Congrats Seda! You have more legendaries than I have fully-geared characters.
Ya'll should play with a controller

Jumping is heaven.
Pyros, what time zone/hours are you playing? The Sylvari starting area (Caledon Forest) is beautiful, and filled with secrets and cool events, but Sylvari are both a less popular race and it happens to be one of the tougher starting zones (I stubbornly leveled mostly solo there with my baby Mesmer, but it was lots of dying and playing naked. Forced me to get good early on, but it can be frustrating too!).
I have a variety of good news for you, though:
1. Have you joined the GAF Guild? Post your account or character name! Lots of us have many alts, and if you just ask in guild chat if anyone wants to come level in Caledon you'll probably get a couple bites.
2. Just because you're a Sylvari doesn't limit you to your own starting zone in any way. Find the portal to Lion's Arch in the Grove, or use the PvP menu to go to the Mists and then take the Lion's Arch portal. Then look for the Gate Hub, and take a portal to any other race's starting zone. On our server, Queensdale and Plains of Ashford (human and charr respectively) tend to have stable populations running around.
3. If you do stick around doing tough events solo, you'll get good with your class because you need to rely on the "true GW2 mechanics" (dodging, positioning, weapon swapping) to succeed. If you play with a bunch of other people early on, strength in numbers can allow you to tackle the game like it was any other MMO and be relatively successful up until a certain point where you'll hit a wall. I've seen it in a variety of players when they first get into dungeons.