Kat's the type of person that goes out of her way to make a little girl smile. From my perspective it's charming as fuck, but I can see why mundane stuff like that would turn someone off.
It definitely reminded me of this:

Kat's the type of person that goes out of her way to make a little girl smile. From my perspective it's charming as fuck, but I can see why mundane stuff like that would turn someone off.
Aww. Kat is amazing.It definitely reminded me of this:
Aww. Kat is amazing.
She could have just caught the baby with her Stasis Field though lol.
The game has tech issues no doubt that I wish team gravity learned from bluepoint with the remaster. Frame dips a lot. When you shift your gravity into a plane, the details of it such as the windows of building can glitch you up badly. When a plane curves you do not stick along with it most of the time, think of Ratchet and clank with the gravity levels.
These tech issues are definitely things that will turn off a lot of people. And I don't blame you.
So.. why did I beat it? Why did I cope with it? Why did I let these inexcusable tech issues slide?
While the care component in this game is pretty low. I can feel the heart and love that was put into the game when in comes down to the characters themselves, the animation, the world, the art, the music. And... I think that's enough for me to have me keep playing aside from where the plot goes on the 2nd and the 3rd arc.
Right now in the industry. We don't get much of Animated style driven character action games. And.. I'd like to see more of that. World with eye-candy art, stylish animation, arcady gameplay, melodious music, and a great story with a stylish presentationthat blends with the game rather than interfering it. Man, I'm a sucka for styles.
I'll allow it lol.First game's stasis field didn't have that kind of range, lol
There are four Gravity Days comics if you haven't seen them before.
Is it just me or are treasure hunts and the like not working for anyone else? I'm inif that has anything to do with it.Hekseville
I'm positive I didn't do this one correctly. I just bum rushed her and hit circle before she could react. It worked on about the 4th or 5th try (which itself was 4 or 5 tries after I figured out the correct route around the birds).
are you ever going to leave that sewer pipe kat
The game has tech issues no doubt that I wish team gravity learned from bluepoint with the remaster. Frame dips a lot. When you shift your gravity into a plane, the details of it such as the windows of building can glitch you up badly. When a plane curves you do not stick along with it most of the time, think of Ratchet and clank with the gravity levels.
These tech issues are definitely things that will turn off a lot of people. And I don't blame you.
So.. why did I beat it? Why did I cope with it? Why did I let these inexcusable tech issues slide?
While the care component in this game is pretty low. I can feel the heart and love that was put into the game when in comes down to the characters themselves, the animation, the world, the art, the music. And... I think that's enough for me to have me keep playing aside from where the plot goes on the 2nd and the 3rd arc.
Right now in the industry. We don't get much of Animated style driven character action games. And.. I'd like to see more of that. World with eye-candy art, stylish animation, arcady gameplay, melodious music, and a great story with a stylish presentationthat blends with the game rather than interfering it. Man, I'm a sucka for styles.
god the platinum is a grind. how do i get the giant nevis to appear more frequently? i was only able to kill 3.
Well, I think that's fair. 2000 a day seem to be in line with what you generally earn.Yes. 6000 should cover the damages.
Just to make sure, you're killing the ones that appear in the generic 'Mining Site 0.13', 'Candle Place', etc, right? The ones that award talismans when you kill them, and not the giant green dudes?
I think the game gives you 2-3 new mining phenomena every 24 hours (at least, this seemed like what was happening), so you just need to clear each one once.
Also, I just got the platinum, hooray!
So, some French bought the game. That's the top 5 for the release week.
So, some French bought the game. That's the top 5 for the release week.
Finally beat it and man
I just can't deal with this ending. That last picture in the credits alludes to Kat making it back alive but the vagueness is so unsettling. What a journey, though. It's so rare that I really get attached to characters in video games and I love just about all of them in this game.
ending spoilers
She turns into a singularity, no way she can go back to normal that easily. But they put it simply for that, ambiguity. My personal theory is that she turns into black haired Kat (the one that helps you in the Rift) and she's like a kind of time-dimension weird nevy entity (yeah I know, we enter in time paradox crazyness, but considering they did the singularity stuff I don't think they cared much about it).
I felt like the singularity part was really bad, it's pulled from thin air at the last second just for the feels. They could have done way better if they wanted to kill/making Kat dissapear for the ambiguity of her fate.
That, and more Dusty Tokens is all I really want.I really hope the patch addresses the weird-ass targeting priority when one is fighting around those ore nodes, as right now they are prioritized over the Nevi cores. Nothing like using the Spiralling Claw super with plenty of Nevi around only to have Kat ignore them completely and instead bounce from one ore node to the next.
patch. good. thank you. please fix dusty tokens and maybe picture hints (i ended up just looking up a few of them
They are trying to finish this server maintenance by 1/31 20:00 and going to release a patch.
What big problem could there be that no one has noticed though?It sounds more like a hotfix. It seems a big problem is going on.
I think the problem with stealth is that it feels like it's completely arbitrary when ships can and can't see you. I was doing a mission in Ch 10 where I was encouraged toEvery time I approached them I got alerted that I was seen by the ships. Once that section ended, I could safely go right next to them to progress to the next the prisoners from every cell. For some reason I think my game glitched and they disappeared, so I attempting to look at cells higher up.
Yes. 6000 should cover the damages.
So for those with the platinum, how much of a grind is it to get the gems to fully power up Kat? I just beat the game yesterday, only 2 challenge missions I haven't done yet and I spent a lot of time gem hunting already... I'm only at ~45k and it seems like I'd still need another 35-40k... Are there even that many gems in game? Do you just spend HOURS mining ore?
That seems pretty fast. I'll put a video in the background and just grind away. I'll keep the gems in the world for when I'm in the mood to play GR2 againI found roughly 65k in the world, while being extremely exhaustive (and getting the 60k trophy about episode 20). Then repeated the first bit of episode 19 for about an hour and change to get to the ~83k(?) needed.
So, some French bought the game. That's the top 5 for the release week.
While I generally agree that there are some technical issues with the game (camera in Ch 12 comes to mind), I'm not sure about the examples you're giving.
I realize it doesn't help anyone to say "well, I didn't have that issue" - and I am playing on a Pro - but I've only had one noticeable frame drop in 30-some-odd hours, where a bunch of things popped off and exploded at once during a huge fight. I don't doubt that it happens a little bit here and there, but the motion blur and speed effects seem to cover up anything that would otherwise stick out.
The gravity shifting troubles make more sense if you think of it exactly as you described it - shifting into a plane. In Ratchet, you're sticking to a contiguous surface designed to be stuck to by special boots (I think this is what you're talking about, since I can't remember any other gravity mechanic from R&C, even though I only played it a month or so ago. Correct me if I'm wrong!). In Gravity Rush, you're choosing which direction will pull you towards it, not which object/structure, so unless you constantly switch which direction that is, then it stands to reason that walking over an curved surface would yield different results at different angles. I can see that being a convenience issue, absolutely, but in context of what's meant to be happening, it makes perfect sense.
Glad you beat it though, and agree with everything else![]()
Just realized my second point wasn't all that clear. I'll explain.
Small detailing like windows or very small pipes on plane should be just be apart of the plane as whole. I find it pretty cumbersome when I'm fixated on those details as a whole rather than the whole plane.
I hope this makes any sense.