On which platform? On Steam its stills showing as £3.49edit misinfo
On which platform? On Steam its stills showing as £3.49
the replay cam is crazy.... For a game all about drifting, it really does have some shitty angle/shots.
I'm going to say this again Codies, please introduce an upgrades and tuning system for GRID 3.
Can you link to that interview please?
The starting points do help of course. And starting from the 10km routes enough variety should settle in even if you keep starting from the same area every time you do a new race. Online they can certainly induce (even) more mayhem as may people still won't know many of the nuances of the system. They definitely shine more online rather than offline.
The second video I mentioned is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9se1_6NCbPA
I'm sorry about the quality, I don't know what Youtube did to my video.
Amazon sent me a code for the Headstart pre-order bonus even though I canceled my order. Quote to see the code. For Xbox.
Played some multiplayer, its crazy. Everyone crashing everywhere, just manic.
Asked them on twitter, it fixes some YouTube upload issues.Got a 20MB patch today, can't find any patch notes.
I know Codies has found success with their modern take on Toca, but just wondering if we'll ever see a more 'sim' orientated game?
I'm not talking about making it boring and shit. Copy the same atmosphere, the same authenticity found in GRID but take it back exclusively to the racing track and all that goes along with it.Tweak the physics for a more realistic feel and walla, TOCA 2015.
Perhaps there is a way for the team to expand and offer the 'arcade' experience as well as the 'sim' experience on an alternating release schedule..
Playing on the PS3 and the game is pretty good. Still doesn't compete to the first game though, but I'll play more before making a final conclusion.
If F1 2013 follows the the trend of both GRID and the F1 games, I can only guess there'll be at least one more you don't buy.I've bought every single Codemasters racing game day one this generation, except for the awful Dirt Showdown. I'll be skipping this one as well. I don't know who's making the big decisions at Codemasters these days but maybe they need to step down.
How many patches do you think we'll get? Once the F1 series was released from GFWL on PC, we got... was it TWELVE within the first month?Five pieces of DLC on Marketplace already and the game isn't even out until Friday.
Doesn't surprise me. The PC modding community is sensational, especially when it comes to fixing up Codemasters games.So I see modders have already added in basic cockpit view to GRiD2... I hope this goes somewhere, I really want to play this using my Rift, having played Dirt 2 and 3 this week and being totally blown away by the experience!
I see there's a list of the DLC packs already available, but is there anywhere that mentions what they contain and how much they cost in total?
And to echo similar sentiments already expressed here, fuck Codemasters above all else for extracting content from the final game and selling it as DLC. It's a pathetic practise that leaves me really fucking nervous for the F1 franchise. "Hey, you can have all but two of the tracks used in the WDC. Spa and Silverstone will cost you. Pony up".
So that's... ~$7 and $5? Or, give or take, an extra $20 to get that content on top of the actual game itself?http://n4g.com/news/1266543/grid-2-dlc-packs-released-today
two of the packs are 560 space pts and 1 of them is 400 I believe, I was browsing that on xbox.com earlier. I think the indy one is 400pts.
Wait what? Really?It's weird that Australia and New Zealand retail versions come with a code that unlocks all pre order bonuses from other countries. This is not the first game to do this, Tekken Tag Tournament and Sleeping Dogs are two that come to mind recently.
As someone who obsessively cleans his glasses and tv screen, dirt getting on the fake camera lens really annoys me. NFS Most Wanted had this too, ugh.
Wait what? Really?
Is that all the DLC or is there a distinction between those and the pre-order bonuses?
No you can't. I don't know how it would be if you could though, its nowhere near a sim. Lots of drifting is needed, would be pretty hard without ABS and traction control.So traction control and ABS can't be turned off? Or does it just not let you be specific about what assists you want on/off?
No you can't. I don't know how it would be if you could though, its nowhere near a sim. Lots of drifting is needed, would be pretty hard without ABS and traction control.
The online in this is a frustrating experience. Too often, in the lead, you're presented with no-win scenarios. You can either take the corner extremely poorly to try to avoid the incoming missiles, or you get pounded by other racers, off the track. In which case the game decides to punish you further and claim you're cutting corners.
If they're going to include systems like corner cutting penalties, they should go whole hog and have a system where fairly obvious cases of purposeful collisions result in a similar amount of engine cutting.
As it stands, this game rewards the aggressor way too much.
Either that or disable collisions entirely in the playlist settings.
The online in this is a frustrating experience. Too often, in the lead, you're presented with no-win scenarios. You can either take the corner extremely poorly to try to avoid the incoming missiles, or you get pounded by other racers, off the track. In which case the game decides to punish you further and claim you're cutting corners.
If they're going to include systems like corner cutting penalties, they should go whole hog and have a system where fairly obvious cases of purposeful collisions result in a similar amount of engine cutting.
As it stands, this game rewards the aggressor way too much.
Either that or disable collisions entirely in the playlist settings.
The online in this is a frustrating experience. Too often, in the lead, you're presented with no-win scenarios. You can either take the corner extremely poorly to try to avoid the incoming missiles, or you get pounded by other racers, off the track. In which case the game decides to punish you further and claim you're cutting corners.
If they're going to include systems like corner cutting penalties, they should go whole hog and have a system where fairly obvious cases of purposeful collisions result in a similar amount of engine cutting.
As it stands, this game rewards the aggressor way too much.
Either that or disable collisions entirely in the playlist settings.
The online in this is a frustrating experience. Too often, in the lead, you're presented with no-win scenarios. You can either take the corner extremely poorly to try to avoid the incoming missiles, or you get pounded by other racers, off the track. In which case the game decides to punish you further and claim you're cutting corners.
If they're going to include systems like corner cutting penalties, they should go whole hog and have a system where fairly obvious cases of purposeful collisions result in a similar amount of engine cutting.
As it stands, this game rewards the aggressor way too much.
Either that or disable collisions entirely in the playlist settings.
I tend to just stay out of the way in the first corner and wait for the carnage. After that you can break away from the pack and do alright with the people who want to race
The one time it really annoyed me was I was doing a Touge race, took a corner nicely.. and the other dude outright slammed into me.. the result? I got disqualified. Lol.
Sounds worse then grid 1 was, that was full of wannabe elite drivers who kick you out of lobbies for not having a mic, and then go waste out a few corners in with their YOLO racing strats.
Play with guys you know who aren't dicks, solved! I've only played about an hour of MP in this with a group and we played nicely and just did some light harassing.
So i caved and i got it. Its good but man, i really miss the in dash view. Its just not the same.![]()
It would be so out of place in this game.
PGR3 wasnt a sim and that view wasnt out of place at all in that game. I dont see why it would be in this. They got lazy.