Kos Luftar
Happy Birthday Roxie!
Mister E is Mr. Evon Gnashblade.
Mister E is Mr. Evon Gnashblade.
Nah Abbadon is straight up dead now, there's nothing to returnCan we just vote for Mr. E so we can eventually get a lovely story involving the return of Abaddon in a world where the other gods have vanished?
Nah Abbadon is straight up dead now, there's nothing to return
edit: I'm actually leaning toward Kiel now. Evon Gnashblade seems like he's gonna have an awful lot of institutional support as well as "doesn't matter; want fractal" votes. We'll see if they actually start campaigning, though, who knows.
So this is what it feels like to be an undecided voter...
I just really want fractals to have some kind of story-significance. A place that plays with time and space - there should be some kind of world consequences.
Gotta learn to love my engineer again, hit 35 on my Guardian but game is definitely grind like I remember
At least 15 of those levels was just from crafting
Could you tell me what you're doing when you play? GW2 has one of the fastest leveling systems in the genre and if not THE fastest through crafting if you have the gold.
Grinding = FFXI or EQ1. GW2 is the anti-grind. The game throws experience at you for everything you do to where you level every hour if not a bit faster. Have you done a dungeon yet? That's pretty much a guaranteed level per run, you can do Ascalon Catacombs now that you're 35. Though it's important to point out that if you're trying to blow through to hit the cap so you can do stuff, you're going to be disappointed when you hit 80. The game isn't designed where there's a bait & switch at the cap. The game is just the game and anything you're doing now is the same as what you're doing at 80 besides access to more dungeons.
I've given up trying to understand where the people calling GW2 "grindy" come from. The most I've managed to wrestle out of them is a confession that they call "grindy" any gameplay they don't like, which they then apply to all of Guild Wars 2. Apparently making that statement somehow makes more sense for them than just calling it like it is, "I don't like GW2".
it feels grindy because you've done everything before. I'm a huge proponent that leveling is dated. it's lazy game design now for mmos and it's clear that GW2 was trying to do away with it as much as possible.
you go from a guy with full skills and traits unlock, to do one with nothing and no gear. it takes way longer to kill shit.
i know a lot of people here like leveling, but to dismiss that doing it again isn't grindy is a bit...well ridiculous. i say this as im crafting a mesmer right now.
I don't think I've done more than 10 levels yet through crafting on any of my 6 80's. May change that once I start working on my wvw duplicates but dunno. Mostly I level by doing the dailies, a few extra events, living story, and occasional dungeons.
I keep forgetting he's not talking about a first character.easy now not sure why you are taking it personally, levelling is grindy for me. The zones are empty, I have discovered a lot of the map on my main so there is no interest to do it again. There is no LFG utility to mix it up, etc
It is not a black and white statement that makes the game a piece of sh^t. I easy got my $60 worth
GW2 is a fun game, leveling an alt is not for ME
What I'm reading here is that people lose interest in doing the same content on a new character that they already did on their first. And I can understand that. It's why I always struggle with alts. But I wouldn't call it a grind per say. It's just not as intriguing the second, third and fourth time around (especially if you doing world complete on multiple characters.
Ayou on our server? I seem to always see people in the newbie zones. But anyway, at 35 a lot more of the world is open to you. You may even enjoy taking on content above your level for extra XP if you're confident with your character. 4 more levels and you can hop on the rare bonus event train, which is also totally relevant XP.
I don't think the factors she identified are precisely in favor of having all makeups on a single weekday so much as they are merely contributing factors to low attendance for makeups across the board. I'm sure on some days we'd have few participants even if it was just a single day a week, and that's kind of the way it goes. But it's something we can consider doing for reasons of simplicity and lessening repetition, anyway.
The idea with having multiple chances during the week was the give guild members as much of an opportunity as possible to get the commendations that were needed during the week. That's why we started out with so many (basically missioning every single night!) and then after observation whittled it down to the more popular/successful evenings and shifted things around a little.
With the current schedule, there are two chances besides Saturday nights (Sunday + the corresponding weekday) to try for all mission types. Sunday makeups have been very successful, so those will definitely stay. But for people who can't make Sunday/Weekends, I hope we can still do something to try to get them their weekly comms.
Bearing that in mind, having a single weeknight mission makeup is certainly less of a burden on the officers so in that respect I certainly have no objection. The key is basically: for the people who consistently cannot make Sunday 3:00PM makeups, what weeknight and time is most helpful to the most people?
yeah, you can get to level 80 only seeing 1/4 of the game easily. If you plan it out, and don't go into other zones when leveling, and save them for another character it's going to feel a lot more fresh. can use crafting to help with this. Maybe level from 20 to 40 with crafting from one character and save some of the lower level areas for another character while leveling 60 - 80 on another.
I found completing each zone i was in before moving on helped a lot as well. You gain a lot of levels doing this and little goals while leveling make all the difference.
I keep forgetting he's not talking about a first character.
On my alts I did way more dungeons, way more WvW, and way more of the living story content going on at the time (which wasn't actually even available for my first character's rise to 80), as an augment to the simple "pick a zone and go adventuring."
Dunlop, when you say there's no LFG utility to mix it up, I assume you mean you're precluded from doing group instances; are you averse to using www.gw2lfg.com for some reason?
Are you on our server? I seem to always see people in the newbie zones. But anyway, at 35 a lot more of the world is open to you. You may even enjoy taking on content above your level for extra XP if you're confident with your character. 4 more levels and you can hop on the rare bonus event train, which is also totally relevant XP.
I did about 10 levels of crafting per character. I really haven't considered it grindy at any point, but I also didn't particularly attempt to do it quickly with any character including my first.
I don't agree with map completion being filled out. Save for waypoints, having all the stuff from the get go on an alt would ruin the fun of leveling.
Now having waypoints be account wide would be nice. Far too often I've wanted to go somewhere for a guild event, but the character I'm using doesn't have the waypoint.
that is something I have always wished for too... open access to all WPs that I have found with other chars.
That is actually what i find "grindy" in the game (as others have talked about).. having to do content that I have already fully explored with my other toons just so I can unlock a WP I need for way a Guild event or something.
I guess it's tricky, I definitely like that all that stuff on the map isn't unlocked by default for every new character, because I enjoy the gobs of shiny XP. I actually enjoyed redoing some of the more clever hearts on alts, too.Gotta agree that GW2 is not alt friendly.
Stull like map completion and Hearts should be 100% from the start, and WPs unlocked for easy running. WvW skills should be account-wide. + other stuff I can't recall.
To be fair, most MMOs are not alt friendly, and basically have you restart from scratch with alts.
My dream MMO would have your main be able to just change class at will.
No more starting up an alt, and feel dread when seeing the full log of old quests (hearts) and undiscovered world.
easy now not sure why you are taking it personally, levelling is grindy for me. The zones are empty, I have discovered a lot of the map on my main so there is no interest to do it again. There is no LFG utility to mix it up, etc
It is not a black and white statement that makes the game a piece of sh^t. I easy got my $60 worth
As someone who has been playing MMO's since Everquest the idea that Guild Wars 2 is grindy is baffling. Guild Wars 2 is like easy mode (in a good way)
I know EXACTLY the one you're referring to, it almost seems intentionally harsh. If you never push that liiittle bit further into the cave, you'll never see it.I wish they'd fix the range on some of these events. This event was going on right next to me, and I couldn't even see it. Yet the group event nobody does can be seen for ages.... :\
As someone who has been playing MMO's since Everquest the idea that Guild Wars 2 is grindy is baffling. Guild Wars 2 is like easy mode (in a good way)
This is probably true. Even without that speculation Gnashblade is already the evilist thing on Tyria.
I know EXACTLY the one you're referring to, it almost seems intentionally harsh. If you never push that liiittle bit further into the cave, you'll never see it.
Maybe ANet should allow write-in candidates
Man... where the foo isTybalt!?
Happy Birthday Roxie!!!
Happy Roxie Day!
Happy Birthday Roxie!
Mister E is Mr. Evon Gnashblade.
See I think him being a crazy, potentially corrupt guy who can single handedly influence the economy makes him a much more interesting potential politician. My votes will go for Evon.
And happy birthday Roxie!
Kiel all the way, can't resist dat haircut.
Happy Birthday Roxie~!
Happy Birthday Roxie!
If he gets on the council, he'll never have enough time to get them swimsuits in.
Vote Kiel!
But wait! Swimsuits are easy money and anyone that'd sell RNG chests in his store would clearly love easy money.
Thanks everyone!![]()
All the guys/gals with anime girl avatars want swimsuits in the game...
All the guys/gals with anime girl avatars want swimsuits in the game...