All of your characters will be tied to a single server, but you can "Guest" to any server in your region (think of it like a free server transfer). Which doesn't really matter anymore since they added Megaservers last month, where the game will pull people from multiple servers to populate a single zone.
I still don't get this, mixed messages. So if I join the NA server you guys are on, I'll only be able to guest other NA servers?
Correct, however Guesting is now largely useless due to the Megaservers and how players are distributed into zones.
If for whatever reason, I have really crappy lag/ping, can I delete my characters and start over on an EU server?
We never do any of this. And to press the point further, I have made dozens of LFG groups with the simple message "all welcome" (or, if I'm not in the mood for it, "no stacking") and had polite, fun groups the vast majority of the time.
Pretty patently incorrect. A friendly guild goes a long way. Furthermore the most recent patch made things in lower level dungeons easier for "mixed" groups (composed of new and experienced players).
Next time make sure to ask for any interested GAF members before going to the LFG. I personally enjoy almost every dungeon.
Seems like an inspect option would encourage elitism.
Ranger main hand sword is perhaps the most divisive weapon set in the game. Let me start with the major Pros before talking about how to handle the major Con.
PvE Pro #1: Sword #1 has the highest DPS for power builds.
PvE Pro #2: Using sword keeps you on the target so you get the full benefit of boon stacking. Most of the ranger dungeon hate comes from standing at range and pew-pewing, disrupting optimal dungeon stacking.
PvP Pro #1: Mobility. Evades on 2 and 3, plus mobility in 1 when you learn to master it.
PvP Pro #2: Poison, a powerful anti-healing utility condition.
The Con is obvious: most players hate the "rooting" feeling of Sword 1. The common response among us defenders is, " so turn off the auto-attack." This will allow you to dodge or perform other actions in-between strikes of the sword chain.
But this doesn't fully solve the awkwardness of sword; for that you must understand the #1 chain in-depth. The opening strike is a simple melee-range slash. However the next two attacks are mini-leaps that chase your targeted foe. You don't have to use them instantly, and you gain a lot just from taking that extra moment and choosing when to leap. The awkardness of the sword chain is compounded in that all three attacks have a different activation time as well as range. However once you master these attacks, you will come to understand why sword is the ranger's best melee weapon.
As to spirits, let me just give you the PvP short version for now: stone spirit + sun spirit + more spirit procs trait + spirits move trait + condition damage = win.
Let me know if you'd like my treatise on the joys of ranger shortbow.![]()
Yup. If you delete all your characters, it will let you create on a new server. You can even stash all your stuff in the bank to keep it, since the bank goes by account and not individual characters.
If for whatever reason, I have really crappy lag/ping, can I delete my characters and start over on an EU server?
Alright that's a relief. Haven't booted the game yet.. I'll end up spending a few hours making a character and stuff :L
From my brief skim of the few guides it seems like it isn't a major thing when picking stuff so that's good to know, I usually umm and ahh for ages. Any suggestions for race/class for someone who is rusty as a bucket with MMO's?
Sorry for all the questions, one more for now
Since from what I gather, when something major happens like a bridge explodes, it is permanent and everyone's game changes to reflect that? Or am I misinterpreting something?
If so, does that mean that a bunch of content/eventsthat are no longer accessible and lost to the nether?
Sorry for all the questions, one more for now
Since from what I gather, when something major happens like a bridge explodes, it is permanent and everyone's game changes to reflect that? Or am I misinterpreting something?
The bridge gets fixed if you do one of the events to fix it but it inevitably gets attacked and destroyed again at some point or another. The regular event system is cool the first few times you pass it but the imagination causing the expectations is far greater. I remember how exciting it was thinking dynamic events actually meant something. They mean nothing to me nearly two years later but it's two years.
From my brief skim of the few guides it seems like it isn't a major thing when picking stuff so that's good to know, I usually umm and ahh for ages. Any suggestions for race/class for someone who is rusty as a bucket with MMO's?
Since from what I gather, when something major happens like a bridge explodes, it is permanent and everyone's game changes to reflect that? Or am I misinterpreting something?
If so, does that mean that a bunch of content/eventsthat are no longer accessible and lost to the nether?
Hey guys, as someone that hasn't played GW2 since launch, is now a good time to jump back in? I read about the Feature update that just went live, and heard about a new large content update coming in the near future. Just curious if the game has seen substantial changes/improvements since the early days of launch.
Hey guys, as someone that hasn't played GW2 since launch, is now a good time to jump back in? I read about the Feature update that just went live, and heard about a new large content update coming in the near future. Just curious if the game has seen substantial changes/improvements since the early days of launch.
Now is a great time to jump in. We're in-between Living World updates, so you can settle in and find a groove. There's been so many patches and features added, it's almost a new game compared to launch. The April 15 Feature Pack was a huge Quality of Life improvement, not flawless, but important none the less.
It's always a good time to jump back in, but now is especially good since we're between seasons of the Living Story (the big, world-spanning storyline that updates every two weeks), so you won't be coming in mid-story without any clue what's going on (though if you did, we could quickly bring you up to speed.
Here's the list of everything they've added since launch, up to about a week ago:
You've also likely been removed from the GAFGuild (nothing personal, there's a 500 member cap so we occasionally have to remove inactive players to make room for new ones), just post your username (name.####) and we'll get you back in if you'd like.
Which server does GAF call home?
Storm Bluff Isle (North America).
Hey guys, just started and would like a trust-worthy build demo to work off of (for PvE Warrior specifically). Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I'm still on one hand swords for now, but want to shift to greatswords when I become a higher level.
I think Signet builds are still considered the best for leveling, though I never particularly cared for it. I've been told I'm weird, however.
Since Lung Capacity was moved to adept tier, I guess it's never too early to have a shout build (though I wouldn't invest in Trooper runes just yet). "For Great Justice" is a great way to get a chunk of Might and Fury, and "Shake it Off" is great on-demand condition removal.
If you're a fan of 1h sword, you might also look into the arms line for bleed-related traits. There's some Greatsword ones in there at Master tier too, though with instant free respecs that's not much of a benefit anymore.
Thanks. I've been reading the cons of the Signet builds, especially in higher levels, but it certainly would help me where I'm at now. (I'm not even at a level where I've unlocked them, but for when I do.)
I've finally got round to booting up the game.
Someone reassure me that being a UK player on an NA server won't be detrimental to my gameplay? :L Don't I have to pay to move if I change to EU?
Is it me or does the wvwvvw point system make no sense?
We were first, got 3 points, second got 5 >_>?
I've finally got round to booting up the game.
Someone reassure me that being a UK player on an NA server won't be detrimental to my gameplay? :L Don't I have to pay to move if I change to EU?
We have plenty of UK players in SB who never complained of lag (we even have players playing from Hawaii and even India and they don't have any problem either).
As for paying to move to a new region, yes, you do need to pay (the price is in gems and varies with the server population), but when you are so early into the game, you can just delete your characters and move for free!
The person who seems to have the most trouble with latency is Arksy, who's playing from Australia. He's can correct me if I heardwrong, but on mumble he's said that there are times with noticeable bit of lag but it can be compensated for once you're used to seeing it. There's quite a few GAFers in your neck of the woods and they seem to get along fine.
If something goes wrong I'll have both your heads <3
GAF down?
I've finally got round to booting up the game.
Someone reassure me that being a UK player on an NA server won't be detrimental to my gameplay? :L Don't I have to pay to move if I change to EU?
Ok now I remember trying this for myself a long time ago and you're right about taking it off of auto attack and controlling it manually instead. What kind of traits are best for a sword build? Would dagger be a good pair for it because of the bleeding/cripple and poison? I've already got the trap building working again (axe/torch) so now I'm wondering if the spirit build is usable with the sword as a main hand weapon.
I already know that Shortbow is one of the Ranger's best weapons (if not the best!).
What is the point of this screenshot? Trying to show you are just standing around not helping our server?[random screenshot]
What is the point of this screenshot? Trying to show you are just standing around not helping our server?
ouch. maybe that there's something weird going on and not all the names are showing up?
Does your xpadder window look like this?Ihave a problem to get The controller working .
I followed the instructions list and Task manager confirms that both xpadder and mouse script are running ( although the latter does not appear on my notification bar) and then changed the bindings in the control menu but when i try to use the controller ,nothing happens .
Anyone can help ?
In general I do not trait around the sword. The only specific trait (cooldown reduction) is unnecessary because it only affects two skills with short CDs already.
To get into the nitty-gritty, we have to specify game mode. In PvP I use sword/torch and shortbow. I'm not a fan of pairing dagger with sword; the skills are redundant. When my ranger ventures into WvW I use a warhorn offhand; I would probably use it in PvP too if I ran power instead of conditions. I don't actually PvE with my ranger.
People absolutely run axe/torch and sword/whichever in PvP. But whether it's traps or spirits, I rely on the shortbow to finish combo fields. So goodbye axe. I tried to make axe work for a while with my Beastmaster builds, but eh.
Does your xpadder window look like this?