If you go to YouTube and put in "arah path 1 solo" you'll find lots of 20-30 minute solo runs, usually Warrior and Elementalist.
Psh that comic. Not even real, the artist would've known that killing the mobs would've rallied the downed guy.
Psh that comic. Not even real, the artist would've known that killing the mobs would've rallied the downed guy.
I'm having a hard time picturing doing Arah 1 in 30 minutes, especially as a single person.
If you go to YouTube and put in "arah path 1 solo" you'll find lots of 20-30 minute solo runs, usually Warrior and Elementalist.
Ten minutes with a decent group
Twenty trinked out warrior solo
That comic would only be correct if it ended with Yeaaaaaaaaaaah no *gathers something 5 feet from the corpse and walks away*
I thought after the patch I would do an Effective Power and Effective Health comparison of all the armour nomenclatures. This assumes full sets of armour and trinkets. (This is for PvE, not PvP).
Obvious issues
As I said at the start, there are fundamental issues with how you calculate Effective power and health. It does not completely model how your gear will perform. So you cant simply pick the armour with the highest percentages on each table, otherwise all engineers would be running Carrion and never touching Dire or Rabid.
In reality Engineers (and most other condition classes) have a number of on crit effects that require a decent critical rate to use effectively.
So these tables do have some issues, but as long as you understand that, you hopefully can make some more informed gear choices for WvW and PvP
Obviously this doesn't cover mixed sets.
Zerker trinkets seem to be a nice option for most builds, lot of bang for your buck
Oh, I know it's possible, we had a member who did that a lot, after all. It's more that I can't quite imagine it after the numerous attempts with a full group and taking 4+ hours. I guess I could blame our gnome thief for dying so much *cough*.
I really didn't want to mix and match, since I like keeping things simple, but now that Ascended is account-bound, I may move all my ascended trinkets off my Engineer and replace them with Zerker ones. I might even have a few Zerker ascended rings already, thanks to Fractals.
Speaking of which, I've not done fractals in /months/. I want to get back into them, but I want to run with a regular group, not pug.
I've been running fractals lately with Stouffer and a few gaffers. Since I'm close to the personal level 10 threshold, we could do lv 21 fractals somewhat regularly, if people are up for it.
I'm only personal reward level 11 myself, with zero AR.
I am guessing that having the whole group watch a 30min clear tutorial vid would improve those times substantially. Could be wrong, but most likely wouldn't hurt.
That's fine too! We are running lv 11 fractals anyway, and most of us don't have any AR..
What time EST do you usually run?
This thread is actually really interesting - I somehow missed it: http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/249pc7/effective_power_and_effective_health_of_all/
The Effective Power stuff is interesting (though not new). But I strongly disagree with his definition of Effective Health, as it completely neglects Healing Power. Doesn't even acknowledge it under "Obvious Issues." People tried to point it out in the reddit thread but it devolved into bashing healing.
Effective Health is again a simplified calculation to compare the ‘hardiness’ of two different builds. This is (Armour * Health points)/1000. So the actual effective health will be vary based on your class. Again this doesn't include things like Healing Power. Healing Power gives you a big increase in your survivability in when you are able to heal through damage (ala WvW and sPvP).
He put it under "Limitations." But my point is that neglecting healing power isn't merely a limitation of his model- it renders his entire model invalid.Odd... I saw it in the original post:
He put it under "Limitations." But my point is that neglecting healing power isn't merely a limitation of his model- it renders his entire model invalid.
Let's say I'm using Healing Signet on a warrior and it's giving me 400 HP/s. Then my true effective health over a 5-second span is base health + 2000. This is how I perform effective health calculations for my cleric theorycrafting.
To propose a definition of effective health without taking healing into account boggles my mind.
He put it under "Limitations." But my point is that neglecting healing power isn't merely a limitation of his model- it renders his entire model invalid.
Let's say I'm using Healing Signet on a warrior and it's giving me 400 HP/s. Then my true effective health over a 5-second span is base health + 2000. This is how I perform effective health calculations for my cleric theorycrafting.
To propose a definition of effective health without taking healing into account boggles my mind.
Welcome to the burden of "well, they should do it right". Unless you provide me an updated chart that actually does have the info you consider valid, there isn't really anything anyone can do with the information you know, is there?But I'm guessing you're not really up for making a "fixed" chart?
Are you actually interested in this information or are your merely trying to challenge me?
EDIT: Regardless, I will put out a better chart for shout healing warriors. If you'd then like me to make one for engineers or whatnot, we can work that out.
No worries. Those graphs are pretty, and the concept has great visual appeal: depicting the spectrum between offense and defense. The problems reside in how the OP defines defense (and offense for that matter). If his model was proper, then it wouldn't have all the condition and toughness sets clumped in the middle, cleric wouldn't have equal ratios of offense to defense, etc.I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come across as confrontational - the reason I like the grid the guy made is beacuse it really is the first time I've seen the armour sets as anything other than annoying numbers that don't really mean anything to me. I even plugged them into a spreadsheet so I could see pretty graphs, because then I actually kind of "understand" it a bit more.
Obviously I'm on the other end of the spectrum. I'll scour the frame data for Smash. I'm buying a new stopwatch for MK8. You should see my color-coded spreadsheets for my fantasy sports drafts.In MMOs, and RPGS, the stats have always been, by far, the thing I dislike most.
SpeechlessI'm the guy that uses "optimize" in jRPGS
aka Bueno.6309
Just started up again (I played for like 2 weeks at launch) and started fresh with an engineer, relearning the game. Having just played the Wildstar beta weekend, and then this the past couple days I feel right at home. The combat systems of both games are similar, and fun.
WB nicoga, hit me up if you need anythingDecided to play again and see how things go...Played the past 2 days with no traits assigned. Woops.
Anybody get you yet?Would I be able to get an invite please? kalus.6834
Started playing again recently after a long hiatus.
Anybody get you yet?
Just got the game. Don't know much about it but I'd like to see where it takes me. Would love an invite . Name is indigoo.3980
Looks like majority is returning players. According to our friend the sale has done really well. I suggested they keep game at this price all the time.If this thread alone is any indication, ANet must be loving the new influx of players.
Looks like majority is returning players. According to our friend the sale has done really well. I suggested they keep game at this price all the time.
Just got the game. Don't know much about it but I'd like to see where it takes me. Would love an invite . Name is indigoo.3980
^ Just returned myself, and trying to get a couple friends playing.
I've been jumping between classes, primarily Ranger, Ele, with some Mesmer and Necro, and I can never seem to pick a favorite. (my ranger is my only 80)
I'm curious, if anyone can help me out, what are the best PvP survivability builds across all classes? Who can run into a fight and have the highest chance of coming out alive, or staying alive the longest? I'm pretty lost atm on builds atm.