I'm trying to remember - is this one of those JRPGs with dating sim elements in it? If so, I think I'll bite. I love the character designs, gives me so much nostalgia because I grew up with that style of anime as a kid.
What does the item do?
I'm trying to remember - is this one of those JRPGs with dating sim elements in it? If so, I think I'll bite. I love the character designs, gives me so much nostalgia because I grew up with that style of anime as a kid.
Sorry if this has been answered already, but is there a halfway decent guide out there for the endings and character endings? The two on GameFAQs aren't that good...
I just got to the part whereHien and Leona join the party.
And soI was told that the party that stays behind can learn from the stones left with Kate, So I was wondering: how quickly do the other people gain skills/knacks/spells? Can the people left behind remain useful? And at this point in the game, who did you select as the 4th character?
Not sure aboutbut I had Frayne as my 4th and she has never left my party. She is a monster with offensive and defensive magic. I set it up so her int is very high and she regenerates MPhow fast non actives gain skills
Okay, kind of a weird question, but here goes. How do I get, for lack of a better term, "faster" in battle? I failed twice at the battle where you rescuefrom the thugs because I couldn't get the target down fast enough, and on the time I did win, the bonus time ran out.Dr. Lichtmann
"Seal dash" spellstone gets you five uses of "dash" which makes you faster, "Mov Up +3" stone gets you dash as a learnable skill so you don't need the spellstone set. "Mov" in your status I think determines your general speed.
The sin would be worse in this game because you can buff outside of battle. Actually doing so before major battles robs the game of most of its difficulty.RPG conundrum: who to put in my party. I guess the on way is to try the new characters, hopefully playing switcheroo won't put the final party selections to far behind.
The game is great so far, as stated I'm just starting to select party members. I've only had one annoying battle, and that was mostly annoying because of how far back the last save was to reload and try different things. I wish they allowed more save before boss battles, but then I guess it'd telegraph the next boss battle (which is a sin a lot of RPGs perpetrate).first fight with Bryntir
The sin would be worse in this game because you can buff outside of battle. Actually doing so before major battles robs the game of most of its difficulty.
Mov determines how quickly characters move across the map, ATW (lower is better) determines how quickly characters get their turns. You can decrease ATW by learning quick attack and using ATW Reduction and Skill Effect+ stones.
So does it matter if you get mission completes, clears, or passes beyond the extra EXP and money rewards? Cause that prison mission was a complete train wreck.
Thought it was worth noting that Growlanser IV will be available to purchase from Vita Store starting next week(USA)
Argh, spent my promised money on PS1 games... but will still probably be able to squeeze in the GL finally!
So $29.99, Vita compatible. Worth it? Pretty steep for a PSP game.
So $29.99, Vita compatible. Worth it? Pretty steep for a PSP game.
Came out less than two months ago, $29.99 is not a bad price for a PSP game. And a lot of people enjoy it.
I saw the game in the store yesterday. What does the game play like ? turn-based or action ? Story good or bad ? etc.
I saw the game in the store yesterday. What does the game play like ? turn-based or action ? Story good or bad ? etc.
It's kind of like a simplified RTS. Battles are semi-real time, but you can pause the action to change your team's commands. Story is good, it has a lot of political intrigue along with the usual JRPG staples. Not the greatest story ever, but it's definitely localized well and keeps you guessing. It's a very fun game, IMHO.
Thanks ! Have been waiting for an RTS. Too bad it doesn't take advantage of Vita's touchscreen ? Will check it out later.
This game has a much bigger focus on fighting armies than any game in the series I've played, that's for sure. 2 & 3 had some fights like this, but they were more supernatural. 4 is more like all out war.
And the sprites are jaggy, but they have charm.
I see that the Devil Survivor guys actually worked on the Growlanser series. I really like the character portraits, but how are the sprites? They look kind of "muddy" in the screenshots. I don't know if it matters, but I'd be playing the game on the Vita.
the sprites are fine. they will only get a bit muddy while zoomed in obviously.
I didn't realize that the game has a zoom feature. I always play Tactics Ogre zoomed out.
it doesn't, but sprites will zoom in out throughout the game.
Oh, that's not a big deal. I should resist, but that art (._. )
you should not resist. you should buy and start playing asap.
Play it NOW!