Finisghed the game,how did Kat supposedly die?
I wondered if it might be reserved space for the in-game picture collections, but I hadn't bothered to follow that up and check.What is system save data for Gravity Rush 2? It's 665.1MB of data compared to the significantly smaller Game Data and Auto Save
She drops into the black ocean and becomes a singularity with it, so she can stop it from rising :/
This happens so quickly that it feels like a writing mistake. You basically get one quick conversation and some graphic panels and that's it. Even after playing that mission twice, it feels like something crucial is missing.
played it twice to try and get a screenshot of Kat on fire because FUCK YEAH
YeahIt's jarring because the game is told by Kat's PoV but weirdly we don't see that conversation with Blit about the singularity when it happened.
Same with the black void suddenly being there so quickly when it's supposed to rise gradually (considering what they say the sky citizens about how much time it will take the void to reach them).
I feel like they added that later in development when they saw this was gonna be the last GR game, because they thought bringing closure = sort of killing the character (but with a bait at the end just in case).
You have to remember that time flies slower for the sky city. Additionally, the king turning into the physical manifestation of the Darkness might have drastically accelerated the process.
Also, I assume that that particular conversation with Blit happens while you're in control of Raven.
Edit: whoa what images can't be spoiler tagged?played it twice to try and get a screenshot of Kat on fire because FUCK YEAH
isn't it the other way around? times flows slower the lower you are.
Also, the void appears at Hekseville before the final boss, it "suddenly" appears when you're talking to the shinny girl.
I thought Raven fight happens while Kat is in the maze thingy but yeah it can be as you said. It's weird though that they hide that until the end (well, other than the shock value)
isn't it the other way around? times flows slower the lower you are.
Also, the void appears at Hekseville before the final boss, it "suddenly" appears when you're talking to the shinny girl.
I thought Raven fight happens while Kat is in the maze thingy but yeah it can be as you said. It's weird though that they hide that until the end (well, other than the shock value)
Are the servers back up yet? ;_;
They are trying to finish this server maintenance by 1/31 20:00 and going to release a patch.
How many chapters is there?
Your numbers are offThere areand a total of3 chaptersmissions.27
Ok I just realized, at Episode 19...that I have only bought two Power upgrades and I'm running around with like 5000 gems.
I should probably upgrade stuff rofl
Yeah, the game doesn't force you to get upgrades since most of the skills are already available.
The good thing is that I didn't have to mine at all.
I guess I'll play Berseria some more...kinda don't want to as I'd like to finish GR2 before moving on to something else... -_-20:00 JST is 15 hours away.
I'm at episode 19 or so, about 20 hours and 40% completion and i feel it's time to stop playing. I'm so bad at this game that i wonder if i should quit gaming and find a new hobby. The gameplay (controls, lack of lock-on, camera,...) just doesn't seem to work for me, no matter how long i play.
Also, Gravity Rush 2 reminds me why i rarely play and enjoy open world games (except Read Dead Redemption). It's filled with missions that are just busy work type of things that aren't particulary fun or exciting. Even the main missions are stretched out way too long and feel repetitive (was episode 19 really needed?). Gravity Rush 1 felt like a linear and tight experience which happened to take place in an open world.
By far the strongest part of Gravity Rush 2 is everything except the gameplay. The presentation is just wonderful with a fantastic soundtrack, great visuals (both ingame and dialogue cutscenes) and atmosphere, attention to detail, a unique setting with weird and wonderful characters. It's obvious that a lot of hard work, passion and love was put into making this game and it shows.
Yep, gotcha. You're right, GR:R did have simplified collision geometry relative to the visible object, which made it easier to walk across without tripping here and there and having the camera sometimes freak out like in GR2. I'm not sure which I'd rather have, as I appreciate the ease of GR:R's traversal, but also appreciate the intricacy of GR2's. Probably a balance to strike there.
My friend you are on the final stretch of the main missions, don't give up now !
I might pick it up again later (i'm not selling the game). I played 20 hours and really tried to enjoy myself and get better at it. I liked GR1 quite a lot and i have a fondness for the franchise, mostly because of the presentation, unique world, cast of characters,... but episode 19, which was just a rehash of other episodes, felt like one too many for now.
If you're a fan of the first, believe me it is worth seeing it through to the end - you only havemain missions to go.8![]()
I can feel the heart and love that was put into the game when in comes down to the characters themselves, the animation, the world, the art, the music. And... I think that's enough for me to have me keep playing aside from where the plot goes on the 2nd and the 3rd arc.
Right now in the industry. We don't get much of Animated style driven character action games. And.. I'd like to see more of that. World with eye-candy art, stylish animation, arcady gameplay, melodious music, and a great story with a stylish presentation that blends with the game rather than interfering it. Man, I'm a sucka for styles.
lol seriously? heard it wasepisodes total to credits. If I can stop there that's what I'm going to do since I just want to get some kind of ending so I can trade this in.21
I'm at episode 19 or so, about 20 hours and 40% completion and i feel it's time to stop playing. I'm so bad at this game that i wonder if i should quit gaming and find a new hobby. The gameplay (controls, gravity slide, lack of lock-on, camera,...) just doesn't seem to work for me, no matter how long i play. It all works well until there is combat and/or time constraints, at which point it becomes a mess.
Also, Gravity Rush 2 reminds me why i rarely play and enjoy open world games (except Read Dead Redemption). It's filled with missions that are just busy work type of things that aren't particulary fun or exciting. Even the main missions are stretched out way too long and feel repetitive (was episode 19 really needed?). Gravity Rush 1 felt like a linear and tight experience which happened to take place in an open world.
By far the strongest part of Gravity Rush 2 is everything except the gameplay. The presentation is just wonderful with a fantastic soundtrack, great visuals (both ingame and dialogue cutscenes) and atmosphere, attention to detail, a unique setting with weird and wonderful characters. It's obvious that a lot of hard work, passion and love was put into making this game and it shows.
Urgh the Giant Nevi hunt is frustrating and random. I know I killed 5 but the trophy hasn't popped up. 3 of those are repeats in Mine 0 and 13. Does that count?
It has to be killed in all 5 mining sites. The giant nevi will pop in them with the gravity storm once the gravity concentration reaches 6+ stars.
How do I increase the star ranking for the other sites? I never got a gravity concentration in the other sites except for Mining Site 0 and 13.
It would be a shame not to see it through to completion, especially if you have played the first.
eh, only reason i kept going after chapteris i thought i was halfway done. now that im getting close to that point im just going to quit there instead of10. i'll just catch the true ending or whatever on youtube if someone puts up a cutscene movie.doing side missions to unlock 7 more episodes that probably are more of the same boring missions i already played
You don't have to do side missions to unlock the post-21 missions, and missions 22 through 27 take about three or four hours to complete in total. It's all very story driven by that point and answers the questions burning from GR1.
GR2 is a little too bloated, I can't argue with that, but I think it's worth seeing through to the end. The Side Missions fucking suck though.
Side Missions fucking suck though.
Let me rephrase.
A handful of side missions are really good, provide interesting challenges, and have good world building and interesting scenarios, like the one where you bust an occultist ring of high school girls, or the waitress quests where you Stasis Field people and toss them at a stand.
The majority are just faffing about doing nothing, fetch quests, and following slow moving NPCs and getting spotted from a mile away.
And worse, there's no way to vet the good from the bad. You just have to slog your way through them in the hopes they land a new costume or a health upgrade, rather than getting a new prop for photos.
You just have to slog your way through them in the hopes they land a new costume or a health upgrade, rather than getting a new prop for photos.