I wanna hide here from the gaming side thread. All the unimpressed people are coming in![]()
I am scared to go to reddit and the forums
I wanna hide here from the gaming side thread. All the unimpressed people are coming in![]()
So... Anyone care to invite me to the guild? Name is NightcleaverI have no idea how to play this game anymore.
I'm a bit unimpressed, to be honest. There is barely anything shown, just lots of talking and suggestions. I was hoping for maybe some gameplay even.
I wanna hide here from the gaming side thread. All the unimpressed people are coming in![]()
They announced enough new stuff, but they should've known the presentation needed more than concept art for each new features.With the way they made their presentation, they brought it upon themselves.
The whole thing was a massive tease.
They didn't show enough to really impress.
With the way they made their presentation, they brought it upon themselves.
The whole thing was a massive tease.
They didn't show enough to really impress.
Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns FAQ
GM Awesomeness Jan 21 • Purchase Support: Payment Methods, Upgrades, and Products / Buying and Upgrading the Game
Q: When will Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns launch?
A: We’ll announce the official launch date when we can. Check back at http://heartofthorns.guildwars2.com for the latest updates.
Q: Will you be offering an early-access beta?
A: Yes, although we do not have details to release at the present time. Please keep checking http://heartofthorns.guildwars2.com for more information as it becomes available.
Q: Is the expansion “buy to play”?
A: Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns is a paid expansion to Guild Wars 2, but once you buy it, there are no subscription fees. This means that you can continue playing and access future updates for Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns with no subscription fee.
Q: Do I have to own Guild Wars 2 to play the expansion?
A: Yes. Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns is an expansion to Guild Wars 2 and not a stand-alone campaign, and therefore it requires the base game to play.
Q: What is the expansion bringing to the base game?
A: Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns is an expansive new MMO experience introducing unique features such as our re-envisioned character progression system. You can visit our website at http://heartofthorns.guildwars2.com for a full rundown of features, and be sure to check back regularly as we will continually reveal new details.
Q: How much will the expansion cost?
A: We have not announced pricing yet.
Q: Will this expansion only be available digitally, or will there be a boxed edition as well?
A: Both. Once Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns is available, you’ll be able to buy it digitally or get boxed editions at retail stores.
Q: Will there be a collector’s edition for this expansion?
A: At this time, we do not have information available about specific versions. Rest assured that well before launch, we will reveal all the versions of Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns that will be available both digitally and physically.
Q: When is the next big feature reveal for what’s coming in this expansion?
A: We wanted to reveal Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns when we were ready to talk about every major feature we’re planning. That’s why right now, every major feature planned for Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns is there for you to check out at http://heartofthorns.guildwars2.com. That said, there are so many details left to uncover and share with you, to show you, and to eventually let you play as we take you on the journey from now through launch.
They mentioned learning the language of new civilizations, right?
Maybe I missed it but did they say anything about Mordremoth at all? Are we gonna see or fight it in HoT?
Speaking of levels, think it time to save up on those tome of knowledges.![]()
Looks like all these areas are level 80 zones, if it is that type of expansion.
Are they allowing Revenants to auto-level to 80?
GAFGuild still alive?
Some more info.
Bolded part seems very weird. Thought they would do something totally different from traditional idea of the way an expansion is sold.
Got my second account. Am I allowed to have it in the guild or do you want that spot for another player?
Sorry dude, i did say i was going to quote your post. As i said there is nothing wrong with traditional expansion.It saddens me to see people think so narrowly when it comes to what HoT is going to be. All I see people talking about are things that other developers have already done for their MMO expansions. Yes, there's going to be new zones, new weapon types, new enemies, new skins, along with things from the CDI topics, and such. None of those things are groundbreaking, they're pretty much expected to come out of this. What people aren't thinking about is how ANet works. GW2 was their answer to the stagnant MMO formula. Their update cycle right out the gate was faster than the rest of the genre, you had updates every month, then they introduced the Living World which is a completely unprecedented content delivery system and TV show story telling format. Those then ran every 2 weeks.
So now we come to HoT, which is their answer to the MMO expansion. So I ask you, what makes you think ANet is just going to release a typical checklist MMO expansion and call it a day? ANet was founded and is driven entirely on innovation. All of the stuff the community wants is merely a sidedish compared to the main course. That main course being "how an MMO can grow its universe and that the Living World was just the beginning". This is what you need to be thinking about, they're going to introduce either an evolution of the LW concept or something new entirely. This is what will take up the meat of the presentation because it's something that will need a lot of time to explain. Now, I cannot even begin to speculate on just what this main course is because it's going to be something no one has ever seen before, BUT when we do see it, we're going to say holy shit, why hasn't anyone thought of that before? Remember reading the old blog posts back in the day and thinking why did it take so long for someone to do this? That feeling is going to be back tomorrow, mark my words. I will bet my GAF account on it.
I don't remember anything implying they would do anything different from the way expansions would be sold.
That's why I asked.I'd imagine second accounts would be on hold for invites to keep room open for new or returning players. Especially since they just did a culling to make more room.
But I'm not an officer.![]()
No you are right, just a lot of us speculated they might give it away for free and it would not require new people to own the original game because they would get it buy buying GW2:HoT.
It is fine, more guild wars is what I want, and that is what I am getting.
This guy doing the interview knows nothing about Guild Wars 2.
Not related to the expansion at all, but this is what my WvW experience has looked like for the last *six weeks* now:
This matchmaking is garbage.
Damn your server must not have people, because TC face rolls Dragonband, we once held there keep in EBG for 4 days straight, fully pimped out, we made them quit..
It's not just Dragonbrand, it's whatever server was Tier 2 the week before. Before them it was SoS, and then Fort Aspenwood, and then Yak's Bend... I think our server is just so demoralized at this point that nobody bothers even trying anymore.
Also FUCK YES PAX East. I already have 3 day passes. If anyone else is going we should hang out.![]()
"Everyone stats at level 1, equal ground"
Unless something is different, my Revenant will be level 80/ascended moments after loading.
I think a lot of GAFGuild regulars all agreed that they would never splinter the players between expansion owners and base game owners only but it looks like they are doing just that.
We don't know how things will be handled. Seems like Specialization and Revenants will be Expansion-only content, but that doesn't splinter the player base. The new WvW map is going to be free, I imagine, though I'm not sure if the Stronghold gametype will be. Guild Halls will probably be free, but actually building them might be tied to the expansion.
So, if the new regions and mastery system aren't expansion-only, then there's nothing to split the community at all.