Does this game feel like a grind to anyone else? .
Yes. For a variety of reasons I really do not like this game at all. Each to their own.
Does this game feel like a grind to anyone else? .
Speeding up my XP is not content. Do not call it a content pack when all it does is modify my stat behavior. I really have zero need for or interest in any sort of non-content garbage.Download the DLC Season Pass and receive access to 8 Content Packs as they become available at a saving compared to buying each pack individually. This content will include new routes, cars, game modes and an exclusive Premium Garage Pack, allowing you to expand your online car collection with 5 new slots.
I was going to get the season pass but right now I'm glad that I didn't.
Loore, are there any plans to add modding support to this game like GRID 2? Or any direction on which file controls the cups/championships so we can make our own like in DIRT 3?
I've asked the question, it's not off the cards.
Right now we're locking down some patches and about to sub some console ones. Once that's done we should be in a position to see what we can do from a mod view point.
Microtransactions - nope!
Not cool.Marketplaces said:Download the Boost Pack and accelerate your GRID Autosport progression in career mode and online. Gain a boost of approximately 50% more XP in career mode and around 50% more XP, Vehicle XP and in-game Cash when you race online.
The "don't want it don't buy it", argument has never worked for these situations. Instead of wasting your money you'll be wasting your time on progression that's likely made slower to accommodate for the selling of said time. In theory it is possible to make it not so, but it is naturally encouraged through design, i.e. companies want more money. The only reason to believe a company is being genuine when it says it wants to offer players with less available time the ability to more quickly experience all the game has to offer, is if it does not charge for the time-saving items/cheats.Guys, you don't have to buy it if you don't want it. I just feel sorry for the ones that bought the season pass. xD I'm kind of "Ok" with stuff like that. It's not content cut from the game. It's just a paid cheat. Cheaters gonna cheat, so let 'em waste their money. I won't.![]()
Doing it at all is bad enough, but lying about it is worse. Don't say it is for the dedicated fans, to offer what they dream of as a special return on their support, as the fundamental offer of the game since it is not for the new gen, as a means of garnering more of that support via early purchases, and then turn on them in the end.
TotalBiscuit made a compelling argument against preorders with this sort of thing in view. I get that sort of argument, but some developers have never broken my trust, like Nintendo. Codies was close to that level of quality. They dabbled in microtransaction-y DLC, but in making it seem like they were openly turning around, I decided to trust, only to do the worst kind of DLC they never did before. Good luck getting me to do that again.
GRID 4? F1 2014? I'm not buying anything until all the DLC is out and confirmed non-exploitative. Why? Because you don't make a game a grind to squeeze more money out of people. If I inadvertently got the speed boost, or don't personally care about the pacing much, am I supposed to be happy about others who feel it is a drag with a $3 carrot dangling in front of their noses? That is not "listening to the fans to make the best game possible" for them.
Some push and push-back has been happening in the industry with this sort of thing, and many view it as devs being subject to publishers, so having your views and being willing to offer push-back without getting too upset seems reasonable. However when dev/publishers start lying, saying they aren't going that way, and do it anyway, it is time for very strong push-back.
Making a game more of a grind to peddle experience boost dlc is a massive turnoff. I was going to pick this up but will vote with my wallet on this one and hold off for the time being.
Would it be possible to use that XP boost on select disciplines? I dread the endurance races and wouldn't mind getting them out of the way as quickly as possible, but for every other discipline I love to compete in and don't want the XP boost. Right now I'm level 9 in everything except Endurance I am just below 7.
Shame that hacks are staring to show up in multiplayer. Watched a video of someone blitzing around a track with full grip etc.
Has put me off online.
If you're on Steam you can disable DLC via the properties tab (right click game in your library).
Would be a bit of a faff but I suppose you could enable it, play Endurance, disable it when you are playing other disciplines?
Is something we're aware of and have plans to combat. Unfortunately cheats will always be an on-going fight but rest assured we're banning people when they get caught, which does lock them out from multiplayer.
That's good news. Having already got the season pass, and planning on getting the recent dlc, it would be a shame to limit myself to single player.
I am always torn about such practices and I simply resolve my doubts by not buying Season Passes - but I buy DLC I find compelling enough.
I bought all GT5 DLC, I bought Porsche DLC for the Forza 4 and Ellie mission for TLOU. I will also buy Destiny Limited, with 2 expansions in front.
Those are DLC I find compelling.
But I do not want to "punish" some company that have either DLC, or "microtransactions" by not buying the actual game, simply because there are much more great people in that company besides producers or white-collars, who are those that actually decides about such aspects of post-release.
By not buying the core-games, studios can't make even the basic revenue or meet the forecasts and that leads to closure of studios - AKA punishing the creative crew.
I will never be part of any "pay 2 win" scheme nor would I buy a game designed around "F2P" model.
But as long as DLC is optional, I have no problem.
It is too late, industry is having such content built in the planning and there is no way out.
I'm sure I'm not alone in appreciating your candid response Loore & I doubt anyone here will provide a typed bollockingRegarding the boost pack we did similar with GRID 2 as a car unlock, we got a bit of flak from that but in all honesty and without any PR bull sells. There is a silent subset of players that do like that sort of content but whether or not it's here to stay is something the industry is yet to work out.
I can't really say anything else, the only response I have for you is the total truth. I don't want to spin it or anything like that. I'll probably regret this post in the morning, but hey-ho![]()
Anyway I won't play this game until longer races (race length x2 to x5) pay more XP
There is nothing logical about it, I'd say it basically doesn't have true 900 degree support. There is no reason why you should need to enable certain steering modes on your wheel to compensate for the game's shortcomings - most wheels don't have such features. The game is by default a 270 degree lock, and if you set your wheel to something higher, the game simply stretches this 270 degrees to the higher value. It doesn't change the actual steering rack of individual cars to accept this more realistic value, they just become slower and slower in responsiveness to steering angle. In order to increase the responsiveness, you have to mess with linearity or saturation, which defeats the purpose of having the additional lock in the first place - you're just bringing it back to what the physics are optimised for, which is a very small lock.I can't comprehend this, sorrry.
Okay, maybe I am crazy to actually want to play game and actually steer the car - not throw it around - but under no circumstances I can't play it with 270 degree (no multiturn).
For me, everything is completely and 100% logically playable at 900 (multiturn ON) and with slight modification of linearity (accessible via pause menu for further convenience):
1 for touring and race cars
2 for street cars
3 for open wheelers
Game has very logical 900-support IMO, I see no big deal.
On related note, I have to use different values for Fanatec CSW (above are for Logitech G25) because of the rim-size and compensation for the "anchor line", so I used +1 values on the above
I find great that game allows for tailoring such details.
But to each his own I guess.
The Classic Touring Car Pack is great and some of the cars we've got in there are great to see in our games again. However, I appreciate you don't want to hear that at this time.
If if wasn't locked down you shouldn't have given such an absolute answer. But whatever, everyone makes mistakes.Apologies, but at the time I made that post our DLC schedule hadn't been locked down and once it had I'd completely forgot I even made the comment (I do comment a lot across the Internet so losing track isn't totally unheard of).
I'm confident that the mini-expansions we've got are more along the lines of the sort of DLC people want / expect to see, and they are genuinely a good experience with lots of hours of content in there. The Classic Touring Car Pack is great and some of the cars we've got in there are great to see in our games again. However, I appreciate you don't want to hear that at this time.
Regarding the boost pack we did similar with GRID 2 as a car unlock, we got a bit of flak from that but in all honesty and without any PR bull sells. There is a silent subset of players that do like that sort of content but whether or not it's here to stay is something the industry is yet to work out.
I can't really say anything else, the only response I have for you is the total truth. I don't want to spin it or anything like that. I'll probably regret this post in the morning, but hey-ho
Under no circumstances did we make the game a grind on purpose (that much I can promise you), in the grand scheme of things it's still relatively easy to progress via single player and online it's not that difficult to earn money.
Especially with RaceNet challenges that have a significant weekly pay out. We're also improving repair costs so the 'grind' becomes less of a factor.
There is nothing logical about it, I'd say it basically doesn't have true 900 degree support. There is no reason why you should need to enable certain steering modes on your wheel to compensate for the game's shortcomings - most wheels don't have such features. The game is by default a 270 degree lock, and if you set your wheel to something higher, the game simply stretches this 270 degrees to the higher value. It doesn't change the actual steering rack of individual cars to accept this more realistic value, they just become slower and slower in responsiveness to steering angle. In order to increase the responsiveness, you have to mess with linearity or saturation, which defeats the purpose of having the additional lock in the first place - you're just bringing it back to what the physics are optimised for, which is a very small lock.
I've made a quick comparison to demonstrate:
GRID is on default steering settings, I am just changing the steering lock from 270 to 900 in the T500 driver. I could put any sim in the middle there, iRacing was just convenient to compare the same car and track. The video should hopefully show that GRID running at 270 exhibits similar responsiveness to steering inputs to a sim running at 900.
Hi Loore, is this still happening?
As for the booster pack stuff, I am really enjoying the progression of the SP atm so I don't think it's the standard coin-doubler F2P shit, but the fact that people can pay to level up quicker online bothers me. Then again I don't play much online so there's that.
You guys made a new Toca game so you're still alright by me
EDIT: also, by 'Sprint' pack, do you mean Sprint Cars as in dirt oval racing?
Regarding the extra rewards for x2 race length etc, it's unlikely at this time.
Sprint, think more along lines of point to point racing.
Rally or Hill Climb would be amazing![]()
Rally or Hill Climb would be amazing![]()
Well for 1:1 with the on-screen wheel it's probably more like 240/250, but that makes the steering a little hyper sensitive. The handling is very sensitive to begin with, so I'd guess anything between about 270 and about 400 is going to work ok once you get used to it. The game feels like it has been set up for 270 to me - this where the cars respond most similarly to a sim at 900 (during a balanced turning state - understeer or oversteer shows the shortcomings of the physics, but if the rotation is steady then the amount of turning achieved from a typical steering input is similar, which is what I was trying to show in the video).I figured 360 was the standard for these games. A lot of games actually. 270 is 1:1? Ill have to try it.
But it's possible for people who pay you 3$... it's unlikely I will buy another Cody game.Regarding the extra rewards for x2 race length etc, it's unlikely at this time.
You got me insterested.Sprint, think more along lines of point to point racing.
But it's possible for people who pay you 3$... it's unlikely I will buy another Cody game.
Nothing quite like the stench of having a game where the perception, true or not, is created that progression speed is artificially slowed because there is a "progression acceleration" dlc for sale.
Nothing quite like having a cash crab by saying "hey it's for the busy guys that don't have any time - we love you which is why we are doing it."
Even taking it at face value all you are doing is financially punishing the busy folks. I expect it's because they are all out working so they obviously have more money right?