Does this look like a weird pale tree to anyone else
If you want to report a player for bad behaviour or cheating you need a unique name.
I wonder if I want to beef up my future Revenant with Berserker or go down a different path. I guess Berserker is the safe choice (that or PVT)
Pale tree of buttcheeks.Does this look like a weird pale tree to anyone else
Big Stuff from PAX South from Colin (supposedly)
I cannot stress how relieved I am to hear that mastery points will be obtainable in the current world as well. Content invalidation is something that nearly every MMO suffers from due to a focus on treadmills and level cap increases. Glad to see that they came up with a system to avoid that.
Why is my chick wearing one of three hideous masks? Can I turn this off?
Just started. Initial thoughts:
Wow, this runs like ass on my surface pro 2
Why is my chick wearing one of three hideous masks? Can I turn this off?
Intro story is bleh
I'll try this again on my main PC with a controller. I'm just bummed can't play it on the go. I figured MMOs would be really optimized to run on low-end to high-end.
You don't need to touch a GS with your warrior if you don't want to. Play with whatever weapon you like![]()
stack 12 vuln with skills 2/4.So what happens to the existing Sylvari in our account?
Also how does A/M become the best output damage-wise?
stack 12 vuln with skills 2/4.
Then use the high dps auto and adren skills that axe has. Proceed to beat GS damage.
So I went to login yesterday since I have not checked out this game in a few months and when I went to do the authenticate email, nothing showed up. Tried a few times and still nothing. Checked every filter and folder I have. Sent in a ticket, but I am assuming this is a load issue?
Was it back when the "bin" folder was introduced (in the game folder)? If so, you just have to move the SweetFX files into that folder instead to make it work.So my sweet fx stopped working a while back with the game. What's everyone using? I just want something mild that'll add some aa to the game that doesn't smear vaseline over my eyes.
Is anyone else who bought it yesterday getting super slow download speeds? I'm only maxing 600 Kb/s for some reason.
Eeeehhhh, I'm stuck on the first zone with a bunch of people in the great hunt, the objective is to accompany eir on the great hunt but the gate does not open.
Is there an event in front of the gates with npcs attacking blue worms? I had to do that for it to open.Eeeehhhh, I'm stuck on the first zone with a bunch of people in the great hunt, the objective is to accompany eir on the great hunt but the gate does not open.
Someone is already up there fighting the boss, give it a minute or two and it should advance. I don't think anyone can intentionally troll that spot because the NPCs are killing it fairly quickly too.
Alternatively, log out and back in and it might put you in a different copy of the starting map.
I bought a new account for the NA servers. Could I get an invite to the guild?Acc name is krizalllid.1489
Is there an event in front of the gates with npcs attacking blue worms? I had to do that for it to open.
I bought a new account for the NA servers. Could I get an invite to the guild?Acc name is krizalllid.1489
Is there an event in front of the gates with npcs attacking blue worms? I had to do that for it to open.
Yeah i would also like to get an invite Facegravy.7948
redownloaded after retros new thread on HOT. Never really gave the game a full shake back at launch and played a bit yesterday and it is starting to click with me a bit more.
Hmm... were you the one who set up the e-mail authentication? If no e-mail showed up, it's possible your account was compromised and your e-mail address was changed (thus, it's sending the authentication to this new address).
Then again, they've been having crazy load issues so it may just be that. People buying the game in droves due to the sale has created all sorts of headaches with serial codes being mailed out, it might be impacting authentication as well?
It's probably months until HoT but I'm already trying to design my revenant.
GW2 really lacks bigger body types. That's the chubbiest I can make a human.
Yeah, I have no touched the game in several months, and that email account is not my primary account so I don't check it very often. A compromised account is very possible. Awaiting a reply from the support ticket.
I had to guest join another server to continue the great hunt, if anyone is still stuck.
Did AreaNet give any indication when HoT will be released? Obviously they didnt give a date but did they imply a release window at all?
Dear ArenaNet,
Can the Necromancer Specialization play like Vanguard's Blood Mage?
Thank you very much in advance,
- Retro
That's usually a profession thing, since each plays so differently you can usually try a different one and end up getting a completely different experience.
In fact, I think a lot of folks who might have been turned off the game probably rolled a class similar to what they'd played before ("Necromancer looks like Warlock, I'll play that" or "Guardian looks like Paladin, neat.") and end up completely put off by how different they are. I think Ranger and Warrior are the two professions that are closest to their genre "standards".
NCsoft's report thingy expects a big influx of revenue around late summer. So that's my theory. Everyone is hyped, installing, and all that, but it could still be eight or nine months away.
Would someone mind adding me to the guild? Name is Thun.
That worked!
Also can someone add me to the guild too?
Got you both, welcome!! Hit 'G' to open the guild panel and accept the invite, and 'Represent' to see guild chat.
Can someone add me to the guild? Character name is Mierra Tusar. Account is Recipefordisaster.2987