I like the quiver/book because it's all basically buyable with gold/ecto except for 1 vial. Add 500 relics and a mistglob to infuse it.
plus 250 ecto to infuse
I like the quiver/book because it's all basically buyable with gold/ecto except for 1 vial. Add 500 relics and a mistglob to infuse it.
That is only the name for the champion bandit loot.No new info in there except the name of the Champ loot bags, "Embroidered Coin Purse," which has to be the dumbest name for a reward item I've ever heard.
Where did I go wrong friendThat is only the name for the champion bandit loot.
It could be the case that the crafting materials in the bag are of the tier associated with the non-champ loot bags found in that zone.Hmm. Champion loots is based on type alone? Hopefully there's some level/zone factor too, otherwise people will just zerg the lowest level champs of each type. Well, I don't know why I say "hopefully", but it would seem a bit less game-y if the loot took a little more into account than the label of the creature type.
Seems like quiiiite a few of us have reached this story step. Are you in the guild by chance?
You can join the guild. As long as you're in NA, you actually don't even have to guest to do dungeons. You do have to guest for guild missions and events of courseI'm not on the GAF server, unfortunately. Can I still join the guild? If not, I can guest when you guys decide to do it.
You can join the guild. As long as you're in NA, you actually don't even have to guest to do dungeons. You do have to guest for guild missions and events of course
You can join the guild. As long as you're in NA, you actually don't even have to guest to do dungeons. You do have to guest for guild missions and events of course
This is so key to this working out. Respawn camping does not need to be added back into this gameThis is assuming you can't just take down the same drake multiple times in a day.
Yep exactly. If you want an invite, give us your account name.XXXX or your in-game name. Either is fine!
Where did I go wrong friend
oh I see, each type of Champion's bag is different?
I get it! So champion risen have decaying coin purses I'm sure. And centaurs have centaury coin purses![]()
It could be the case that the crafting materials in the bag are of the tier associated with the non-champ loot bags found in that zone.
Awesome. My in game name is "Hrithik" or "Lieutenant Bones"
I haven't played since launch. Whats new??
Well, it's kind of weird to show someone all the releases because that means nothing to them, at least the temporary content stuff.
That being said, there's been a wealth of quality of life updates, changes to dungeons, permanent minigames, loot drop changes, and overall restructuring of world event rewards.
It's hard since they add permanent releases alongside and packaged together with the temporary LS stuff. Luckily, 1.) I said it was just a starting point, and 2.) The permanent stuff is identified on the page as well.
Oh, yeah, I didn't see that they actually call out the permanent and temp content separately. That's quite nice.
Embroidered Moldy Loot Bags and Embroidered Saddle Bags. ;p
We know Rapier is one of them, and this thing:So, any clue on what skins may drop from the Champs?
Just beat the Bill Shattner dragon. Kinda lame to be honest.
We know Rapier is one of them, and this thing:
Oh, so the skins are NEW skins? So they're making a whole flood of new weapon skins and linking them to champs?
(I need something to be excited about given the Dungeon stuff :[ )
Yes they are, they've said that the new skins are totally unique.
Just beat the Bill Shattner dragon. Kinda lame to be honest.
Oh, ok, GREAT!
Now I can try to mindlessly grind CoF p1 this weekend and have something to look forward to on Tuesday when that option is gone
On a side note ... I REALLY hope they make a class change contract for the GS soon. I really don't wanna kill off my level 80 ele ... but I never use her and I want to make a sylvari thief. :/
Only have one more slot open and I'm saving that for any possible new race.
Gonna be a little late starting on missions. Unless they've already started in game, that's cool.
The Champion skins, including the rapier, the purple 1h fellblades, and that gun apparently, are all new. The Sovereign skins are also all new, and we haven't seen them yet.
Black-Wind, remind me of the bee in your bonnet re: dungeons? I keep forgetting what you're on about whenever you say stuff like this
Bear in mind the new champion rewards will also apply to champions in dungeons.
We know Rapier is one of them, and this thing:
I actually think you'd be fine in Tier 1? Give it a shot!A quick noob question - I voted for one of the candidates in Zephyr Sanctum, but I have a question about those trials:
Should I even bother with them? I'm level 9, so my gear sucks and I probably shouldn't, but I feel this is the right place to ask.
A quick noob question - I voted for one of the candidates in Zephyr Sanctum, but I have a question about those trials:
Should I even bother with them? I'm level 9, so my gear sucks and I probably shouldn't, but I feel this is the right place to ask.
I actually think you'd be fine in Tier 1? Give it a shot!