Congrats Kos. Name your kid after me.
Hope this releases before I become a father (July) and will not be able to play as much.
Don't know if I can make it to missions.Colin sucked the life out of me
feeling really tired. Just laying in bed right now. Should be there for makeups.
Were character names unique before megaserver?
Hope this releases before I become a father (July) and will not be able to play as much.
jesus i stay out for 2 months and all this stuff happens!
congratulations kos
I totally missed this!! Congratulations!
Tryin' to sneak that news in there when you thought nobody would notice, huh?
Congratulations again.
Congrats Kos. Name your kid after me.
Congrats, Daddy Luftar!
Congrats and welcome to the club.![]()
lolYes, because some vicious little douche canoe who hasn't played since 2012 grabbed the name "Retro" on the first night of head start.
Yeah it's really not fair. You never see the guy who got "Bob" running around in an MMO. Just once I wanna be Bob the warrior.Maybe in advance of the expansion they'll strip out a lot of inactive names. I doubt it, since the game is sub free and they want people to come back, but... you never know.
I'm in the United States - what world should I select if I want to do the GAF guild?
I'm in the United States - what world should I select if I want to do the GAF guild?
We're based on Stormbluff Isle, but that really only matters for world v world PvP stuff. Everything else is entirely independent of your server if you're in NA.
Stormbluff Isle is the GAFguild server, but you can join us for everything except WvW as long as you pick any US server.
Thanks guys!
Also thanks for name suggestions. Spoiler(will probably not take your suggestion)
New areas look beautiful!
Looks like we are seeing screens from Story missions, and the actual exploration of the zones will be awesome, because these zones look massive.
Also I have a feeling that the NPCs following Rytlock might be place holders for Destiny's Edge but they did not want to show them and reveal that they are ok.
Weird how non of the living story characters are shown...they are keeping the story details really close to the chest, which is fine.
I just can't wait.
Hope this releases before I become a father (July) and will not be able to play as much.
New player here - so if there is still room - MagusKain.6340
But based on the download speed...might be *days* before I can actually get the game started.
Hey guys, I just hit level 30 with my first character. I'm hooked on this game! The combat is a blast. I was hoping I could get an invite into the guild.
Third Engine.6540
Thanks everyone!
God dammit I fell for the Colin hypestravaganza again.
Could someone please invite McCheese.4813 to the guild so we can kill plants and build sweet guild castles together
So I'm dumb and can't remember my password for my account.
Could someone from the guild PM me my display name so I can put it in the request form?
Thanks in advance.
Can you give us a hint? I searched 'Granadier' and 'Gattsby' in the roster and they weren't there. We did a culling this week for anyone who hasn't logged on in ~4 months, so I apologize if you were one of the ones culled. Do you still have e-mail going back to when you registered your account? I am pretty sure my account confirmation e-mail had the account name listed in it.
I'm loading the roster history to try to find your account name gattsby, will pm if I see
I think they can still help you if you provide the name of a toon you have on that account.
Pmed, and I think I got all invites out, including LkPr since I saw you in LA![]()
Pmed, and I think I got all invites out, including LkPr since I saw you in LA![]()
GAF GvG team is scrub tier.
Hello all, game finally downloaded after like 10 hours. Looking forward to playing with you all.
May I request an invitation to the gaf guild?
My username is Snackawho.8241
Damn, no matter which option I'm trying to pay, I always get "Payment Authorization Failed", and they haven't responsed to my submitted ticket. Can't you buy it if you are outside of NA or EU?
did they say anything about changing PvE mechanics on a broad scale? i see on reddit people are discussing that particularly rude audience member who said he expects not terrible PvE from the expansion, but seriously i think the time is nigh for some refinements to the PvE formula.
i'm talking about things like the wide gap between optimal direct damage builds vs condition builds, which is a huge incentive against to building around conditions in PvE. on top of that having more than one condition player in group instance play is even worse because of the condition cap.
then there is the zerker/stacking meta which burned me out from doing PvE dungeons. if people like playing like that it's cool, but i would like the option of playing differently while being just as effective, which again ties back to my desire for condition builds to be as good as direct damage builds.
I paid with Paypal normally and I live in South America. Maybe it's an issue with your CC info?