS5, Shadows looks good but draw distance and pop in are still a problem ffs. As I understand it, virtual geometry doesn't apply to vegetation ? That's actually the one part that needed it, I'm really tired of seeing grass or leaves appear as the player is moving.
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the tech in this game and the image stability is just bonkers in balanced mode on pro. havent been this impressed since 30fps mode in cyberpunk on ps5 re-released. Ubisoft will be adding additional ray tracing for fidelity mode in the coming days/weeks. very impressive and the global lightning tech completely transforms the game. there is no shimmer, minimal pop in, its high res, the weather effects are stunning. it reminds me of red dead 2 on xbox one x in 4k where i should roamed around the world and couldn't believe how good it looked. if they didnt fuck up the storyline and everything on that front, this would have been the best AC they ever made or top 2-3. The only other game to completely blow me away was Horizon 2 on Pro in balanced mode and this is right up there where you truly wonder how is this $700 box able to push this level of tech.

I want The Division 3 in this game engine, its going to be crazy.
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Lmao dude you need to pick tougher guys, like if we ain't considering unreal5 nanite titles, how about ubisoft's very own Avatar, Watch Dogs 2&legion?Or Day's gone&KCD2? Or if you want to mess around further, considering modded rdr2?Even spiderman 2 ain't a bad choice you know. Btw you don't even have to lock 30 fps to accomplish better results for testing these ones.
Back to your choice, about Horizon and GOT's lod, I'd say anything else from ps4-ps5 era comparing to these two there goes a "generational leap", except for cp2077 maybe? In Witcher 3 there are mods to extend lod further away so it's actually not staying in the same league. From my testing, Horizon's draw distance is totally hopeless as turning up lodslider via camera tool can push a 5090 to its knee when you flying in that slow ass robot dinosaur, and the end result is the game itself visually goes toward minimum uplifts, almost like the rendering engine itself is never meant for this job.
Anyway, all these stuff, doesn't change the fact for asscreed we certainly deserve better,. I'm not asking the scene to have high quality models and textures in every spot, no, no open world can achieve perfect results in this gen, but at least devs should handle the scene better to hide the flaws away. In 2025 you still choose to turn mid-distance terrain into a absolutely mud painting without any textures details at all, lacking distant grass despite set the game world in a lushy mountainous country, and label itself as a proper graphics evolution? And ppl think this looks like a graphical showcase deserving to stargaze on top-end pcs? Seriously? Things like these are hard to ignore even when you view on phone and tablet screens let alone bigass monitors and tvs.
What is "modded RDRII" ? like insane foliage density? never seen that!
This GOTY tracker has been tracking games going back to 2003. His lists are a comprehensive compilation of all GOTY winners each year.

Here are the rest of them. These awards arent pulled out of someone's ass. The game really did resonate with both fans and journalists. if anything, journos reviewed the game all wrong thinking it wouldnt resonate with gamers and docked points for it leading to a relatively low metacritic.

tHe InDuSStrYY iSS Ssoo BIaSeD TOwaRds nINTendo!!!1!!


Gold Member
Here is a comparison of night time in Avatar and AC Shadows. The lighting really feels dated here. Downloading Outlaws now to check that game too.


Well, one is illuminated by a massive celestial body, and the other has nothing but tiny light sources from distant fires; there is no like-for-like comparison here.

If anything, Shadows would be pitch black if we were to make it ultra realistic, but then you wouldn’t be able to play the game in any active way until sunrise.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
Well, one is illuminated by a massive celestial body, and the other has nothing but tiny light sources from distant fires; there is no like-for-like comparison here.

If anything, Shadows would be pitch black if we were to make it ultra realistic, but then you wouldn’t be able to play the game in any active way until sunrise.
well then thats where cinematography comes in. they are allowed to take some creative liberties.

Case in point, horizon zd:


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Well, one is illuminated by a massive celestial body, and the other has nothing but tiny light sources from distant fires; there is no like-for-like comparison here.

If anything, Shadows would be pitch black if we were to make it ultra realistic, but then you wouldn’t be able to play the game in any active way until sunrise.
Yeah, that would require massive gameplay structure changes, although it would be interesting and it wouldn't always be pitch black, at full moon you would still see, only in a forest maybe and even there your eyes would adjust.

I wish there were games that simulate accurate eye sight (think I played some, can't remember now), most make the lighting in games based off of a camera and not how a human would see, the lighting in almost all games and even movies is not the most realistic or accurate, so everything that isn't how we see it has a form of creative input and so there's a lot of subjectivity.


NVIDIA said the Zorah demo will be available to download this week & it’s still not out. Anyone able to find a link?
its the whole RTX Racer situation all over again. honestly i feel like it was a 100% lie in order to boast sales. They said it would release then a week later said it WAS released and that it was now available. Then posted a fake download link that doesn't work to articles. Then removed the fake download link days later.

The whole thing screams the typical Nvidia scam.



Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Really? I thought everyone thought it wasn’t that great looking - but now the sentiment seems to be changing in here
In talking more about the overall package as a game itself rather than just graphics.

Not better looking than Horizon: burning shores but the combat and visuals blend together very nicely

There was a piece of wood on fire, I hit a guy into it, mid combat, and he caught on fire. Shit like that will make me rate your game higher
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Yeah, that would require massive gameplay structure changes, although it would be interesting and it wouldn't always be pitch black, at full moon you would still see, only in a forest maybe and even there your eyes would adjust.

I wish there were games that simulate accurate eye sight (think I played some, can't remember now), most make the lighting in games based off of a camera and not how a human would see, the lighting in almost all games and even movies is not the most realistic or accurate, so everything that isn't how we see it has a form of creative input and so there's a lot of subjectivity.
I liked the way Nosferatu and Nope shot their nighttime scenes - would be cool to get a version of that look for a game, where it becomes sort of monochromatic


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Hard disagree. I mean seriously, WTF this is mind-blowing:

I’d say it’s more consistent than horizon fw because of the rtgi handling interiors and indirect lighting scenarios much better. Draw distance is way better. Weather effects are better. Materials are better. Wood looks like wood with proper light bounce but that’s only on pc.

That said, the actual lighting is mostly the same. character models are better in Horizon. Cutscenes and dialogue trees are better. Foliage and trees look the same. Water is better. Overall, id say they are both on par with each other.

If you want to see better trees and foliage play wukong and avatar. This game just looks cross Gen to me.


Really? I thought everyone thought it wasn’t that great looking - but now the sentiment seems to be changing in here

There are things that can't be shown on screenshots, like good HDR support, quality of animations and how dynamic the world is (weather, physics...). This game can look stunning with high contrast HDR scenes (and this is all dynamic too).

Many UE5 games have fatal flaw of not supporting HDR (for whatever reason).
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Another impressive thing about Shadows is the minimal amount of clipping. Most open world games like this struggle with that aspect, even Red Dead 2 had tons of issues with it. Every outfit I’ve equipped on Naoe has looked awesome. Cloth physics look great. Ubi made huge strides in that department and I hope other games follow suit.

I’m honestly so impressed by it the more I play, after a slightly underwhelming prologue.
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Jack Howitzer

Neo Member
What is "modded RDRII" ? like insane foliage density? never seen that!
Basically trying to reach the draw distance limit the engine actually supports: Eliminating mid-to-far distance ugly low detail models in order to match the geometry lod draw distance to game's photomode max camera zoom level, and disable map culling to correct some rendering errors. And more importantly, extending the rendering distance range of hq detail map buildings further away. All thanks to this genius dude found these methods:
[Sidenotes if u are interested: The og value game supports is lodscale 1.0,although you can set the value above and set the game setting file to read-only for game to identify the change but there goes some graphical issues like distant tree lod models competely disappeared, the mod creator here basically digging through game files and found way to fix the problem. Now he only extended the max lodscale to 2.0,but from my testing this is just half way through as the game's max engine limit (that will make a difference in performance and making everything to reach photo mode 75mm cam) is around 4.0 or 5.0,same as gtav, but this is pretty much useless as it will only lag the rendering to hell and making the world become pretty much unstable with environment models disappear as you moving around. I found the actual reliable ideal value is sitting around 2.5-3.0 ,aside from very few models 3.0 and 4.0(5.0) is kinda 95% the same visually wise, but still not a few of distant models appears to having troubles when about to switching lods in some noticeable spots: Like the whole low detail models will just disappear for 2-3 secs before switch to higher quality one, as the original process of "seamless lod switching" become semi-broken, then 4.0(5.0) value just making the whole thing become much more evident.
Imo, set the lodscale value to 2.5 is the ideal way to go, as 80% above game assets are same as 3.0.And when there goes some differences, they're still being controlled in a very acceptable level ,e.g. when under lodscale 3.0 the hq model's rendering range is 600m,then it's like 480m+ at worst when play with lodscale 2.5, so its more cost reasonable quality wise, as 2.5 already becoming very cpu&gpu hungry ]

Some old comparison shots:









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