Good thing the show will be 6:30pm local time, just an hour after I get back from work (yea, yea, I know, its saturday...

), so will have time to get fully ready for some
Completely agreeing with Jira on the GW1 part. Back then Anet had a small team and not enough money (and definitely, they didn't have so much PR) to push the full potential of their ideas. Nonetheless, GW1 and its expansions is still a unique online game (not even a "mmo" in the traditional way) full of innovative and new mechanics, that noone else tried to copy, even remotely.
But for GW2 things drastically changed... for the worse imo. Yea, great game, still new ideas and inovative gameplay, but the whole support up to this point, is pretty meh. Sure, lots of updates and at really impressive rates.
But their PR is overshadowing the actual ingame content.
Remember the first Mad King update? Way too big words for a awesome event you would not like to miss at an exact hour (was late at night for me). There were even countdows, and in the end it was just a cutscene of Mad King popping out of the fountain.
Remember how they promoted the first Karka update? Another wave of way too big words, a massive new threat, how it will change the face of Tyria forever, etc, etc and in the end a small island poped out of no where with karkas staying destroying the lighthouse of LA and thats about it.
True that they tried new ways of telling stories with one time big events. But the quality was low, and the marketing was just too aggressive for something of not that much importance.
Same story with the first LS season. WvW and sPvP suffer the same fate. For sPvP specificly, 2 years and an half, and we are still playing the same old conquest, on the same 4 maps... (not counting Courtyard and Skyhammer, because they are not even in rated play and the scrapped Capricon... cuz it was scrapped). Still broken matchmaking and leadeerboards, and empty promises of ladder seasons, autmated tournament play and bigger initiative to participate in them.
So for the upcoming show, I'm expecting more of the same... treatment. Big, big words for how awesome the new content will be, how they listen to all feedback, how they work on everything and in the end, we will get half of what was promised, because the rest is still not ready for them to "talk about it". The story after LS2 will continue, new zones and enemies, even new dungeons are to be expected. Over all life-quallity changes will be there too, even precursor scavenger hunts, guild halls and weapons(new skills with them) are possible. But somehow I'm pessimistic about whole new continents, new professions, new mechanics/systems like heroes/henchmen or two-profession characters (like gw1). And the long promises in most of the CDI and PvP/WvW forums will remain just that, promises.
Of course, we have almost no info on whatever to expect, so my guess is as good as any other. I just have my expectation set as low as they can get, based on the nonstop playing of GW2 since the first closed press alpha.
And I, sure as hell, want Anet to prove me wrong on every point and announce something absolutely massive and deliver it. I will be the happiest person around here. Till then, i'm not hyping. Not. One. Bit.